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Day: August 19, 2013

Update on The Girlfriend and other blog stuff

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Hey there everybody! I know you’re all probably tired of this blog being one big, extended commercial for The Girlfriend, but I wanted to update everybody on what’s going on with the release. Because I didn’t quite understand the process over at Amazon, the Kindle version of the The Girlfriend released two days early. I thought it was going to take forty-eight hours to publish to Amazon, it really only took twelve. And actually, it took less than twelve. It takes forty-eight hours to publish to Amazon in other countries, that was the part I misunderstood.

Unfortunately, that means everyone who pre-ordered or who will be ordering over at Smashwords are now getting the book after everyone else. I put a note into customer service at Smashwords and I’m waiting to hear back to see if I can get it released before Tuesday.

This was exactly the situation I was trying to avoid by not going through the Kindle Select program, so I’m very sorry to everyone who didn’t get the book early. I promise, I’ll have this figured out better for Raptors of The Great Plains. If I hear back from Smashwords before tomorrow, you’ll hear about it on twitter. In the meantime, if you were planning to buy The Girlfriend from Amazon, you can find it here.

As for other blog stuff! I’m so happy to be working on the next BtVS recap, and that will be up tomorrow!