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STICKY POST: Citizens of Trout Nation! We need your domestic violence and rape support donation links!

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2/9/2015: Some links were lost over the weekend due to problems with my email account. If you don’t see your link here, please leave it in the comments.

Hey everybody out there in Trout Nation! With the 50 Shades of Grey movie barreling down on us like an out-of-control ostrich armed with dynamite and a thirst for vengeance, we need to make a plan. A big, awesome plan.

We’ve talked before about donating the price of a movie ticket to an anti-domestic violence organization instead of paying to see 50 Shades of Grey. Or, donating it in penance for the ticket you’re going to buy. It’s time to put our money where our mouths are. We need to make a list of places that provide resources (food, shelter, counseling, etc.) for victims of domestic violence and/or rape, by state/province/country whatever. That way, people can give locally! Suggestions for national charities is good, also!

Some of these links will take you straight to organizations you can donate to. Others will take you to coalition sites where you can find a local organization.

You can email me your links at (please don’t tweet or facebook message them, there’s too big a chance they’ll get overlooked) and I’ll keep listing them until February 28th.

Hit the read more link to see the list, and please also check the comments for links people have added there.


Dress For Success



Pandora’s Aquarium resources for shelters/programs world-wide




White Ribbon

Luke Batty Foundation

Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia




Calgary Communities Against Sexual AbuseCalgary

Sexual Assault Center of EdmontonEdmonton



Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s ShelterVancouver 

Women Against Violence Against WomenVancouver

Victoria Sexual Assault CenterVictoria



Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters

Klinic Community HealthcareWinnipeg

Osborne HouseWinnipeg



Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre



My Sister’s PlaceLondon

Family Service TorontoToronto

Toronto Rape Crisis CenterToronto

Ottawa Rape Crisis CenterOttawa

SACHA Sexual Assault CenterHamilton

Harmony HouseOttawa

Guelph-Wellington Women In CrisisGuelph



Centre pour les victimes d’agression sexuelle de MontréalMontreal



Sexual Assault Services of SaskatchewanRegina





Naisten Linja

The Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters





Frauen Gegen GewaltBerlin




Rape Crisis Network Ireland

Women’s Aid



Teach Tearmainn



Casa Delle DonneTorino




Women’s Aid


The Freedom Programme




Verizon Wireless Hopeline Program



No More

National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

Planned Parenthood



TMM Family ServicesTucson

WingspanTucson (LGBTQ)

Casa De Los NiñosTucson


Southern Arizona Against Sexual Assault 


Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceLittle Rock



California Partnership to End Domestic Violencelinks to many local services

California Coalition Against Sexual AssaultSacramento

Women’s Recovery AssociationBurlingame

Shelter From The StormPalm Desert

Marjorie Mason Center, Fresno



Domestic Violence Crisis CenterStamford



Ahimsa HouseAtlanta (this organization protects the pets of people leaving abusive situations)



Domestic Violence Action CenterHonolulu



Rape Victim AdvocacyChicago



Safe Passage, IncBatesville

The Center for Women and FamiliesLouisville  (also serving southern Indiana)



Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Polk County Crisis and Advocacy ServicesDes Moines

Children and Families of IowaDes Moines

Domestic Violence Intervention ProgramIowa City

RVAPIowa City


Safe Path Survivor ResourcesDavenport

WaypointCedar Rapids

Crisis Intervention ServiceMason City

Family Crisis CenterSioux City



Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual AssaultKansas City (operates in Kansas and Missouri)

Wichita Area Sexual Assault CenterWichita



The Center for Women and FamiliesLouisville  (also serving southern Indiana)



Maine Coalition to End Domestic ViolenceAugusta



Center For Abused PersonsWaldorf

House of RuthBaltimore




Finex HouseJamaica Plain

Boston Area Rape Crisis CenterCambridge

The Netword/La RedBoston (LBGTQA+, poly, kink relationships)

Dove, Inc.Quincy

GLBTQ Domestic Violence ProjectCambridge (GLBTQ)

Jane Doe, Inc. Boston



Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids “Liz’s House”Grand Rapids

Oasis Family Resource CenterCadillac

Eve, Inc. Lansing

Angel HouseDearborn

Michigan State University Safe PlaceLansing (shelter for student victims)




Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women

Battered Women’s Legal Advocacy Project



Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual AssaultKansas City (operates in Kansas and Missouri)



Women RisingJersey City

Center for Hope and SafteyHackensack



Vera HouseSyracuse 

Sanctuary for FamiliesNew York

Violence Intervention ProgramNew York (bilingual English/Spanish)

New York City Alliance Against Sexual AssaultNew York

My Sister’s PlaceWhite Plains



Safe AllianceCharlotte


Orange County Rape Crisis CenterChapel Hill

Compass Center For Women And FamiliesChapel Hill

Our VoiceAsheville




Choices for Victims of Domestic ViolenceColumbus



Domestic Violence Intervention ServicesTulsa



Women Against AbusePhiladelphia

Berks Women In CrisisReading

Women’s Shelter of Greater PittsburghPittsburgh

Pittsburgh Action Against RapePittsburgh

Pennsylvania Coalition Against RapeEnola

Pennyslvania Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceHarrisburg

Survivors Inc., Gettysburg



Safe HarborGreenville



Safe PlaceAustin

Women’s Shelter of South TexasCorpus Christi

San Antonia Rape Crisis CenterSan Antonio

Dallas Area Rape Crisis CenterDallas

The Family PlaceDallas

Genesis Women’s Shelter and SupportDallas

Denton County Friends of The FamilyDenton




Women Helping Battered WomenBurlington

Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual  Violence , Montpelier (statewide)

Pride Center of Vermont Safe SpaceBurlington (LGBTQ)



Samaritan HouseVirginia Beach



ReWASeattle (services for migrant, immigrant and refugee women)

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Here for the first time because someone recommended my Fifty Shades of Grey recaps? Welcome! Consider checking out my own take on the Billionaire BDSM genre, The Boss. Find it on AmazonB&NSmashwords, iBooks, and Radish!


  1. Pernille Rose
    Pernille Rose

    I’m not sure if any other Danes will participate in this but just in case, our national organization (LOKK) can be found at This is such a great initiative. Thanks, Trout Nation!

    January 31, 2015
    • Anita

      Thanks, I’ll definitely tip in 🙂

      February 4, 2015
  2. JennyLouWho

    I wrote you novels for each link that I sent, but I’m just so grateful you are doing this and so proud of the resources in our community.

    January 31, 2015
  3. AndiNZ

    For any other Kiwis who visit here:

    Rape Crisis has information about local groups all over the country:

    Women’s Refuge:

    I will be making a donation instead of going to see this abomination of a film, and encouraging everyone else I know to do the same. I hope it crashes and burns, but I expect it won’t.

    Sometimes I just want to stop this planet and get off…

    February 1, 2015
    • janet

      I came here to post these guys—they sheltered me once as a child and helped me again as an adult, so even though I don’t live in Syracuse any longer they’ll probably get my donation.

      February 2, 2015
  4. Rosa H
    Rosa H

    Not sure how many of us Trout Nation citizens are also Finnish, but I sent some links anyway. This is such a great way to turn this atrocity into something good.

    February 1, 2015
    • Michaela

      Thanks, I didn’t know where to donate to, so that was very appreciated! 🙂

      February 1, 2015
  5. Jess

    I’m donating to Women’s Aid Ireland,will try to send a link when I’m not on my phone.

    February 1, 2015
  6. SandorClegane13

    Safe Passage Inc. is a very local shelter in Southeastern Indiana, and I volunteered there several times a week before I found a job. It’s a wonderful facility, and it services an extremely rural region, which are notorious for hidden DV statistics.

    February 1, 2015
  7. Casey S
    Casey S

    Here’s one for Massachusetts, for the South Shore (all the towns just south of Boston) – based in Quincy, MA but serves a larger area.

    February 1, 2015
  8. Eleni

    Can we donate to collectively “sponsor” you to go see the movie and review it for us? Or are you 100% against seeing it?

    February 2, 2015
  9. EmilyD

    I emailed this link but figured it can’t hurt to also post here.

    Pennsylvania – Berks County (City of Reading)

    February 2, 2015
  10. Candy Apple
    Candy Apple

    This is a great idea. I’m in.

    February 2, 2015
  11. Rebecca

    Hi Jenny,

    The Benevolent Society in Australia does a lot of work with women and children experiencing or who have experienced Domestic Violence.

    There is also the Domestic Violence line whose number is 1800 65 64 63.
    and website is

    Also most police stations have a domestic violence liason officer.

    Also thankyou.

    February 3, 2015
  12. Anushia

    The Pixel Project is a global virtual NGO that advocates to stop violence against women. They do a lot of (online) campaigning in the US and parts of Asia to spread the word and to get men involved in putting a stop to violence against women.
    Here’s their website:
    Their on-going campaign is to raise US$1 million by getting a global audience to collectively unveil a million-pixel mystery collage of Celebrity Male Role Models at US$1 per pixel in benefit of a range of anti-VAW nonprofits around the world.

    Full disclosure: I volunteer with them. But I think they’re doing a great job spreading awareness and educating women, men and children about the issues surrounding VAW.

    February 4, 2015
    • Artemis

      Hey Rhea, the 50 Dollars not 50 Shades campaign is run by an organization headed by Gail Dines, who has done a lot of stuff that supports trans eliminationist radical feminism, and is very anti-sex work. It’s not super obvious from the 50 Dollars not 50 Shades blurbs, but while donating instead of seeing the movie is a great idea, this is maybe not a campaign that a lot of people are going to want to support.

      February 5, 2015
  13. Rhiannon

    Not sure how many German readers you have (I’m a Brit living near Frankfurt) but here is a link to Frauen Gegen Gewalt (Women against violence) which seems to be an umbrella organization. I’ve linked to the German language page because there only seems to be a link for donations on the German page.

    February 4, 2015
  14. Mitzy247

    Was going to post for Alberta, but I see they’re already there!

    For Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence:

    February 4, 2015
  15. anon

    My email must have gotten lost so I’ll post the link here in the comments. Here’s one for Poughkeepsie NY, our local library did a nice donation box of diapers, formula, toiletries etc for them. They’re supposed to be a pretty good group.

    February 6, 2015
  16. Cheryl Wahlheim
    Cheryl Wahlheim

    I cannot believe how lame you people are! A terrorist group named ISIS is burning people alive in cages and displaying the video online and you are complaining about ladies wanting to have “girls movie night” to watch this soft porn movie with beautiful people acting in it. Get real.

    February 6, 2015
    • JennyTrout

      I think you’re confused as to the intentions of this post. See, people wanted to put together links for domestic violence and rape charities so people could donate to them… are you unable to enjoy your beautiful people movie while resources remain available for victims of intimate partner abuse and rape? Unless you’re not going to see the film because you’re too busy caring about ISIS, that is?

      February 6, 2015
    • Petra (Merlinslaugh)
      Petra (Merlinslaugh)

      I think you may have mistaken us for people unable to think about, and have empathy for, more than one group of people at a time.

      February 7, 2015
    • Mitzy247

      Oh, honey. I think you’re suffering from a major case of Pearl Clutcher’s Syndrome. Symptoms include being able to only care about one serious thing at a time and strange outbursts. You need to get that checked out.

      February 7, 2015
  17. Irene

    Thank you for including the Italian link I sent! I don’t know how many Italian readers you have, but still 🙂

    As someone else suggested, can this be also a way to “sponsor” you to go see the movie and then recap it here (taking one for the team, as usual)? I’d love to read that!

    Also I have another idea/request: could you leave this post visible, maybe not as a sticky post, but as one of the links right under the title? So that if (should it ever be necessary and of course we hope it never should be) someone who reads your blog or is aware of this post ever needs this kind of resources can find it easily again. After all, it’s a great list of organizations, it shouldn’t go buried after this little campaign is over.

    Thank you for all of your work, and take care <3

    February 7, 2015
  18. Cara

    Absolutely keep donating to these sadly still needed organizations, but I wanted to let you know there is an movie releasing against 50 shades with a completely opposite message! It’s called “Old Fashioned” and they chose to release head to head to bring the message that we can choose to respect each other and ourselves and that it’s OK too. Never ever ever does anyone deserve to be violated and I’m so glad there are places to turn to for help when that happens. So again, keep donating, but if you can do it donate and send the message to the industry that people want to see a better option for relationships and go see “Old Fashioned”!

    In keeping with the intent of your request here is a link to a place for help in Maryland:

    February 7, 2015
  19. Katherine

    I just emailed a bunch of links. Thank you for doing this.

    February 7, 2015
  20. Olga

    I was looking through Women’s Recovery’s website (listed in your main list, Jenny, under California), and I couldn’t find any information about domestic violence or similar services. It seems like straight-up substance abuse treatment, albeit for women only. Not that there’s anything wrong with that at all, but I thought you were focusing on specific things that we feel 50 Shades glorifies, rather than places that do good services for women? Can whoever submitted the link maybe comment about why they thought it belonged on this list? I live nearby so I was potentially interested in donating.

    February 7, 2015
  21. Angie

    So, another author, Rachael Acks, has offered to write a humorous/scathing review of the movie, if people donate a combined total of at least $750 to any of the charities she lists in her post. I think this could be a lot of fun, and of course, support some good causes.

    February 8, 2015
  22. […] Author Jennifer Armintrout has gathered resources for “donating the price of a movie ticket to…50 Shades of Grey. Or, donating it in penance for the ticket you’re going to buy. It’s time to put our money where our mouths are. We need to make a list of places that provide resources (food, shelter, counseling, etc.) for victims of domestic violence and/or rape, by state/province/country whatever. That way, people can give locally! Suggestions for national charities is good, also!” […]

    February 10, 2015
  23. Jenny,

    Thank you so much for doing this.


    February 10, 2015
  24. Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

    February 11, 2015
  25. Vancouver, BC: Battered Women’s Support Services.

    They helped my mom out a lot when she was trying to escape my father.

    February 11, 2015
  26. Kate

    I live in Denton County and did my undergrad in public relations at UNT. While there, we did a PR project for a local charity, and I chose the Denton County Friends of the Family. They provide such a valuable service, especially in a two college town like Denton and I am super happy to see them linked above. Thank you for compiling this list!

    February 12, 2015
  27. Please add the New Beginnings Shelter in Seattle WA

    February 12, 2015
  28. Janine

    Just donated! Thanks for giving me a way to feel like I’m combatting this ridiculous cultural juggernaut.

    February 13, 2015
  29. Jennifer

    So… I did it! I watched it. I donated double the ticket price to a womans shelter. I guess I will donate again because I feel … dirty.

    I need to vent. I need to rant. I will try to keep it short. I know this might not be the right place but FUCKING HELL… I need to get it out. English is not my first language, so please bare with me.

    From this point on: Spoilers.

    I mainly saw the movie because I was curious. I wanted to know whether they would keep up the creep factor.

    To start I will name the three good things I saw in this movie:

    1. They make it very clear that Ana and that Fucking Guy practice safe sex.
    2. I saw Jamie Dornans happy trail.
    3. Taylor still rocks. He is in this movie for like three minutes and he is the best part.


    Of course the movie differs as far as us not being in Anas head. We are supposed to see the movie as a third, all knowing, party. This would have been a great opportunity to give Ana a hind of a personality. They fail. In fact, Ana is even worse because we only see the Ana, that Ana voices. And that Ana is fucking bland. Good for her though that she lives with faboulus Kate. Kate is still pretty great even though the movie pretends she isn’t.

    While the story remains mostly the same, they try to make Christian more human by giving him Jamie Dornans face with can look super heartbroken. Also they leave out certain parts, sentences, that made Christian in-your-face creepy. Still alot remains the same. Anas virginity is still a “situation” that needs to be taken care of. Consent is still a very “fuzzy” thing, that they do mention again and again, but do not linger on. But I knew that. i expected that. The movie already felt like a never-ending Meat Loaf Medley. I did not need more of the stupid, overwrought, needless conversations that only show how miniscule Anas knowledge regarding sex is and how much Christian uses that to manipulate her.

    But now what pissed me of. They tried to make us into Ana. Alas, they same kind of verbal manipuliation that Christian uses on Ana, is used on us as an audience. By pretending to give us an insight into Christians twisted psyche that just needs some magic hoohaa to save him, they try to make us believe that “we” …”me” as a person can achieve that. More than once Christian almost breaks the fourth wall to make us believe that he is not talking to Ana (most of the movie in dire need of a brush) but to YOU. The first time that happend I thought that I imagined it. But the further the movie went, the clearer it became and made me seething in my seat.

    I won’t go into detail because I don’t want to bore anyone. I don’t want to go into lenght how Novel Ana and Christian and Film Ana and Christian are different. I just wanted to get rid of this dirty feeling. I can’t and I won’t stop anyone from watching that movie. I just fear that the hype that is “Fifty Shades of this-is-not-okay” will go alot deeper now. Because the film is more subtle. And maybe even more disgusting.

    Sorry. I feel better now. I hope Christian Grey get hit by a snowplow.

    February 13, 2015
    • Rachel Johnson
      Rachel Johnson

      Snowplow, please, but not Jamie Dornan. Because, if I was going to see this movie for any reason it would be for him. Although, I don’t think I will be seeing any part of this movie voluntarily. Ever.
      But! There is a new season of The Fall on Netflix!

      February 15, 2015
  30. Rike

    Excellent idea!
    Like many others here, I will watch the movie cause I’m curious, but I just donated to Germany’s shelter organisation. I was amazed at finding it listed.

    February 14, 2015
  31. Julia

    Refuge House

    A Florida shelter in the Big Bend area, serving 8 counties in North Florida.

    February 16, 2015
  32. Shannon

    I just donated to the Choices shelter in Columbus. In fact, I subscribed and will be donating $10 a month for…well, for as long as it takes. I’ll start with four years of donations, one for every month that my mom stayed with my abusive dad. I’ll tack on one donation for every month that this piece of shit movie is in the theaters. Then I’ll just keep going from there.

    February 18, 2015
  33. Lori
  34. Caite

    I wanted to say thank you for this, Jenny. I saw the movie with friends that I don’t get to see often, and felt guilty afterwards, so donating twice the cost of my ticket was the best penance I’ve ever done.

    February 20, 2015
  35. astaraels-get

    Here’s a HUGE directory of shelters in Virginia (opens as a .pdf in a new window):

    A lot of YWCA centers (in the U.S. , at least) provide resources for domestic/sexual violence survivors in their area, so it’s worth a shot to look up your local center, if you’re still looking for somewhere to donate your “movie ticket” money.

    February 27, 2015
    • astaraels-get

      EDIT: Just tested the link and it opened on the same page. Forget the “opens in new window” bit.

      February 27, 2015
  36. Nicole C
    Nicole C

    I saw you have no links for Colorado up there, here’s a few. – The Advocate Safehouse is only in the Roaring Fork Valley (Aspen area), but they’re a great organization. – Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence – Safehouse Denver. Counselling and advocacy for domestic violence victims and children in Denver.
    It’s not a whole lot, but I didn’t want to see my home state up there with nothing.

    July 27, 2015
  37. anon

    San Antonio, Texas:

    Family Violence Prevention Services
    (main site address is
    (210) 733-8810

    I got counseling through them years ago. Be aware if you need to physically visit them they ONLY have the street number visible (nothing about what 7911 Broadway actually is).

    October 25, 2016
  38. AnonZ

    For anyone needing help in the Sitka, AK area. They literally saved my life.

    March 20, 2019

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