I know I said not to expect much from the blog this week, but I’ve got just a few little things I want to go over, and one big thing:
I will not be seeing 50 Shades of Grey this weekend. I will be seeing it on Tuesday. I’m just announcing this to cut back on the social media questions re: if I’m going to see it or not. I have no desire to see this movie in a theatre packed with actual fans of the books.
I’ve update the appearances page. Click on “Meet Me!” in the menu to see where I’m going to be. If I’m in your area, stop by!
Did you know I wrote a free erotic romance that will cleanse your palate after 50 Shades of Grey? If you’re just now joining us here in Trout Nation due to the rise in demand for 50 Shades of Grey snark, you might be unaware that I wrote a BDSM-themed erotic romance series. The first book, The Boss, is available for free on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.
Speaking of free reads, chapter 12 of The Afflicted is up on Wattpad. You can read it here. Again, if you’re new, you can try out my writing for free. The Afflicted is a New Adult horror serial.
There’s a new forum for ranting and discussion. I’m actually shocked that I didn’t think of this sooner, but I’ve had a handful of people ask for this and when I thought about it, it made sense to me. This is kind of a little community, and we like to talk about things. We like to talk about things so much, the comments section of some posts get a little hard to follow. So, I made a forum. You can get there by clicking that bolded link, or by the “forum” option in the menu bar.
The boards listed came from the suggestions people asked for when they brought the idea up, then a general board for whatever the fuck you wanna gab about. If you think there’s a board that should be added, let me know and I’ll throw it in there if it doesn’t fit as a thread under one of the existing boards. The cool thing about this is, if a conversation thread is getting too long in the comments, you can opt to move it to a place where it’s readable.
This is just something I’m trying out, if it doesn’t work, hey, we gave it a shot, twelve people who thought this was a good idea! I’ll check in now and again to see how it’s going.
Well, it’s back to the grind for me. Thanks to everyone who’s been linking people to my recaps and books!