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My Twitter Mentions: The Trashening

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Now, I know that I’ve said I’m hanging up my Fifty Shades of Grey critique hat. And I meant it. But just because I’m done with a thing, that doesn’t mean that thing is done with me (see also: Catholicism, ice cream with too many wacky ingredients, my three separate lifetime bans from the Sprinkle Rd. Denny’s). And last week, whoo boy. Last week, Fifty Shades of Grey was certainly not done with me.

Are you ready to venture down one of the deepest, darkest rabbit holes you’ll ever find in fandom?

The day after the Oscars, I noticed something that really grossed me out.

A tweet from "DamieForever" that reads "Bellissimiiiiii #Damie #Oscars #DakotaJohnson #JamieDornan" with heart eyes emoticons and hearts. There are three attached pictures of Dornan and Johnson presenting at the Oscars, and one photo of Dornan's wife sitting between him and Dakota. The photo has been manipulated so that Dornan's wife is in black and white.


A tweet from "Fran" that reads "Look at her like she's the only one you see #Damie" with the same photo of Dornan and Johnson with his wife between them. The photo has been manipulated to place a giant heart over his wife, completely blocking her out.

This post is going to be wildly image heavy, so follow the cut if you’re curious to see how this all plays out.

So, horrified beyond words, I added my two cents about these asinine tweets from thoroughly asinine real-person shippers:

A tweet from me, saying, "Just when I thought people couldn't get grosser, I find out there are Jamie Dornan/Dakota Johnson shippers. HE IS MARRIED STOP IT." A tweet from me saying "I don't understand fans who need the actors they ship to be secretly in love on the side. That's so intrusive and gross." Here, I've quoted the tweet from DamieForever and added, "See the woman between them in that picture? IT'S JAMIE DORNAN'S WIFE. Imagine if someone B&Wed you out of a photo with your partner."

I quoted Fran's tweet and added, "Imagine if someone put a heart over your face to blank you out of a photo to imply that your partner REALLY loves someone else.

In the spirit of the internet, those first two tweets were ignored, while the last two were roundly chastised. Allegations that I was a “Damie” shipper myself rolled in, prompting me to correct them:

Two tweets from me, reading, "I promise you, I do not think it is appropriate to photoshop someone out of a picture with their partner" and "Before you reply to one of my Dakota Johnson/Jamie Dornan tweets from this afternoon, consider reading them all first."

And read them all the Damie shippers did, opening the floodgates for what resulted in four days of insults, tweet-n-runs, and full out delusions.

Many of them assumed that I didn’t know what ships and shipping were about:

A quoted tweet that reads: "@Jenny_Trout don't get into.a fandom if u cant gandle ships and shippers... so bye byeeee" and my response, "Yeah, I really shouldn't have gotten into the 50 Shades fandom" with a wealth of crying laughing smiley faces.

Clearly, my advanced age was the issue:

A quoted tweet that reads: "@jenny_trout Older people do not understand the shipp because it is something of the younger generation." with my reply, "This 'no understanding' is something 'older people' call maturity and not being creeps on the internet."

A quoted tweet that says, "@jenny_trout old women don't understand younger generation. I think it's none of your business." with some crying laughing smiley faces, and my response, "I forgot I was dealing with a fandom that thinks 27 is impossibly old."

A quoted tweet, "@jenny_trout Just as you dont know about this ship. Don't waste the minutes that are left out of the old people's home. Bye." and my reply, "Youth is wasted on the brainless."

If you were here during the Great Fifty Shades of Grey Recap Of Basically The Entire Last Five Years, you know that one of the supposedly insurmountable obstacles in Christian Grey and Anastasia Rose Steele Grey Limited Holdings Incorporated was their vast age gap. After all, Ana was twenty-two and Christian was…twenty-seven.

And if you weren’t here for that? Yes, it was a major point of contention in the series.

So basically, I’m just too ancient to understand the appeal of publicly rooting for the demise of a real person’s marriage. Although, they have confused “public” with “private”:

Someone quoted my tweet about the ship being gross and added their reply: "Um how bout minding your own god damn business and less interference with our fandom? Since you like snooping around so much."

One might think that I pawed tirelessly through great swaths of internet to uncover these meek, harmless shippers keeping to themselves, but in reality, I just found them posting all their nonsense on a heavily trafficked hashtag. And despite the fact that I didn’t hashtag the tweet they were replying to, they somehow found it. How? By obsessively combing social media, looking for people to pick fights with. I was warned by several 50SoG fans that this wasn’t exactly the most…reasonable fandom to deal with. In fact, they informed me of that, themselves:

A quoted tweet that reads, "This is not really a fandom that you want to start shit with. I'm just warning you." and my reply, "What are you gonna do, photoshop me out of my wedding pictures?"

They weren’t really as dangerous as they wanted me to think they were. More like really, really annoying. I received hundreds of tweets from people who really didn’t care about my opinion or want to talk to me:

A quoted tweet from me: "Day three of Dakota Johnson/Jamie Dornan shippers thinking I want to talk to them." and a reply from "Penny/Lady Gaga": "Maybe we would care if we knew who are you but you can relax,we don't give a damn about irrelevant people."

A quoted tweet: "@jenny_trout who are you the shipper police! We don't need your opinion or want it." and my reply, "Yet I gave it and now you have it."

A quoted tweet: "Who the hell are you? NOBODY WANTS TO TALK TO YOU! RID´ICULA!" and my reply, "Except for all the Damie shippers in my mentions for the past three days."

They cared so little, all over the world:

A quoted tweet: "Tiriça, você só quer atenção! Maneira errada de tentar sair do flop (next) bjssss" and my reply, "Did I just get clumsily dragged in Portuguese? That's a fucking first."

They didn’t care at all! They didn’t care for four whole days of non-stop non-caring, by which time fans of Fifty Shades of Grey were out in force defending me. It was like the Joker protecting Batman from the other Arkham inmates because they were just going way too far.

Of course, their behavior wasn’t their fault:

A quoted tweet, "You really brought shippers into your notifications. Don't blame anyone else for that." and my reply, "I can blame all you freaks for your shitty behavior right now, and I do. Fight me."

They weren’t responsible for flooding my mentions for days with their nonsense. I was responsible because I made them mad. If I hadn’t made them mad, they wouldn’t have spent four days hurling abuse at me.

Huh. That sounds like some books I read once.

A weird contingency of the shippers insisted that “Damie” is real, and that there’s plenty of proof that Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan are in a romantic relationship:

A tweet: "@Jenny_trout plus that's when men cheats the most when there married!!! so don't come for us if we don't call you!!!

Tweets like this were sometimes accompanied by photographic evidence of the alleged affair. And by “photographic evidence” I mean pictures of the pair posing on magazine covers, the red carpet, presenting at awards shows, or actually filming the movie in which they pretend to be in love. While some people might think those photos from the set are just examples of the pair “acting,” the Damies know what’s really going down.

Despite my advanced age, a few people thought I just didn’t understand the concept of internet fandom because I was too new at this or too sheltered or…something:

A quoted tweet: "Also, 'shippers' have existed since *at least* the original Star Trek days." and my reply, "Yeah, it's not shippers I have a problem with. It's people who actively root for a guy to cheat on his wife. But niiiiiice reach."
(Veritaserum has contacted me to explain that this tweet wasn’t condoning the Damies’ behavior, but reacting to the “UR SO OLD” tweets. My bad.)

A quoted tweet: "it's called being a fan/supporter of someone, idk if you've ever heard of that but it's pretty damn normal.. you're just wack.." and my reply, "It's not supportive of a person to wish their family would be torn apart."

Since they brought Star Trek into this, I decided to ask someone who might be familiar with the history of “shipping”:

My tweet, quoted: "Is @WilliamShatner anti-Damie? File under questions I never saw myself tweeting." with William God Damn Shatner's reply: "[shocked smiley face] Absolutely against it. That's what drove him off Social Media!"

And Mr. Shatner is absolutely correct. Because of concentrated abuse from his “fans,” Jamie Dornan and his wife (Amelia Warner, but known to Damie shippers as “the hag”) have had to leave social media due to people saying “disgusting things” about them and their children.

Eventually, the Damies got distracted and wandered away, as toddlers are wont to do. But the experience left me with a bad taste in my mouth. At one point, I joked that E.L. James needed to come pick up her trash, but only hours (and many, many tweets) later, that didn’t seem funny to me anymore. After all, she just wrote a book. She didn’t cast the actors or encourage the Damies to behave this way. And that’s something I find terribly frightening. Once someone creates something, be it a book or a movie or a space captain character who travels distant galaxies with beads of sweat glistening on his manly, manly brow, it’s out of their hands. What fans choose to do with it–for example, weaponize it against people in real life–is up to the fans alone.

A tweet from me: "So like, if I have a giant blockbuster book and any of you act like this, I will publically shame you."

And I really, really mean that.

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  1. zvi

    Probably late to the party, but I just wanted to comment that the blog redesign looks nice.

    Also, I appreciate that you are prepared to publicly shame fans who act this creepy towards some people who are clearly just trying to make a living by playing pretend in public.

    March 7, 2017
    • zvi

      OH! it’s nice except for the way blog comments are centered. That’s pretty terrible.

      March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      I thought I should probably have a blog like many bloggers do where they like, actually promote their paying gigs in ads on the side? Like a grown up? LOL.

      But yeah, I hate that comments center. I love the way they’re nested (because the old format was hard to follow when threads got long), but the centering is blech.

      March 7, 2017
      • zvi

        If you wanted to send me a copy of your stylesheet, I can probably find the part in it which is telling the comments to center and tell you what to change. Should be a literally one word change.

        March 8, 2017
        • JennyTrout

          Someone sent me the code. Now I just have to go in and plug it in. 😀

          March 10, 2017
  2. Anna

    I’m laughing so hard at these dumbasses who thing “old people” can’t understand fandom or shipping. Nah, man, it’s just that their ship is gross and they should feel gross. Looks like you hit a nerve with them, or else they wouldn’t have bothered you for so long. I recall this same thing happening around Passengers–people shipping Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, even though Pratt is married to Anna Faris.

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      I told a few of them that I had been in fandoms since before they were born, and they just *lost it*. Because that PROVED I was too old to understand shipping!

      March 7, 2017
    • Jennifer Lillian
      Jennifer Lillian

      Although maybe there’s some kind of connection there to 50 Shades, after all, Passengers is basically a movie-long how-to for Stockholm Syndrome.

      March 7, 2017
  3. shel

    People are wacky when it comes to this stuff, I don’t know what it is about certain books/movies/TV that just drive this insane behavior against anyone with a different opinion… or the need to pair up the actors that play the roles. I didn’t realize “damie” was a thing, because it seemed to me like they had no interest in eachother during the promotion for the first movie, and though I didn’t know he was married, I don’t automatically jump from they play love interests on screen so they must have fallen in love (even if sometimes when it happens, it’s sort of adorable, IMO, like Sookie and Beeeeel).

    Sorry you had to go through the twitter storm, but it is amusing to read as a bystander!

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      Sookeh and Beel as a couple just mystifies me, because after they hooked up IRL, their chemistry on the show went out the window. Like, how did that happen?!

      March 7, 2017
      • shel

        It’s like that old thing from Friends when Joey was explain how you can tell if actors are sleeping together- if they have a ton of chemistry on screen, they haven’t hooked up… but once they hook up, the chemistry disappears ;P

        Though I do think their chemistry was a little better in the later seasons, despite the terribleness of the later seasons… but I wonder if it’s because they were more adversarial instead of schmoopy in love.

        That was another fandom that got a bit scary when it came to people hating the RL couple because it didn’t fit what they wanted on the show… or the shipping of Anna Paquin with Skarsgaard despite the fact that she was married and pregnant etc.

        March 7, 2017
        • Indigo

          Isn’t there a bit in “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, where once Sibyl Vane falls in love with Dorian she loses all her onstage ability because now she knows what real passion is?

          March 8, 2017
  4. Alison

    Five years from now, when they are all very very old (in their early 20’s), they will think about these tweets and be very embarrassed. I hope.

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      What absolutely terrifies me is that many of these people are already in their twenties. If people listed their ages in their bios and they were under 18, I didn’t post or retweet them.

      March 7, 2017
  5. Legra

    The fact that these Twitter commenters think 27 is ancient suggests that they’re like… 13… distressing and embarrassing all in one.

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      There were a few who listed themselves as like, 15 in their bios, so I was careful to check out ages before responding. But oh. My. God. I had one lady who literally had grandchildren calling me old. I’m like…you’re 19 years older than I am. Plus, Jamie Dornan is only two years younger than me.

      March 7, 2017
  6. Sadie

    Jennie, u cant gandle the truth.

    OK, it’s probably not nice to make fun of people who can’t spell, but it makes it soooooo much easier to dismiss them.

    And also, the “men cheats the most when there married” (sic) comment cracked me up because… yeah, it’s called cheating because they’re IN A RELATIONSHIP. (Not to dismiss non-married relationships.) Still.

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      THANK YOU. Like, how the fuck do cheat if you don’t have a partner? It’s like saying “water falls from the sky most when it’s raining.”

      March 7, 2017
  7. Mouse

    if 27 is ancient, my 32 year old ass wants to go up to them and go “behold the ravages of age” as I point to one of the 5 or so grey hairs I have. Omg- what a bunch of thin skinned obtuse creeps.

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      Honestly, I don’t know how I manage to get on this newfangled doodad and even send the tweets through the interwebs.

      March 7, 2017
  8. Mel

    Why did these dummies name their ship “Damie” when they could have gone with “Jamkota”?

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      See, it’s people like us who should be in charge of ship names.

      March 7, 2017
    • Spockchick

      Lol! I like Jamkota 😉

      March 12, 2017
    • Teresa

      I hate these stupid shipping names: Bennifer, Brangelina…..But Jamkota is pretty damn cool

      March 15, 2017
  9. Katsuro Ricksand
    Katsuro Ricksand

    Fandoms, man… Fandoms. When they go dark, they go DARK. Obviously most fans are nice, sure, but some? Some of them make you remember that the word “fan” derives from “fanatic.”

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      I assume the “-atic” half comes from that other word…

      March 7, 2017
  10. ViolettaD

    Give Dornan and Johnson credit for unsuspected talent. They managed to conceal their True Love for each other all throughout the actual MOVIE, during which there is, according to consensus, apparently no sign of it, nor indeed of any chemistry whatsoever.

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      Like smashing two Barbies together.

      March 7, 2017
      • ViolettaD

        Jenny, please please PLEASE get us all bootleg copies of part 2 and do a live-blog while we simul-view….

        March 7, 2017
    • Ange

      And in real life where they usually have a face like the other one smells bad when they have to stand next to each other.

      March 8, 2017
  11. Westie80

    Hi jenny I am a first and foremost a fan of Jamie and Millie. The damies are just sick disgusting very jealous adolescent group of young teenagers I would love for their parents to find out what they do on Twitter and IG as many of them have said they still live at home.
    They have no respect for the marriage of Jamie and Millie and they keep saying we are attackimg their ‘queen’ Dakota. They also say all they (Jamie/Dakota) got to do is say something against them (damie) and they will stop well Jamie did and they have done nothing but attack Jamie and Millie they have also made death threats to Millie and have attacked the couples daughters which I think should of had their accounts removed but Twitter won’t delete their accounts

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      The fact that they refer to you guys as…I don’t remember what the name is, but the combination of him and his wife’s names? Like they think you guys need to have a ship name for a married couple? That blows my mind.

      March 7, 2017
      • Westie80

        Yes Jenny they call us jamlias or jams. It’s really bizarre lol

        March 7, 2017
  12. AltoFronto

    I will never understand “fans” who are so vile as to drive the people they supposedly idolise away from Twitter.
    If more creators put their foot down over stuff like this, as you propose to do, it might curb the problem – but it shouldn’t really be the creator’s job to manage all the weirdos of the world.

    But more importantly, Jenny – How did you incur THREE lifetime bans from a Denny’s?? I thought that was, like, one of those limbo places that you only ever “end up” at, around 4am – what the hell did it take to get banned from such a place as Denny’s?

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      It’s a long and complicated history, but one involved me telling a waitress to wring some cottage cheese out of her panties, so…

      I basically deserved all them.

      March 7, 2017
      • Goddesstio

        I so desperately want a blog post about your Denny’s bans now

        March 8, 2017
        • ViolettaD

          Second that!

          March 8, 2017
          • Casey


            March 10, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      Honestly, I think I saw all of them during those four days.

      March 7, 2017
  13. Megan M.
    Megan M.

    Wow, bless your heart. People just really have no empathy or compassion sometimes. The same thing happened when Gene Wilder died, and people were sharing all these memes about how he and Gilda Radner could finally be reunited – that must have felt awful for his current widow, who he was married to for 25 years! Yes, sometimes actors are really good at their jobs and have amazing chemistry onscreen, but publicly hoping they’ll cheat on their spouses or partners with each other is taking it too far.

    This actually happened to me in real life (sort of.) We heard that an ex-girlfriend of my husband had been getting pressure from her family to “settle down” either with the man she’d just broken up with, or my husband. I was like, “So … Did they just forget about your current wife and our three children, then?” It was very strange to know that people who had actually met me and seemed to like me would be just fine with their daughter or granddaughter (his ex) attempting to bust up our marriage.

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      That is wild. But yeah, the thing about Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner was gross as fuck.

      March 7, 2017
    • Madridista

      Wow, I can totally relate to that, on a smaller scale. One of my boyfriend’s long-time friends repeatedly tried to set him up with a friend of hers, and sent him her photos, after not only knowing that he was dating me, but that I spent Christmas with his family just couple weeks before! Now I’ve only met this friend once in the middle of our first date (she stopped by the same restaurant with her date/boyfriend), so I thought maybe she’s doing it because to her I exist only in abstract sense, but knowing it happened in your circumstances as well, leaves all kinds of bad taste in my mouth. My boyfriend also revealed that a lot of married women (wives of his business associates) and his ex-wife’s friends (attached and unattached) have hit on and propositioned him while he was not single and available! It astounds me that someone would go behind their friend’s or S.O.’s back like that. It astounds me even more that someone would root for a man to leave his wife and kids, so he could recreate onscreen romance in real life with his colleague. How is that appealing even in fantasy? “You left your wife for me? Great. Let’s see how long it’ll take you to do the same to me.” Seriously, how’s that romantic?

      March 7, 2017
  14. Madridista

    It sounds like some of these people don’t know the difference between the fictional CHARACTERS in a franchise and the real life of ACTORS portraying them. I write and read about a romantic pairing that would never have been possible in either the books or the movies of Harry Potter franchise. As much as I adore my OTP, I would never, ever take it outside of fiction and try to apply my fantasies to the actors portraying the characters. I’m not going to be on twitter and other social media wishing for the actors to get together or creating a fan page for their (wishful) relationship. I thought in fandom it’s understood that you’re fan of characters or actors who play them, or both, but it all stops short of actually wanting actors to BE the characters. I can see how when both romantic leads are single, but when they’re in relationships, it feels gross and intrusive, like Jenny said — it’s no longer about fictional ship, but real people’s lives and feelings. Entertainment industry is full of stories of onset affairs and flings without the need to invent more. To me, it’s very disrespectful to the people involved and their partners.

    I had an experience recently that made me really sensitive to stuff like this. My boyfriend has married and unmarried women proposition him a lot while knowing that he is in a relationship with me. It happened in his first marriage as well, some of his ex-wife’s friends even did that. While it’s not anyone’s job to safe-guard or like other people’s relationships, any decent human being would at least be respectful about it; posts on social media with photoshopped pics and insinuations about one look (out of a 1000s that night) are opposite of that. If some people wished for the significant other of these shippers to leave them for that person’s colleague, would they be so dismissive then, I wonder?

    March 7, 2017
    • ViolettaD

      Know what you mean. I started crushing on Alan Rickman long before Harry Potter, when I saw him play Valmont in “Liaisons” on B’way, but it had nothing to do with Rickman himself. If I’d met him, he’d have been, um, an ACTOR, although obviously a brilliant one. He could play likable guys just as believably (i.e., Col. Brandon in “Sense and Sensibility,” the hiardresser in “Blow Dry”). It was the FANTASY I liked.

      March 7, 2017
  15. Alison

    It’s funny how ships are something only young people understand and at the same time they have been around since Star Trek. So all the young people who shipped Kirk and Spock suddenly forgot what a ship was when they turned thirty. Or something.

    This situation reminds me so much of a teenager stomping their foot and telling their mom “you just don’t understand what it’s like to be in love!” and running off to their bedroom and slamming the door.

    March 7, 2017
  16. Suzy

    I got into it once with someone regarding an actor’s sexuality. They thought the actor was gay and should come out. I am of the opinion that sexuality is a persons private business and to make assumptions is to act as though you have a right to the information, which you don’t…ever. And no one has to share any part of their personal life that don’t wish to share…ever.
    Plus the fact that those “Damie” shippers wish to actively hurt another human being so they can have their little fantasy makes them the lowest form of life. I hope karma rebounds on them like the Nemesis she is!

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      I see that A LOT in Supernatural fandom. I get really annoyed at some of the Cockles shippers because they take it way, way, waaaaaaaaaay too far.

      March 10, 2017
  17. As someone who was once involved in an incredibly toxic fandom and shipped the actors in it, I have SEEEEENN SOME SHIIITTT. Thankfully I got myself out of it (and probably said stuff I’d be embarrassed about if I ever looked hard enough). There was one girl I came across through Tumblr after jumping over from LiveJournal who had all of this “I’m a super great ally because I love shipping two dudes who have never said they’re queer” nonsense on her blog and her Twitter. She also liked to tweet horrible things about their wives – often directly at these women. Of course she had a “love is love” rainbow icon. *intense eye rolling*

    March 7, 2017
    • I liked RPF fandoms much much better back when they were sequestered on their own little websites that you could only get to if you knew about them.

      And they didn’t try to contact the actual real-life people like. At all.

      Social media changed things, man.

      (also Google but that’s a whole different thing. Pre-Google fandom was a trip.)

      March 8, 2017
  18. Maril

    The idea of ‘shipping’ real people bothers me a LOT, let alone when you throw in that one of them is already happily married with kids. It’s one thing with characters in fiction; you’re privy to their thoughts, their private behaviours, in many cases, you’re metaphorically being asked to put yourself in that characters shoes, so they’re in a way an extension of yourself in a lot of the time. But when it’s REAL PEOPLE, that’s an entirely different story. You have no idea how they like to spend their alone time, or what they find attractive, or whether or not they could handle someone who never does their own dishes…

    You’re essentially creating characters out of real people, and then expecting those real people to live up to your creation. It’s gross, it’s intrusive, and it’s CREEPY. Having been the ‘other woman’ in a somewhat similar situation, even when you’re not the one with a significant other, I assure you, this is really unpleasant. My roommate was of the opposite gender, and I lived with him for several years, but he had a very long term gf. But a disturbing number of people were convinced that because we’d been friends and roommates for so long, CLEARLY we were meant to be and it was simply a matter of time. It made me not want to be around him… It also made me not want to be around the people who were clearly paying more attention to my love life than I was.

    He and his then gf are now married and I am living in another country :p Time did not prove me wrong and those people right. But it did make me a smug bastard who will happily shove that in their faces >_> <_<

    March 7, 2017
  19. Mary

    I find it really funny how they are showing one side when I have seen attacks and threats on Dakota and her family since 2014 by the lovely innocent fans of Jamie and Amelia fans. They go on Dakota’s families and friends accounts trolling vile comments, making threats even against her dog. They posted a pic of her throat slashed, they have attack Melanie who has nothing to do with fifty shades but targets her from day one and these are the same folks that retweet your tweets! Their “boss queen” Amelia is a former actress very much was in the media but people like Mr shatner thinks it’s acceptable for Dakota to get hate from Jamie and Amelia fans and it’s unacceptable for the same for Jamie and Amelia. Dakota left social media, she deleted her private accounts due to being targets by the 30+ hate accounts which distort Dakota’s pictures and call her ugly, shaming her and her mother for doing nudity from his fandom. Their fans even admitted the hate they do to Dakota is the same hate the fans learned from them! Stop being a hypocrite!

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      Yes, how hypocritical of me to talk about the Damies sending me four days worth of incessant abuse without also writing a post about the four days of incessant abuse other people did not send me.

      March 7, 2017
      • Mary

        Sorry but didn’t you go seeking them out to gain attention for your book? Definitely a convenient timing considering the 2nd installment of the film is trending!

        March 7, 2017
        • shel

          What about Jenny’s tweet says anything about her book? She noticed something trending after the Oscars and commented on it… that’s sort of how twitter works…

          And I assume she was not expecting the tweet storm that followed, so random people attacking her for sharing her opinion on something that I think many people would agree is a good opinion, must have been a bit unexpected… and frankly kind of frightening.

          And nowhere does Jenny say anything negative about Dakota (or Jamie) because she understands that they are people who are doing their jobs by playing characters in a movie….

          March 7, 2017
          • Mary

            So she said she is not a fan of fifty shades, after seeking out damies shippers she tweets about her book lmao ok whatever you say!

            March 8, 2017
          • JennyTrout

            1) I never sought you Damie freaks out. With the exception of the two tweets I quoted, I never hashtagged anyone. The two tweets I quoted weren’t even the ones that got a response. All I had to do was tweet the word Damie, and my mentions filled up.

            2) I tweeted about my book after legions of you Damie freaks insisted I was trying to get my “fifteen minutes of fame.” I even said in the tweet about my book that as long as you weirdos were going to insist I was using your pathetic delusions to get famous (you guys really, really are not going to help anyone get famous because you’re not as important or well-known as you believe you are) that I might as well take advantage of you.

            Coming here, leaving repeated, rambling messages about how evil Jamie Dornan’s wife is or whatever is not going to convince anyone that you’re all reasonable people. You’re not helping your cause. You look ridiculous and believe me, most of the readers here are laughing at the spectacle you’re making of yourselves.

            March 8, 2017
          • JennyTrout

            Just so you know, Shel, my comment below was directed toward Mary.

            March 8, 2017
        • Jemmy

          I don’t see Jenny “seeking out” the Daime shippers. She didn’t hashtag the tweet. If she wanted them to notice her she would have hashtagged it to get attention.

          The Daimes were on the prowl for someone to attack. Four days worth of harrassment towards someone who wasn’t talking to them in the first place.

          March 8, 2017
        • JennyTrout

          The second movie hasn’t trended in the U.S. since its release day.

          March 8, 2017
          • ViolettaD

            “‘I tweeted about my book after legions of you Damie freaks insisted I was trying to get my ‘fifteen minutes of fame.'”–Well, shame on you, Jenny for writing a satire of a notorious H’wood backstory–as opposed to El James, who ripped off an entire series by another author to get HER fifteen minutes of fame, and wasn’t apparently even trying to be satirical.

            BTW, the satire of H’wood is a classic trope. “Adaptation,” “Hollywood Shuffle,” and “S.O.B.” all took a crack at it. Back in the ’30s, Clare Boothe Luce (author of iconic bitchfest “The Women”) wrote a script called “Kiss the Boys Goodbye,” about the effort to cast a Civil War Epic obviously based on GWTW. One of the main characters is a demented Southern belle wanna-be starlet who punches people in the stomach whenever she doesn’t get her way–sounds like the role model for some of these shippers.

            March 8, 2017
    • Atrista

      The only hypocrite here is you. You denounce the harassment of Dakota but at the same time come and harass Jenny. Do you have any self awareness?

      The arguments Jenny made in her post against the damies apply to people who harass Dakota and her family in the name of warped fandom. Both are wrong and should be discouraged. We don’t need to discuss all of the problems with fandoms gone wrong in order to make a valid argument about one in particular that falls closer to home. It’s the same problem with people discrediting feminist movements in the US because they don’t solve all of feminist problems around the world. It is derailing the conversation and doing more harm than good.

      March 8, 2017
      • JennyTrout

        Not to mention the fact that this post was about the Damies because they were the ones sending hate to me for four days.

        March 8, 2017
  20. Juliana

    You should visit these accounts on Instagram @123freddyscomingforyou @sarcasm_666.6 @bestofyouxo and see the other side of Jamie and Amelia “angelic” fans!

    March 7, 2017
  21. Carrie

    Damies are wrong but Jamie and Amelia fans are the same…they both are shit! I can’t wait until these franchise is done!

    March 7, 2017
  22. Kayla

    Just wanted to drop a quick thanks for all the image descriptions, especially in this post. They’re appreciated!

    March 7, 2017
    • JennyTrout

      I try to make sure to post them!

      March 8, 2017
  23. Amanda

    The fans are expecting these two to be together just like Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. After all, 50SoG is Twilight, no?

    March 7, 2017
  24. Amanda

    In fact that a sector does this kind of stupidity, does not give them the right to, to defend Jamie and Amelia throw shit in Dakota and all his family and that is what many fans of Jamie and his wife do,Call her a whore for the movie of fifty or say that she is a loser because she is not married and has no children,This happens to many couples is not the first, obviously not justified but at least the fans of the other couples do not shoot to kill the co-worker,And I’m talking about Sam (outlander), charlie hunnam, benedict, etc, etc.At least the fans of those couples are a little more intelligent and do not fall to the same level as those crazy clinging with their ship,But jamie’s fans and his wife are on the same level as the damies, even though they act as the most innocent in the world

    March 7, 2017
    • Westie80

      Not all of Jamie and Millie’s attack Dakota. My friends on twitter and I respect Dakota and feel sorry for her to have fans such as damies they are wanting her to break up a marriage ffs they (damies) are basically calling her that not us

      March 7, 2017
      • Amanda

        The damies want and admire Dakota just to have something more with jamie and I agree they want to make it look like a homes break,But the fans of Jamie and Amelia despite knowing and having the truth in their hands, even though they call the damies, idiots, mentally retarded, pathetic to insult amelia, for wanting to break a family,In spite of all that they insult Dakota denigrate her for everything if she dresses low is a whore, if she touches a hair to jamie is a whore, if she wins a prize is a garbage prize or her parents bought it,That she can not hold a man is a loser and Amelia a winner, that she is not a woman to admire because she dresses with neckline, because she likes fashion, because she has no children and husband,
        Jamie’s fans and his wife have changed too much, from being intelligent beings, they became a circus in the same shit as the damies

        March 8, 2017
        • Roxy

          Thank you Amanda! I couldn’t have said it better myself! Jamie and Amelia fans have are disgusting even wishing death threats on damies who are equally the same level as them, but constantly saying they should died, threatening them with bombs, wishing they could have cancer is the lowest form of humanity!

          March 8, 2017
        • But Ofcourse Dakota Johnson Fans do absolutely nothing I mean they just trash Jamie and Amelia. Make fun of them or Hate Leonardo Dicaprio because he is the producers of Jamie’s new project. Want his kid to die aww so innocent and lovely Queen fans I mean goong on every article bashing Jamie’s existence and Amelia is daughter of satan etc 90k way to kill or bash Amelia I mean gow imsecure they all are?Even Recently when Jamie’s sister share their late mother and tell us Her mother was adopted. Lovely and classy DJ fans even don’t let the Dornan’s late mother get some peace and said thank God one Dornan is less in the world and His late mother(who was a Nurse) was a whore because she don’t knew her birth mother name?Wow classy aren’t you all. Dakota Johnson fans are obsessed fanatics who I am sure are active in criminal activities, the way they talk and abuse is speechless. They want a reaction out you so they can play victim. How innocent they are is just show how blind and characterless they are. Thankfully fifty is done and both parties can live in peace. One can hope.

          March 11, 2017
          • Chow

            First of all NoahLakes with your 35354356436436 accounts all over social media trolling hate about Dakota and her family, why don’t you stop spreading lies lol who the hell hated on Leo? He was tagged a several screenshots of YOU hateful Jamie Dornan and Boss Queen fans who post about Dakota and her Family daily you must have forgotten he is good friends with Dakota and boy was it funny seeing you all in a panicking knowing your idol might lose his job because of the you VILE trash fans do to his actual friend. Don’t worry Leo’s step sister Emily you know Dakota’s BFF was also included in the message. Kisses!

            March 16, 2017
          • ViolettaD

            Um…who in the name of Cthulhu ARE you people?

            March 16, 2017
  25. Trevor

    Why, you do not save this at the end of the day is not the first couple to go through this … and last minute news will not be the last … there are still girls clinging to kristen and robert
    Why you do not just tell us … read my books, I’m starving

    March 7, 2017
    • blue bean
      blue bean

      I mean, just because it’s happened to other people doesn’t mean no one should call it out now.

      March 9, 2017
  26. Alisha

    Is nobody else totally squee-ing over WILLIAM FUCKING SHATNER responding to Jenny?!

    March 8, 2017
    • Atrista

      I did!!

      March 8, 2017
    • Roxy

      Nope, he trolls daily for Outlander shippers.

      March 8, 2017
  27. Jemmy

    I found the whole thing really entertaining off on the side where I didn’t have to manage any of it. The premise of their ship is awful, it makes me wonder if any of them are in relationships and how they would feel if people were actively hoping their relationship ended badly.

    It is scary how people must proactively comb social media looking for things to get upset about and attack others.

    March 8, 2017
  28. Westie80

    Not my friends we don’t insult Dakota by calling her a whore we feel sorry for her for all the hate she gets yes her dresses are low cut but it’s her choice to wear them Dakota loves wearing Gucci and most of them have been beautiful everyone has the right to say if they dislike a dress but all this hate towards Dakota and Millie has to STOP its getting ridiculous and life threatening that has been made towards them is bang out of order from both groups of so called fans. I will be glad when FSF has been released and hopefully one day the hate will die down and the accounts who are directing all the hate for both Millie and Dakota will be closed down for once and for all they don’t deserve it and the craziness of it started because of a certain French woman!! . The damies are delusional to think Jamie will leave his wife. It’s clear to see in every photo you see of them together the love they share for the other.
    I hope Dakota will find that someone special who she wants to spend the rest of her life with I know there has been speculation that she has kissed a woman resently if she did good for her.

    March 8, 2017
    • Roxy

      I am sorry don’t you roll with the same haters that attack Dakota and her family daily, don’t go acting innocent because “you don’t insult her”, many of you have several dummy accounts, spit your insults and act like angels like you never had a hand in the reason why your “queen” excuse me Boss Queen Amelia gets hate.

      March 8, 2017
      • Westie80

        No I don’t roll with haters. I don’t go round spreading hate towards Dakota. And Millie isn’t our queen or boss queen she is just a wife and mum who is trying to get on with her career and raise her girls with her husband Jamie away from the madness. I respect Dakota if you don’t believe that is your choice. I’ve said what I wanted to say as far as I’m concerned the madness started with a certain French woman spreading her lies about everything fifty and that’s when all the hate started

        March 8, 2017
    • Amanda

      Im sorry but this ➡ I hope Dakota will find that someone special who she wants to spend the rest of her life with I know there has been speculation that she has kissed a woman resently if she did good for her ⬅. Sounds exactly like a fan of Jamie and his wife who hates Dakota, but uses the Damies as a shield so that we do not see that their true hatred is towards Dakota, if they only hated the Damies, they would stop speculating about the Dakota’s love life, they would stop seeing things where they do not exist …. also speculated that Jamie and his wife were going to divorce and that I care? it worries me? The answer is not because # 1 is her life not mine # 2 because I do not believe in speculations

      March 9, 2017
      • Westie80

        i don’t care if you believe me or not I know I respect Dakota I also have a IG account for the two women and if she is gay that is also her business I know what I saw in the photo on Twitter so stop attacking me about it. All the hate just has to stop. All of you people with the hate accounts grow up all of this started with you and don’t care who started what just stop it!

        March 9, 2017
        • Jackie

          LMAO westie80 you are exactly the problem with Jamie and his wife’s fandom don’t act innocent now. That’s what you all do 24/7 for Dakota for having friends when she is not filming and far away from your favs yet you still bring up her name instead of focus on your “idols”.

          March 11, 2017
          • Westie80

            I’m just defending my self. So I don’t give a damn what you and the damies think. I’m sick of being accused of hating Dakota I don’t. I’m even friends with a massive Dakota supporter on Twitter. She sees everything I tweet do you think she would be friends with me if I hate her? No she wouldn’t

            March 11, 2017
  29. Ange

    Jesus Christ this comment thread. Why do all you people care so much about the lives of someone you’ve probably never met and who doesn’t give a shit about you? That goes for either side of this stupid shipdom.

    March 8, 2017
  30. Indigo

    I’ll say this much for the 50SoG fandom, it makes the Steven Universe folk look sane, calm, and reasonable.

    March 9, 2017
  31. book__wyrm

    Jesus Christ these people. There’s a big difference between shipping celebrities in your own private spaces (still kinda weird but I guess to each their own) and straight up harassing them and rooting for a relationship to end.

    March 9, 2017
  32. Tez Miller
    Tez Miller

    How did they find this post to fill up the comments? Are they stalking you, or do they have “Damie” on a Google Alert or something? Either way…that’s disturbing 🙁

    March 9, 2017
  33. Goddesstio

    All these “Daimie” people coming on here to say that they’re not so bad because some fans do the same to Dakota is mind boggling. To me that’s like going to court for assault and saying “Well yeah I assaulted that guy but Jeffrey Dahmer killed people” Like ok that’s totally irrelevant. Besides, saying “other people do equally awful things” just means you’re admitting you’re doing awful things.

    March 9, 2017
  34. ViolettaD

    Dear Shippers of any persuasion:

    Since you have apparently come to this page ready to defend your particular brand of shi–um, shiP, oblivious to the fact that many people find this blog specifically because a friend referred them to Jenny’s classic takedown of 50SOG, please start at:
    and read through the entire series until she gave up midway through “Grey” (thank God; the pain was too great by then, at least for me).

    Have a Magical Day.

    March 9, 2017
    • Holly

      Thing is, some (most?) of these shippers are not fans of the books. They’ve seen the movie and started shipping the actors. They don’t care about the books, they think the love story happening on screen is not between the characters, but between the actors (some believe the sex scenes in the movies are real…). Some shippers even hate the author because, you know, she’s behind the “conspiracy” hiding their “true relationship” and she “doesn’t respect the fans” by doing so. *eye roll*

      March 10, 2017
      • ViolettaD

        ?!! DaFARQ?
        There are 1940s tales of listeners sending present to the radio station when soap opera characters got married or had a baby, and of course there’s that classic moment in “Show Boat” when an overwrought cowboy tries to pop a cap in the on-stage villain demanding the heroine pay off the mortgage, but aren’t people supposed to be a little less naive now?
        Do they not realize actors have rehearsals? That they have to learn their lines and their blocking, and RE-learn them if the script changes?
        I know not everybody is into theatre, but don’t elementary schools still have assemblies where you have to play a toothbrush or Sacagawea and talk about how you are good for teeth or how you guided the Louis & Clark expedition? Don’t they even play pretend at recess anymore?

        March 11, 2017
        • ViolettaD

          Oh, and there are SO many better reasons to hate the author than this supposed conspiracy….

          March 11, 2017
        • Holly

          They’ve completely lost touch with reality, it’s frightening. They come up with the craziest things, their delusion knows no bounds (and I’m not exaggerating here).

          March 11, 2017
  35. Kayla

    It just boggles the mind how many of these conspiracy ships there are. The one I see the most is about Louis and Harry from One Direction “Larry”. It practically drove the two guys to stop speaking or being close to each other in public at all and there’s still this cadre of tinhat shippers that hardcore believe they are together and harass Louis girlfriend, his ex-girlfriend, the mother of his child and the family of the mother of his child on a daily basis. You can barely look at anything related to either of them without scrolling through an endless barrage of “Larry is real” comments underneath.

    Oh yeah, not to mention “baby gate” which is the conspiracy that a bunch of them still believe about how Louis’ baby was and is fake. At first they said it was a doll and then once it became clear that he was a real baby they changed their minds about a hundred times about whose baby it “really” was. Most of them are still convinced that Larry is going to come out any time now and denounce Louis son as not his and say that all their girlfriends were beards payed to closet it them by Simon Cowell.

    I honestly thought that Larry was a special tinhat case until I was that people did the whole fake baby thing about Benedict Cumberbatch as well, and then I saw all the outlander conspiracy people.

    I only ship real people in very rare circumstances and never to the point where I actually think it’s happening. And I would be beyond mortified if any of the people involved even got a whiff of what was happening, let alone actively harassing them about it.

    March 9, 2017
    • RealisticShipper

      I am one of a group of shippers who ship two actors from a show, but the actors are never tagged in anything “steamy”. We know one of them is happily married and we love that about him and everyone in the “fandom” thinks his wife is lovely and super hot.
      The actors though know about it and joke about it regularly. We all know it’s a total bromance/friendship between them though and we ship it hard but very lightly if that makes sense. I have never come across a shipper of the two actors that was hateful or disrespectful. We love to joke that the one actor is single/in short term relationships because of his love for the other actor, but only jokingly. We know they don’t have a secret romance. We are hardcore shippers of their characters but none in this group had any hate when the one character ended up with someone else. Because we respect the actors and characters too much.
      The same cannot be said for shippers of one of the actors and another costar, but that is a shit show we dont want apart of.

      September 17, 2017
  36. Rhiannon

    I love that William Shatner got in on it too. 🙂 What I find really ironic is that in that photo it’s really obvious that both Jamie and Dakota are looking at Jamie’s wife, as she’s speaking. It looks like Dakota is actually quite friendly with her.
    I’m quite old and haven’t heard the term ‘shipping’ before except in relation to parcels, but it’s not as if nutcases wishing the costars of their favourite film were together is anything new. I can remember that back in the 80s…

    March 10, 2017
  37. ViolettaD

    Fauxmances were featured in movie magazines as long as they have existed. Golden age H’wood studios regularly had co-stars going on fake dates to get the rumors going. Often, the actors couldn’t stand each other, or sometimes they were friends in real life, but one or both privately played for the other team romantically, etc.

    Remember in “Singing in the Rain” where two girls in the audience are drooling over the latest Don Lockwood-Lina Lamont silent swashbuckler, unaware that the stars hate each other and the “refined” Lina is actually a shrew with a voice like something on a back fence you’d throw a shoe at?

    March 10, 2017
  38. Jackie

    I notice many of Jamie and his wife’s fans still ship “Robsten” when they all about sacred of a marriage but willing to insult FKA Twigs with nasty racist comments that I won’t even begin to mention after so many years since Twilight has been over and both have clearly moved on! I don’t even understand their logic! How can they be a hypocrite attacking other shippers when they project the same garbage!

    March 11, 2017
  39. Jones

    LOL its so funny how Dakota Johnson comehere to blame Jamie fans like they are so innocent. Damie Queen is Dakota/ They worship her to daeth lol and Hate On Jamie. God bless her to have lovely fans. I mean tempz9 and her co (Just see there lovely accounts) who hate Dornans 24/7 and all Damies who trash Jamie. LOL if they were his fans why would they even ship him with anyone? DJ fans who make jamie and his Wife run away from Social media. Harass his sister and friends on IG. Harass anyone who talks good about him. Hypocrites asses. Its laughable how they cry about hate when they go around and hate on Dornans. Funny they were saying to see those IG acounts about hate on DJ I encourage you to go and see them and read the comments of lovely Dakota Fans. BTw there are 100+ hate accounts on Amelia. As I remember they give death threats to amelia / jamie even his kids since 2014. When Amelia was pregnant with second kid their was nasty manips of her pregnancy being terminated. Because Amelia’s ex is a director she sleep around according to them funny how funny when you see the past of someone you find so much shit. I hope you go to those Dornan hate accounts by Dakis. I just laughed on Dakota Johnson fans who Spread hate on Dornans 24/7 but Someone say they don’t like DJ thereis nuclear war. Don’t worry Next year they will find some else to hate. I am sure they will be a proud mother of their daughters in future and tell them that we bash ” a wife” and “mother” called her all names in books and wanted her dead because someone said They don’t like my fav actress. Cheers till then.

    March 11, 2017
  40. CDS

    Ah, crap. It’s so embarrassing finding other brazilians making fools out of themselves online (the “br” in the username is usually a tell). I mean, we’re pretty passionate people and proud of it and all, but for some, that translates as being a senseless jerk.

    So many love these books here, BTW, it baffles me. I try to convince myself that the portuguese translation somehow made it seem not as awful, but I’m pretty sure it’s the old “feeling protected by a man”, or the “he can totally change” things… Some probably never had the guts to read erotica before.

    By the way, I’ve been lurking here for about a year or more, since someone recommended me your recaps. Thanks for sparing me to actually reading the book to critisize it (sorry you had to!) and for making my English reading practice so much more entertaining!

    March 12, 2017
  41. DeviDrake

    Hey there!

    I think the comments are centered, because the comment Author section is centered and the text-align is automatically (in safari at least) set to “text-align: -webkit-match-parent;” so you need to add a CSS line for the ‘div.comment-content’ class saying “text-align: left;”

    I hope that was intelligible/helpful.

    March 14, 2017
  42. Flo

    You want to see some crazy ass shipping, check out the Sherlock fandom. Whoa. Everything from Sophie Hunter being a beard for Benedict Cumberbatch to accusations of the writers “queer baiting”. I’ve never seen anything quite like it, do these people not have jobs and lives????

    March 15, 2017
  43. Have several Seats!
    Have several Seats!

    LOL at this Jones and a pathetic Jamie Dornan stan all over social media, daily mail, IMDb with hundreds of different accounts trashing Dakota and her family. That’s rich coming from you pointing the finger on the shit you create. Godforbid one person is not kissing Jamie’s ass or calling him the world’s best actor his stans throw a fit. They attack editors from magazines for not putting him #1 as the sexiest man alive, they attack Bradley Cooper because Jamie was cut from a movie, they attack other actors who won awards because Jamie didn’t win. These marriage fans go on all Dakota’s family and friends accounts attacking them, leaving death threats, even on Dakota’s Birthday they posted comments they hope it was her last birthday. The attack her 16 year young sister with death threats now she can’t post a picture on her Instagram with the comments on. They attack her brothers who are not even teenagers yet. Ameliawarnercolombia attacked Dakota’s deceased grandfather, Angwood15 (whose account has been suspended several times), gypsy_soul_93, sabri930, anggrass5030, poppy_gzf, jamietheirish, amelia_jamie, bdluna_de, mama51598, backatyou11, jake1976, and more post nasty shit about Dakota and her family everyday it’s like they don’t want her to breathe anymore. Soon as Dakota’s name is mentioned they get triggered to trash her all over social media! They have attacked Times 100 influential people Alessandro Michele Gucci’s designer and Dakota’s good friend to the point he had to block Jamie’s marriage stans hate accounts they have for Dakota!

    Now don’t sit acting holier than God you disgusting Jamie Dornan and his wife obsessed with Dakota stans! You are pure trash and never forget that!

    July 9, 2017

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