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Day: March 2, 2015

State of The Trout: “Poo Brain” edition

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So, do any of you guys watch Adventure Time? It’s an awesome show. In an early episode, the heroes, Finn and Jake, find their sleep disturbed when a horse won’t stop staring through their window at night. It can’t moved, reasoned with, or dissuaded. It just stands there, staring. Jake diagnoses the animal as having “poo brain.”

poo brain


I have come to adopt this phrase in place of “Fibro fog,” the common description of the mental sluggishness that is symptomatic of a Fibromyalgia flare-up. It’s a way better term for how I feel. I don’t feel “foggy,” I straight up feel like someone took a shit in my brain, and it’s good for nothing.

Luckily, my case of poo brain didn’t last longer than a week, but that week ate up a considerable chunk of writing time. I mostly tweeted and tumblred, because that was how long my attention span lasted. I couldn’t focus on anything.

So, now I am behind. Way behind. I had a manuscript I wanted to turn in to my publisher today; I still have a scene and a chapter to go. But because I’m off schedule with that, it means I’ve having to start work on my next project at the same time. Which means extra work, which means less time here for wacky blog shenanigans.

So, this is a State of The Trout update to let you know that I am not dead, I am still alive, I’m just overwhelmed with work I fell behind on when I got poo brain. After this week, I’ll hopefully be back to a normal schedule and I can get an Apolonia recap done and work on some Buffy.

I also want to publicly apologize to Nicholas at the Portage Crossings GameStop. I told him I would take his survey within the next three days, but I forgot. Sorry, Nicholas.