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Day: June 30, 2014

Fat Woman Wears Bikini in Public, Earth’s Orbit Unaffected

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This is the first of what will be several writing retreat related posts this year, but I feel like this is the most important one:



That’s right. I fulfilled New Year’s resolution #4. I wore a bikini in public. While being fat. This is me at Hunter’s Point in Copper Harbor, standing in Lake Superior. I should point out that this is as “in the water” as I got for my entire trip; there was still ice in Superior as recently as two weeks ago, and since it was a balmy fifty degrees Fahrenheit outside, swimming was not an option.



This was a really fun resolution, because when I told people about it, it usually went like this:

Me: I’m going to wear a bikini this year!

Person: Oh, good for you! Are you doing Weight Watchers?

Me: No, I said I’m going to be wearing a bikini. I didn’t say I was dieting.

Person: *face melts off like the idea of my fatness in a two-piece is the equivalent of staring into the Arc of The Covenant.*

But you know what? I’m not displeased with the results. I look like a chubby pinup girl. The bathing suit is from Forever 21, if you’re looking for a similar one.

So, anybody out there with a not-so-perfect body wearing something daring this year? Email me your pics at if you’re feeling brave, and I’ll put them on the blog!