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Fuck You, STGRB 2: Hypocritical Boogaloo

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I’ve never agreed with the general attitude among writers and reviewers that STGRB is a “troll” site and should be ignored because any amount of attention is “giving them what they want.” It’s one thing to apply this strategy to a toddler throwing a tantrum, but we’re talking about grown people who have done actual, dangerous things to strangers out of a demented belief that criticism of authors and their (obviously flawless) books is some kind of crime.

It may seem like two posts in two days about the same group of spectacular morons is overkill, but last night, after STGRB made yet another post about me and how childish, jealous, and unsuccessful I am, a tweep named Shelby contacted me to tip me off about a little discussion going on in the comments section of this STGRB post. You see, Shelby had blogged about some personal issues she was having with a custody dispute in her divorce, and STGRB were all over that.

Here’s Obvs hinting that Shelby abuses her kids, and our old pal Johnny B Good saying it’s perfectly okay to say this kind of shit at their “anti-bullying” site:


If you’re about to pull the trigger on that one-star review, you better restrain yourself, but if you wanna talk shit about a stranger’s custody dispute? Sure, go for it.


So, while Aninomo masturbates furiously to their fantasies about someone else’s child’s life being ruined, a wild anon appears! It is… super not effective.


They would never plaster stuff about Shelby on their site, but they’re not going to remove the comment with the link or any of the discussion to follow, either. I mean, Shelby made all of that public, right? It’s no longer private. This happens all the time. For example, say someone writes a book. And they just put it out there. And like, anybody can comment on it. It’s the same, right? Or does that only work when the the thing you’re putting in public is your metaphorical baby, and not an actual, living child?

And you don’t bring up details of “bullies'” personal lives because you’re hoping to help the victims of non-existent bullying that never happened heal their wounded, self-important feelings. You bring it up to gloat and celebrate about how superior you believe you are. And then after all two or three of you are finished stroking each other and your sock puppet accounts off in the abstract, you can lay in bed and touch your naughty bits while you imagine that your pathetic failure of a life is somehow more valid than an internet strangers’. Because that’s the only thing that can get you off anymore.

That, and sand paper gloves with hand sanitizer lube. It’s why you’re so fucking cheerful.

I love the length Anon is going to in order to try and get their point across: “Yeah, so, don’t get me wrong, I’m a piece of shit and totally agree that we should be gossiping about this person’s personal struggles, but I’m just not as big a piece of shit as you because I think we should do it in private. I’m just saying.” But don’t worry, “Some Guy” will help Johnny B Good and Anonimo justify mocking a stranger’s custody case on their “anti-bullying” website:


Yeah, be careful what you say online, guys. Because this site, dedicated to eradicating internet bullying, will use it against you. They will even refer to themselves as enemies and your personal information as ammunition. Just to go the extra mile, Anonimo will supply amotive to your actions, free of charge. Anon tries again:


But logic has no place in the kingdom of hypocrisy:


Yeah, I don’t think you get credit for just leaving this bullshit in the comments and saying that someone is asking to have you talk shit about her because she once had a GoodReads account and did things with it that you didn’t like.


Yeah, they watch the site like hawks. What kind of bird seeks out content totally unrelated to the issue they’re purporting to care about, in order to attack people? Is that the Worthless Turd Warbler? I think it might be!

But I agree, Time to Grow Up. I don’t care what a person’s been through. It gives them no right to tread others like shit, whether online or in person. Like, if they get a really mean review on their book, they totally don’t have the right to drag another person’s personal life into their little gossip circle. It’s unacceptable.


Nobody has the right to accuse anybody of a crime without evidence. See also: stalking. It’s not like STGRB commenters have accused anyone of that, lately.


I agree. Immature, vindictive adults that roam the internet freely should stop. So, follow that advice, Melissa Douthit, owner, operator, and probably 60% of all the commenters at STGRB, because you’re making yourself look laughably stupid.

PS. Thanks for making a second post about me. I said “jump, bitch!” and you were like, “How high, Domina?” I never realized I was a switch until this moment.

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  1. Read through the few comments on the blog they posted about your Twitter. Sarcasm is rude? Your sarcasm wasn’t even directed at anyone.

    The online community’s definition of a bully (this goes on any message board, as well) is, “That person disagreed with something I said.”

    June 7, 2014
  2. I don’t know whether to laugh at them or cry for humanity.

    June 7, 2014
  3. Radiance

    Glad to see that STGRB is keeping it classy.

    Honestly, after reading some of the things they’ve done and flaunted on their blog, I want to email every single person STGRB has ever insulted and give them a huge apology, on behalf of the reasonable part of mankind. Especially, I find their treatment of some reviewers to be just plain mean. I’m thinking of one, in particular, who they deemed a troll, for leaving a lot of 1-star reviews, and ignored the fact that this particular reviewer also left a lot of 3, 4, and 5-star reviews.

    Even if someone is a troll, giving low reviews for the lolz, it’s neither relevant nor fair to criticize and make accusations about a person’s personal life. STGRB isn’t an anti-bullying sight; it’s a self-righteous witch hunt. I can’t speak for every writer in the world, but I am personally horrified at the thought that someone like STGRB might attack even someone who’d legitimately slighted me like this. Yes, cyber-bulling exists, but it seems that STGRB is doing most of that bullying. Pot and kettle, much?

    June 7, 2014
  4. Em

    I’m new to this entire thing, and I find this group rather frightening. A friend told me that I should sign up to GoodReads, but reading these things – I don’t think I’d ever dare to post a negative review of a book, for fear of being labeled a bully.

    How can these people not see that not liking a book doesn’t make you a bully? And to bring someone’s personal life into this, simply because they didn’t like an author’s book… That’s just below low.

    I hope to someday be a writer, and yeah – if someone doesn’t like what I’ll written, that’ll suck. But it’s not like I’ll think they’re bullying me. I don’t like every single book out there either.

    Humanity frightens me at times. But then at least I can go onto this blog and some of the faith is restored when I read your posts and the comments made by others here. So. Much. More. Sense.

    June 7, 2014
  5. equery

    I’ve been trying to get onto these nutter’s site to see what they posted about Jenny, but none of the content on STGRB is showing up.
    Has anyone else had issues with that? The tags on top of the page are there but not the actual posts. Did they move the site?

    June 7, 2014
  6. Annie


    June 7, 2014
  7. Lani

    all the comments they posted…’s like one big circle jerk.

    June 7, 2014
    • caflac


      June 7, 2014
  8. the-great-dragon

    I read that linked article about them stalking people and posting their personal info. Fricken gross. The world’s so much bigger than bad book reviews and posting people’s personal information exposes them to some seriously dangerous stuff.

    I just don’t get it with that website. It’s all so needless and overly dramatic. It’s a self-righteous Burn Book.

    June 7, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      The one that really squicked me was where they put what time someone was at a location usually, and mentioned that she walks by the sea wall. But before swearing that they never posted any of that, they insisted they weren’t trying to get anyone hurt and everyone who thought so was a drama queen.

      June 7, 2014
      • the-great-dragon

        That one really fucked me up. You can find people’s real names fairly easily, if you’re really determined. That’s usually the first thing you can find. And their location. But even a pro hacker’s going to be hard-pressed to find out where someone is every Sunday at 4:30 pm through a computer. That doesn’t just happen, you have to follow someone around for a while to learn that kind of shit.

        That is stalking. It is illegal . Telling someone their book sucks isn’t. Yeah, it might hurt some feelings but jeezy creezy, we’ve all been there, they’ll get over it.

        And I’d point out, even if these people STGRB stalked actually are bullies, they’re bullies on Good Reads. They might not be bullies in real life and if they are, that’s for their community to deal with. If they bully on Good Reads, then keep this shit limited to Good Reads. Report their accounts. Get them banned. Yeah, it might cause tensions (esp. given what these people consider ‘bullying’) but it won’t endanger anyone.

        God, these people are crazy.

        June 7, 2014
  9. shelby

    Everyone on the GR site always tells me that I should just let things go and not poke the demons. Heck, they have all my skeletons out for public ridicule. I’m ticked off and I’m not staying quiet anymore.
    I’m here right now. Right behind you Jenny 🙂

    June 7, 2014
  10. That Guy You Are
    That Guy You Are

    Anyone else think it’s funny that the brave anti-bullying crusaders cower behind a locked down Twitter account? That’s not shady AT ALL.

    Their blog is bad and they should feel bad.

    June 7, 2014
  11. Hmmm…I left a reasonable, thoughtful comment about the whole thing, even though I knew they’d never publish it, but now I can’t even access the blog. Is it possible they blocked my IP address?

    Here’s what bothered me the most…the commenters praising Todd and James and whoever else to the high heavens while calling you evil, Jenny, are the ones who clearly haven’t read your work, or are unfamiliar with you as an author and a blogger, but they take everything being said on that blog at face value. When I started reading your 50 Shades recaps, I made myself read the book, too, because hating something without trying it is something I try not to do. I couldn’t get past the first book in the 50 Shades series, nor the After series. As far as I can tell, the only redeeming quality of either series is that it gave so many people a chance to find you.

    June 7, 2014
    • I’m the same as you. I listened to 50 Shades (all three) on YouTube and I read After because I won’t criticize what I don’t know first-hand.

      My problem with these books is not with the writers (people are going to write and if they choose to share it, good for them) and it isn’t even all that much with the publishers (they are a business and need to make money) but with the people fawning all over these books. If those people didn’t exist, these books wouldn’t get published. Are schools not exposing children to real books? Have they never picked up an ACTUAL good book? I mean, so many of them comment that these are the “best” books they have ever read. Compared to WHAT??? I’ve read some crappy books over the years, but nothing compared to these. They are the bottom of the barrel. They are awful. And people love them.

      I just don’t understand.

      June 7, 2014
      • This comment is mte. These books wouldn’t be what they are if there wasn’t an audience for them.

        What’s even more frustrating is that they become such a phenomenon that they choke out books I actually want to read, what with all the cash-grab copycats and whatnot. Sure, good books are still around if you look for them, but it sucks that you have to look for them.

        June 7, 2014
    • Angie

      They probably blocked you. Be very careful. They dox people. I don’t recommend attempting to contact them on their site anymore.

      June 7, 2014
    • ” As far as I can tell, the only redeeming quality of either series is that it gave so many people a chance to find you.”

      My thoughts exactly. I couldn’t make it through the books themselves, but Jenny’s recaps are a life force.

      June 7, 2014
  12. Louise

    First I got really angry at the stupidity of people. Then I realised they must have been through some really sad personal crap which made them lash out and bully others. But then again, it gives them no right to treat others like shit, whether online or in pers… Oh no wait they are harassing other people because *gasp* somebody doesn’t like something they like. I almost feel like making a Stop The GR Bullies Bullies website. But then I would be giving them way too much attention and I do have a life. Chin up Jenny, they’re a bunch of tits!

    June 7, 2014
  13. Angie

    That is really revolting.

    Anne Rice keeps saying this site supports authors. So… why are they harassing so many authors? Could it be that they’re full of shit?

    June 7, 2014
  14. Kate

    These people seem to be bullying others that they perceive as bullies. How is that helpful, and are GoodReads criticisms really so important that these people will be so vindictive and vengeful? It’s super weird and super gross. You are (hopefully) all adults! Act like it!

    June 7, 2014
  15. Jo

    Wow. The depths of this people’s denial is truly mesmerizing.

    June 7, 2014
  16. Alison

    I don’t understand these people. All this is because of a bad book review?

    June 7, 2014
  17. Lieke

    They’re so delusional.

    They seem to operate from some sort of weird mom type of ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything’ perspective when it comes to reviewing books. What good does that do? Every review would be glowing. The reviews would become meaningless and people would stop reading them.

    Why don’t the STGRB understand the value of a negative review? It doesn’t even have to be an in-depth review for it to be useful. Naturally, I would prefer a more detailed review explained what they didn’t like and why, but this isn’t strictly necessary. If I have read several reviews by one author and have agreed with this author most of the time then the opinion of this author has value for me as a reader because we seem to share similar tastes. Therefore, if this author posts a 1 star review of a book that would influence my decision to buy or not buy the book.

    And now I’ve realised something else. Reviews are aimed at potential readers. Reviews are not directed at the author of the book. Yeah, the author could read the reviews and go ‘hey, so-and-so is right: the middle dragged’ or ‘wah, why are they being mean to me,’ but reviews are really meant for people who are thinking about buying a book. It’s part of the information a reader gathers before making a purchase. Are the STGRG really overlooking this fact?

    June 7, 2014
    • the-great-dragon

      You’re last paragraph made me realize what was bugging me so much about all of this too. Like yes, exactly, the reviews are for the readers, not the authors. I ALWAYS look at the reviews before I buy a book. I read the positive reviews, but also the negative ones. And I’ve actually read negative reviews that persuaded me to get a book before, because the things the person didn’t like where the things that I did.

      If someone goes “The language was too flowery” there’s someone out there that’s going to go “Awesome, I love flowery prose.” Reviews, whether negative or positive or neutral, are an awesome tool for people to find a book they like.

      June 7, 2014
      • Angie

        I’m like this too! Particularly if a negative review is all, “Blech, romance!” And then I’m all, “Yay! Gotta read that!” Because I’m a sap that way.

        June 7, 2014
        • the-great-dragon

          *high five* I’ve found a kindred spirit. That’s awesome! I’m all about fluffy, happy things and really easy to understand language. I don’t want to have to go to the dictionary every other page, you know?

          June 7, 2014
  18. Nonnie

    These people genuinely disgust me. They are disgusting, awful human beings and I give their collective existence a one star review.

    June 7, 2014
  19. Cherry

    I don’t care what good these people think they’re doing (assuming that they aren’t just covering for their desire to douche up the internet by saying they want to do good…) it is never ok to bring up someone’s personal life like that! Even if it’s on a blog. Personal attacks are the refuge of people who know they can’t win any other way.

    June 7, 2014
  20. Rainbore

    We don’t think Anna Todd has (or wants) anything to do with STGRB. Mellissa Douthit might try her very best to hang onto Anna’s coattails all she likes, but Melissa Douthit and her socks are more like a gob of poo Anna Todd does not want to put her shoe anywhere near.

    June 7, 2014
  21. Sushi

    Not really sure what to say about this other than ew, what a bunch of nasty oozing pustules there are over there.

    June 7, 2014
  22. *All* comments on that site are moderated. So if they are letting comments through with personal attacks and information, it’s because they (and when I say ‘they’ we are talking about Melissa Douthit) want it that way.

    Melissa Douthit is a deeply disturbed and unhappy person, but she’s such a heinous sack of shit, I just don’t care. She needs to get off the internet and never come back. Toxic as fuck.

    June 7, 2014
  23. Can you all be aware that ‘Mary Shelley’ commenting above is Rick Carufel, who is not a safe person, and was up Douthit’s arse and an enthusiastic doxxer and collaborator on STGRB before Douthit tried to get some press attention and found him a tad too embarrassing?

    Now the former besties are at each other’s throats and Carufel wants to take Douthit down. Fine, go for it. But Carufel still refers to reviewers as bullies, is still trying to make people take one star ratings off his books, and has exactly the same mentality towards reader privacy and safety as Douthit.

    DO NOT ENGAGE, and do not comment on his site. He *will* go after your IP address.

    Jenny, beware. All of you, beware. The enemy of my enemy in this case, is NOT your friend.

    June 7, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      Thanks for the heads up. I’m hiding the comment.

      June 7, 2014
    • shelby

      agreeing with Ms. Ann on this one.

      June 7, 2014
  24. Debbie Rice
    Debbie Rice

    Anyone else find it creepy when they say stuff like how someone “must be stopped”?

    There’s a huge difference between a review saying of an inanimate product “didn’t like reading this” even if causing reader boycotting or adversely affecting book sales and saying some living breathing person must be stopped.

    (Plus, while I don’t consider product opinions to be bullying, bully victims seldom find peace in knowing “why” the bully did it or even in being able to find a reason to feel superior; they find relief when the bullying stops or they can move away from it. )

    June 7, 2014
    • That Guy You Are
      That Guy You Are

      “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

      June 7, 2014
  25. Megan M.
    Megan M.

    I think STGRB somehow blocked click-throughs from Trout Nation, because clicking hyperlinks tells me “Cannot find server” but if I Google them, it takes me to the normal, working website.

    June 7, 2014
    • shelby

      don’t go to their website without a proxy! They will have your ip address..and yes they do that.

      June 7, 2014
      • TayciBear

        This all sounds like the mafia or something. These people must be wackos.

        June 7, 2014
        • Angie

          John Scalzi had a few things to say about them a couple of years ago too. Maybe they’ll be featuring him too one of these days. Because surely he’s just jealous.

          June 7, 2014
  26. Nidhi

    They say this kind of stuff: “Jenny doesn’t actually respond to what we say, just look at her tweets!”

    And I’m like, “Don’t pretend you didn’t read the last blog post, stalker douchebag/s!”

    It’s insulting that they believe that people can’t see through them. They are so freaking transparent you could do it without trying. Ugh.

    June 8, 2014
  27. Bloody creepy bullies, the lot of them.
    The fact that they have zero self awareness I in itself the most horrifying thing.

    June 8, 2014
  28. Flo

    Sounds to me like they have an unhealthy obsession with someone’s personal life. Pot–meet kettle. Very sad.

    June 8, 2014
  29. imc

    I left a comment on the first STGRB post along the lines of “please explain ‘stalking’ and ‘unhealthy obsession’ to me, because 6 posts on a novel and 1 on the publishing industry don’t really seem to cut it to me” and “Jenny Trout has quite a good number of published novels, so I don’t think ‘she thinks of herself as a real author’ technically applies, since she *is* a real author”.
    Not surprisingly, my comment didn’t survive moderation.
    I left a comment on this article too, but my hopes are not too high.

    June 8, 2014
  30. Pax Asteriae
    Pax Asteriae

    These people are psychopathic. Genuinely scary stuff.

    I’m just utterly at a loss that anyone can be so disconnected with reality to think that bullying people is an acceptable way to ‘stop’ ‘bullies’. I use inverted commas, because they’re neither actually stopping anyone, nor are the people they’re trying to ‘stop’ actually bullies. They just didn’t like a book… but that makes it the end of the world, doesn’t it? The planet will stop spinning and we’ll all catapult off to certain doom because someone posted a one-star review or Jenny lovingly sporks a completely and author-admittedly unedited story.

    June 8, 2014
  31. Laura W
    Laura W

    You know, they do accomplish one positive thing.
    Every couple of months these jerks turn up again bullying someone new.
    And each time I end up with a new author to follow.
    I hadn’t come across Jenny before, but I’ve got something new and enticing on my Kindle now.

    March 14, 2015

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