So, a few weeks ago someone on Facebook signed my death warrant by posting a link to, a website that sells bulk candy by the jar. You pick a small, medium, or large “jar” and fill it by selecting “scoops” of the candy you want.
Since candy is my writing fuel and I’m also a shut-in, I decided to give it a shot. No one at asked me to do this, and I’m not receiving anything in trade for this review, but just heads up,, I’m really the perfect spokesperson. Email me.
The “jars” come in three sizes, and none of them have cutesy names, which I appreciate. They’re just small (32 oz), medium (64 oz), and large (128 oz). Standard, normal, no “Vente” or “Gotta Have It!” or anything like that.
I ordered the large jar. And yes, I was aware at the time that the large is basically one gallon of candy. It says so in the little window where you select your jar size, almost as if in a warning. I did it anyway. It’s not like it showed up and I was surprised by the amount of candy I had ordered. I did this to myself.
The shipping was fairly quick. I think from order to delivery it was something like a week. But I’ll be honest, for me, that was too long. Once I start thinking about candy, I want the candy like, now. So, the shipping is speedy, but if you’re like me, even an Amazon drone wouldn’t be able to deliver sweet, sweet lady sugar faster enough.
When it did arrive, it came like this:
I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the details when I ordered, probably because I was so focused on the whole “I’m buying an actual gallon of candy” thing. I didn’t know if I was just going to get a box of candy at the approximate weight, or if there would be an physical jar. The answer was both:
Some of the candy came on top, and the rest came like this:
It’s all wrapped up in neat little bundles inside the jar, which is made out of slightly flexible plastic, like a peanut butter jar, and has a metal screw-top lid. You have the option of keeping it all separate, if you’re too good for candy that’s all mixed together, you snob.
Having ordered candy through the mail before, I know that things can go wrong (for example, I can tell the difference between a broken Zotz and a whole Zotz by feel alone these days). I am happy to report that only one type of candy didn’t quite make the journey in pristine condition:
I don’t know how candy corn manages to shatter, but it totally did. The outside was dry and crumbled into pieces, the inside was oddly moist and stuck together. It was really strange, considering the rock candy, the one I was most concerned about, came so perfect that not even a single crystal had broken off:
One of the things that confused me about the site was that on some items, I couldn’t tell what, exactly, constituted a “scoop.” For example, I ordered three “scoops” of rock candy, which ended up being equal to three of these bundles (that either had four or five sticks in it, I should have counted). But I ordered five scoops of Chupa Chups and got nine of these:
which each had four pieces inside. I mean, I’m not complaining, because I love these (they were absolutely huge in the ’90’s, if you don’t remember. Celebrities were being photographed with them. They were the PinkBerry or Ugg Boots of 1996). But it’s just nice info to have for next time.
I wanted to see if I could indeed fit all of this candy:
- three different assortments of salt water taffy
- gummy cola bottles
- gummy cherries
- sour cherry rings
- gummy raspberries and blackberries
- sour peach slices
- Chupa Chups
- rock candy sticks
- candy corn
- Pixy Stix
- Smarties
into the jar. I’m sure that if I’d bought all gummies or all taffy they would have fit with no problem, but the Pixy Stix threw off the whole groove. Even the Chupa Chups didn’t have a problem playing nice with the other candy, but the Pixy Stix and Smarties just couldn’t fit in with the rest.
I wondered if the price would be worth it ($49.99 USD for the large… I’m not sure what sounds worse, “I bought a gallon of candy,” or “I bought fifty dollars worth of candy.”), and to be honest, I haven’t really researched the prices of these individual items. They definitely don’t have as wide a selection as some bulk candy websites, but you have more control over the amount you can order, so you can get more variety. Most bulk sites are fine if you want to buy 5 lbs. of, say, Zotz, but this gives you a chance to make a customized mix without having to shell out for huge amounts. They do carry chocolate candies, but I didn’t buy those, because I like candy, not chocolate. Get out of here with that chocolate business (although I will eat it occasionally).
All in all, I’m happy with my experience with Two thumbs up, will be ordering again. Probably next month. Because I have a real impulse control problem.
I never know what to get my fiance for birthdays and Christmas. I think you just solved my problem.
I’m not a bog candy person (I prefer chocolate cheesecake for my sweet tooth), but he LOVES it.
I wish I had known about this for Valentine’s Day. Its exactly the sort of thing my husband would love.
Jennyyyyyyyyyyyy I am so jealous about this. Canada’s not a thing for them apparently *sniffle*
I looked too, my heart shattered like she was worrying about the rock candy doing when I found out I couldn’t get it here.
I have always differentiated between candy and chocolate. So glad I’m not alone!
i don’t know if I should be sad or relieved that this is not available in my country.
Same here! Though I’m planning a visit to the USA at the end of the year, and I’m already wondering if I can have them deliver to the hotel…!
My guy is a huge candy fan. Well, actually he isn’t that huge in spite of that – but he should be!
I like how the jar says “Candy Jar”. In case you were in any doubt.
I’ve recently learned that what Americans call Smarties are in fact what we call Rockets. Canadian Smarties are much nicer (IMHO) but they are chocolate based, so perhaps it’s just as well. 🙂
And they’re called something entirely different in the UK, although our Smarties are the same as yours. I’m quite relieved that I can’t get this monster jar here.
Oh my god, you always find new ways to make me laugh. Also, I’m totally doing this. One less thing to leave the house for. I’m just waiting for the day I can reasonably get groceries delivered so I NEVER HAVE TO LEAVE THE HOUSE AGAIN.
They deliver groceries in Australia!
They also deliver groceries in the US! My mom gets them delivered.
why did you alert me to the fact that this exists? i’m going to get diabetes
I know, I’m feeling the same way. Also, all of my family members are going to get diabetes, because they live far away and this is a great way to send them gifts! I have a sweet tooth for a reason, and my father is that reason. He’s gonna love his birthday present.
i ended up ordering a gallon and having it shipped to my office. i will only get sort-of diabetes
Jesus, that looks delicious!
Count me amongst those who are relieved/disappointed that this isn’t available in my country. Or, maybe it is, but for my own protection I’m not going to check.
This is one of the things I really love about your blog. You tackle some really serious issues and then give reviews of online candy delivery services! Your blog is the gift that keeps on giving.
Thank you Jenny! I’m equal parts candy/chocolate girl…but I’d want to know the “quality” of the chocolate before I went and spent money on it (my sister works at a boutique chocolate factory so really I can get it for free if I don’t mind waiting til I see her each week) but I want all the strawberry everything.
Thanks for the post, it’s a nice break from the 50 Shades ones which make my blood pressure boil.
How do you keep your kids out of the candy jar? 8-year-old me would have been all over that shit if an adult back was turned for a second.
I worked really hard to forget that site existed. Now you’ve gone and reminded me. I need so much candy AND chocolates.
Wow I’m not the only one!!! Last month I bought out three stores of all their button candy. The last store I told the guy I bought out two other stores and he laughed and said that my 7 packages would last me the next year. Year???? My husband laughed out loud at him and said try the next 5 days. I also found a giant box of nerds for sale after christmas. I’m still working on those. The button candy distracted me a bit. I big on candy!! We found the best candy store ever in PA and are already planning a trip back there just to go to that store!!!!
Just order a gallon size jar. My husband was complaining that the sugar free candy should have it’s own spot and that carob almonds with rice syrup is NOT candy!! I agree.
You’ve made me want Chupa Chups more than you can possibly understand. I’m actually a little bit devastated that I lack Chupa Chups right now. Sooo good!
Its so colorful and fun!
Medium sized jar ordered! My husband is going to be surprised when that shows up, but at least I got *some* stuff that he likes!
You know, I have been thinking about this candy I ordered for a while (because, you know, I can’t sleep and all I want is this freaking candy now). It occurs to me that should definitely pay you. You have the ability to inspire the masses! Use your powers for good. 🙂
And yet another place with stuff I want, that doesn’t deliver to Canada.
Just like the .ca site delivers to Canada and their selection on certain things either sucks or is nonexistent)
Holy crap, Chupa Chups were that famous in the ’90s? OK, I was a little kid for all of that decade, but that is something I did not know. I kinda wish that Candy Jar website shipped outside of the USA, but then you’d be getting into all kinds of potential bio-security stuff, so maybe that’s why.
just found candywarehouse dot com. Have not ordered from them yet, but they have a really good selection! But I’m so sad. My order from candyjar had some weird glitch at UPS and is delayed, who knows when I’ll get it! sigh. It was supposed be be delivered on the 5th, which like Jenny says is way too long to wait once you know candy is coming. But this delay might just kill me.