Here for the first time because someone recommended my Fifty Shades of Grey recaps? Welcome! Consider checking out my own take on the Billionaire BDSM genre, The Boss. Find it on Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, iBooks, and Radish!
My initial reaction was to panic. Seriously, my first thought was, “NO Chedward recaps or Buffy rewatch posts until NEXT MONTH?!” Then I realized that not only do you deserve a break whenever you feel like it but also duh, April 1st is next week. For some reason, it felt like it was a lot further away.
Enjoy your break. Do some weird stuff (with or without your computer).
Enjoy your time off, Jen – you've more than earned it just by slogging through 50 Shades, without taking into account The Boss or Buffy recaps which are equally as appreciated! Can't wait for more posts and Drunk of Thrones! Rest well.
New Girl is everything that is right with the world.
Thought you'd like that.
Ha, perfect gif for this post.
My initial reaction was to panic. Seriously, my first thought was, “NO Chedward recaps or Buffy rewatch posts until NEXT MONTH?!” Then I realized that not only do you deserve a break whenever you feel like it but also duh, April 1st is next week. For some reason, it felt like it was a lot further away.
Enjoy your break. Do some weird stuff (with or without your computer).
Thank you for leaving us with the hotness that is Nick Miller. Much appreciated!
Spring break is a time of celebration, you deserve the rest!
Enjoy your time off, Jen – you've more than earned it just by slogging through 50 Shades, without taking into account The Boss or Buffy recaps which are equally as appreciated!
Can't wait for more posts and Drunk of Thrones! Rest well.
There was this one also
Enjoy your break! Looking forward to the 1st!
Hopefully you'll like that pic.
Hey Jen, maybe you'd like to read this article about the Steubenville events. The guy is sensible and fun.
Hiatus, you say? I do not think that word means what you think it means.