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A Court of Jealousy and Haters: ACOTAR chapter 35 or “It’s love.”

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I’m shamelessly plugging my new Fantasy Romance serial in the intro to an unrelated post. Join the new Patreon tier or my Ream page or read it on Kindle Vella.

As promised, I’m importing the A Court of Thorns and Roses recaps here from Patreon. These were originally written beginning in August of 2020, so there will be references to upcoming or seasonal events that won’t fit with our current timeline. I am not a time traveler and you’ll never be able to prove that I am. I will also include editors notes like this every now and then as we go, mostly to amuse myself but to give re-read value to those who’ve already been on this awful, awful journey with me.

Welcome to the chapter that may be the one that breaks me. ed. —Nope, they get worse. The chapter that features every single problem with the book, Maas’s writing style, the main character, continuity, just everything, condensed into a few pages. ed.—Oh, how I wish this was the only chapter with this problem.

Feyre wakes up in a dungeon cell. She’s all banged up, and there’s blood in her mouth, her lip is split open, her nose is broken, her eyes are nearly swollen shut, she’s in bad shape, okay?

I was in a prison cell. My weapons were gone, and my only sources of light were the torches beyond the door. Amarantha had said a cell was to be where I would spend my time, but even as I sat up—my head so dizzy I almost blacked out again—my heartbeat quickened. A dungeon.

First of all, Amarantha had said I’d spend my time in a cell, there, fixed that weird fucking part of the sentence for you. Second, did you think she meant the kind of cell that’s not in a prison or a dungeon environment?

It ached—ached worse than anything I’d ever endured. I bit down on a cry as my fingers grazed my nose, flakes of blood crumbling from my nostrils. It was broken. Broken.

I’m impressed that it wasn’t broken—broken. Way to exercise some restraint.

I couldn’t panic. No, I had to keep my tears in check, had to keep my wits together.

Feyre has wits?

She starts to think about how to provide first aid to herself, like using her shirt for bandages and water to wash her injuries.

I’d violated one of Alis’s rules.

We anticipated that, Feyre.

I’d had no choice, though. Seeing Tamlin seated beside Amarantha …

Mmm, you did have a choice, though. You had the choice to warn everybody in the human world about the blight and to listen to Tamlin and not run off after him when you knew for a fact it would be certain death. You were jealous that Amarantha was stealing your man.

Feyre wonders how long she’s been unconscious, and I’m going to guess that since she hasn’t peed herself, not long. But she doesn’t know when Amarantha will ask her to do the first task.

I didn’t allow myself to imagine what she had in mind for me. It was enough to know that she expected me to die—that there wouldn’t be enough left of me for her to torture.

But don’t worry! Someone else is being tortured in the dungeon. She hears someone screaming and a whip cracking and makes it all about herself and her guilt:

Clare had probably cried similarly. I had as good as tortured her myself.

Basically, yeah.

I deserved this—deserved whatever pain and suffering was in store—if only for what she had endured.


But … but I would make it right. Somehow.

Nope! No, you absolutely will not make it right, at all. There is no way to make it “right.” You will find a way to make yourself feel less guilty.

I’m not a psychologist, okay? I can’t tell if this line of reasoning is narcissism or psychopathy. But I can tell you that it’s deeply, maliciously selfish to believe that you can make “getting someone tortured to death and killed because you pretended to be them to get out of a dangerous situation” right with “but at least I rescued my boyfriend and we get to be together in true love.”

Patrons, if you’ve read the other books, does Feyre give even one thought to Clare Beddor in them? I really have to know if this is something that haunts her for the rest of the series because frankly it should.

I must have drifted off at some point, because I awoke to the scrape of my cell door against stone.

Feyre bored herself to sleep with her self-centered bullshit. We have so much in common.

Someone slipped into my cell and swiftly shut the door—leaving it just a bit ajar.

Then they didn’t shut it. What is…

You know what, let’s just move on.

The person who’s come to her cell is Lucien.

[…] the hay crunched as he dropped to the ground before me.

HUGE NITPICK INCOMING: it’s straw, not hay. Hay is animal feed, you wouldn’t use it to cover floors. Straw is the nutritionally useless part of wheat that gets repurposed for bedding. Hayrides are rides taken in hay wagons, but the scratchy stuff you’re sitting on is straw.

That’s extremely picky but it’s such a common mistake in Medieval inspired fantasy.

Lucien is like, what are you doing here? And Feyre tells him about Alis giving her a bunch of exposition.

The important thing is that Lucien voices the same issues I’ve had with Feyre showing up Under the Mountain.

“You shouldn’t have come here, Feyre,” he said sharply. “You weren’t meant to be here. Don’t you understand what he sacrificed in getting you out? How could you be so foolish?”

That’s what I’m saying! I feel like Lucien is the only character who’s following the plot but nobody ever listens to him.

“Well, I’m here now!” I said, louder than was wise. “I’m here, and there’s nothing that can be done about it, so don’t bother telling me about my weak human flesh and my stupidity! I know all that, and I … ” I wanted to cover my face in my hands, but it hurt too much. “I just … I had to tell him that I loved him. To see if it wasn’t too late.”

“Louder than was wise” should be my epitaph. But the rest of it is like… am I supposed to think that because the character recognizes that what she’s done has totally negated the purpose of Tamlin surrendering and condemning his whole court, it somehow makes sense for her to have done so? Am I supposed to think she had a good reason because she realizes it was a ridiculous thing to do in hindsight? ed.—Judging from spoilers people have given me for the rest of the series, yes. This is a common thread with Maas’s writing.

Lucien has come to take care of how broken Feyre is.

Lucien glances over his shoulder, checking the door. “The guards are drunk, but their replacements will be here soon,” […]

I’m including that bit because it has bearing on something I’m going to rage about later.

To fix Feyre’s nose, Lucien has to set it, so there’s this whole Mel-Gibson-in-Leathal-Weapon-check-out-how-tough-this-character-is moment that ultimately leads to so much pain Feyre passes out. When she wakes up, Lucien explains that he only healed her a little bit, because otherwise, Amarantha would notice that someone helped Feyre.

“And my nose?” I said, feeling it before he answered.

“Fixed—as pert and pretty as before.”

It’s important to know that Feyre is still pretty.

Feyre is like, wait a minute, why didn’t Amarantha take your power away?

“She gave me back a fraction—to entice Tamlin to accept her offer. But he still refuses her. He jerked his chin to my healed face. “I knew some good would come of being down here.”

Why is Tamlin still being “enticed” to accept anything? He lost. The time ran out. He didn’t get a deeply specific type of human to say she loved him.

Whoa, hey, speaking of “deeply specific,” isn’t it odd that Tamlin only searched for human women to try to romance? I don’t remember the curse saying anything about Tamlin having to love the person back or want to bone them or anything. What if he broadened that search and maybe there’s some guy out there who would have fallen in love with him. Or an enby person.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL what am I saying. There’s no fucking way gay people exist in this book. Not with the way Sarah wrote that Rhysand thing. Gay people were total non-entities in her thoughts when she wrote this. The very notion that a human man or enby might have broken the curse absolutely never crossed her mind. Never. Because if she had even the slightest gay awareness, she would have known how Diet Dom Rhysand came across.

But back to the curse. Tamlin already lost. What does Amarantha need to get his consent for? The entire deal was that she was basically gonna take him Under the Mountain and force him into sexual slavery or something.

Also, if Lucien can use magic to “entice” Tamlin, why can’t Amarantha do the same thing?

But now we’ve reached a point where a character is like, at least I’m being held prisoner as long as I can help Feyre, which… I guess I find anyone caring about Feyre’s well-being a stretch of imagination far beyond that which I can comprehend. It’s the most unrealistic thing in this whole book to me.

A grim nod. “She’s summoned all the High Lords to her now—and even those who swore obedience are now forbidden to leave until … until your trials are over.”

All Amarantha ever does is summon people, it seems like. And they keep returning, every single time, even though she keeps doing shit like imprisoning them and stripping them of their power and cursing them with bejeweled masks.

You know what, Prythian High Lords? You’re too gullible to rule a country. You don’t deserve to have it because you don’t have the good sense the Cauldron gave you to keep it. ed.—This is what I still find so frustrating about this book. We’re told again and again how smart and tricky the fae are, but all Amarantha has to do to get the High Lords to come to her is to be like, “I promise, this time I’m not going to curse you all or steal your magic,” and they’re like, “We see no reason to not trust her. Get in the car.”

Feyre asks Lucien if Jurian’s eye is really in that ring, and that leads to Lucien telling Feyre, IN A PAGE LONG BLOCK PARAGRAPH, the entire story of what happened after Jurian killed Amarantha’s sister, which let’s be honest, none of us are interested in. Like, the idea of killing a guy in revenge for murdering your sister and like, laying waste to his army and taking this horrible revenge is definitely a much more exciting story than the one in this book, but I don’t want to have to hear about this elaborate backstory that I know, deep in my heart, probably won’t have any bearing over the rest of this book. ed.—I’m not sure why THAT isn’t the book Maas decided to write, in the first place. It’s certainly a more interesting concept.

IDK, maybe it’s in here because we’ll need it for the rest of the series or something but I’m looking at the fact that we have 73% of the book remaining AND three tasks AND a fucking riddle to go. Plus, when I look at the table of contents, after the forty-sixth chapter (jfc forty-six chapters) it’s like:

  • Acknowledgments
  • Pronunciation Guide
  • A Court of Mist and Fury Teaser
  • Don’t miss any of this epic series from Sarah J. Maas
  • Praise for the Throne of Glass series
  • Praise for Court of Thorns and Roses
  • About the Author
  • Books by Sarah J. Maas
  • eCopyright

So that’s gotta take up at least ten percent of what’s left.

Also, aside, why is praise for this book in the book? I already have the book. Who are you trying to convince that it’s good? And it’s like, at the end of the book, so maybe they’re saying, “Oh, you didn’t like it? Well, here’s a review that compares it to A Song of Ice and Fire, so who’s stupid now?” And I’m like, IDK, whoever the fuck wrote that review comparing her to George R.R. Martin? ecause the only thing they have in common is that their books are too fucking long.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah. Feyre has a problem with Amarantha because:

A huntress—she was little more than an immortal, cruel huntress, collecting trophies from her kills and conquests to gloat over through the ages.

This entire book.

The defining thing about Feyre.

(Besides whether the fuck or not she can paint something)

Is that she can hunt.

I’m sorry, I must be suffering from slow carbon monoxide poisoning that’s affecting my memory, I really must. Because I remember, OBVIOUSLY INCORRECTLY, Feyre being a hunter and considering keeping the pelt of the wolf she skinned to make a cloak. ed.—And remember how hunting was supposed to be the key to Feyre being able to navigate this tricky situation?

But now, a “huntress” is the worst thing a person can be, I guess.

Hey, another cool, totally not misogynist thing to note: Feyre is a hunter, but Amarantha is a huntress, the girl version and therefore the more evil kind.

The rage and despair and horror Jurian must endure every day, for eternity … Deserved, perhaps, but worse than anything I could imagine.

Yeah, well, you’re not reading this fucking book.

The thing is, I don’t really think it’s all that monstrous of Amarantha to eternally punish the guy who tricked her sister and then CRUCIFIED HER. If someone crucified someone I loved after betraying them, there wouldn’t be a terrible enough punishment. I’m #TeamAmarantha on this one.

But what a seasonally appropriate tale, huh?! ed.—It was near Easter.

 Feyre finally asks about Tamlin, by the way. She’s come all the way Under the Mountain, got her ass beat, and made this deal, but she had worldbuilding questions before she thought to ask about the guy she did all that shit for in the first place.

And guess what? Lucien doesn’t have time to give Feyre an answer! Wow, this is going to conveniently manufacture some drama, isn’t it? Feyre will be constantly pointing out to us that she doesn’t know anything about Tamlin and how he’s feeling or if he’s under a spell or what’s going on with him, and I bet she’ll continually miss opportunities to find out, only to say, “I needed to gather more information” or something like that.

Hey, if a conflict isn’t strong enough to survive asking a question like, “how is this person?” then it’s not a strong enough conflict.

Lucien vanished—just vanished into the dim light.

You saw someone do this already—saw them do it. Remember when Rhysand—Rhysand did it? And it makes just as much sense now as it did then. Both Rhysand and Lucien took the risk of walking into a dangerous situation, only to poof away from it.

Why? Why did Lucien have to sneak down to the dungeon if he can poof there? Why did Rhysand stroll into the dining room that morning if he could magically appear?

Because Sarah needs to make her characters make an entrance. Feyre needs to be able to hear footsteps because footsteps are ominous and her author is addicted to The Big Reveal™.

There’s a section break:

I dozed on and off for what could have been hours or days.

OMG are they torturing her by forcing her to read this book? That’s diabolical.

Some red-skinned fairies come to get her because I guess we’re going for demons and hell and stuff, idk, but the main point is that we have to know that the subservient fairies are any color other than white.

Oh, you thought I didn’t notice that? You thought I didn’t see that all the fairy gardeners and maids and shit at the manor were explicitly described as not looking like white people? You thought I missed that?

I did not.

Anyway, the red fairies take Feyre to the throne room.

I marked the path, picking out details in the hall—interesting cracks in the walls, features in the tapestries, an odd bend—anything to remind me of the way out of the dungeons.

Because you’re going to escape? Now that you’ve doomed the whole Spring Court and then threw away their sacrifice to come their rescue, you’re going to just keep escape in your back pocket?

I observed more of Amarantha’s throne room this time, too, noting the exits. No windows, as we were underground. And the mountain I’d seen depicted on that map  at the manor was in the heart of the land—far from the Spring Court, even farther from the wall. If I were to escape with Tamlin, my best chance would be to run for that cave in the belly of the mountain.

What the shit is this even about? What cave? I spent a lot of time going back over and back over the scenes where Feyre looked at the map or they talked about Under the Mountain and not one single fucking time did anyone mention that there was some kind of cave in the mountain that wasn’t Under the Mountain. Is she talking about the little side cave shortcut? How was it “in the belly of the mountain” when she couldn’t even see the fucking mountain when she went into it?

This could honestly be the worst fantasy novel I’ve ever read. And I had to proofread the fantasy novels I wrote.

And let’s go back over this whole thing where if she escapes with Tamlin. Up to this point, Tamlin hasn’t expressed any interest in being saved or escaping. At all. Like, he made some meaningful eye contact that Feyre interpreted the way she wanted to, but he just kinda sits there doing nothing when she’s around and he didn’t make any effort to see her or get any messages to her, even though we know Lucien can poof in and out of dungeons.

Sorry, he can poof out of dungeons, he has to get the guards drunk and do this whole elaborate sneakery to enter the dungeons.

And she’s like, it’s far from the Spring Court, even farther from the wall… the Spring Court wasn’t far from the wall at all. She went through the wall and was immediately in the Spring Court’s lands. We just read that.

The thing that pisses me off is that I know in my heart there’s a map in this book. I didn’t look for it, but there’s no fucking way there isn’t a map.


And finally, since I have paragraphs to say about every damn thing in this chapter, Feyre is willing to escape with Tamlin. Not a damn thought for the rest of the Spring Court or what will happen to them if Tamlin escapes. Not a damn thought about Lucien and what will happen to him. Feyre is very boyfriend-focused at this point and fuck everything and everyone else.


A bunch of people are in the throne room, all looking fancy.

Dispersed among them were faeries with masks. The Spring Court. If I had any chance of finding allies, it would be with them.

If I were a member of the Spring Court and Tamlin had doomed me to living in a hole as a prisoner for the rest of my immortal life to save Feyre, and Feyre came back and was like, no, I can fix this, I’m your only hope? I wouldn’t be her ally. I would sock her so hard in the tit.

They throw Feyre on the ground in front of Amarantha’s throne.

“I couldn’t sleep last night, and I realized why this morning.” She ran an eye over me. “I don’t know your name. If you and I are going to be such close friends for the next three months, I should know your name, shouldn’t I?”

Watch out, literally anybody Feyre has ever known for her entire life. She’s about to sell you out to save her own ass.

There was something charming and inviting about her—a part of me began to understand why the High Lords had fallen under her thrall, believed in her lies. I hated her for it.

Yeah, you’re going to have to explain to me what about her is so charming and inviting, Ms. Maas. Show your work. Because so far, all we’ve really gotten out of her is over-the-top villainy and paragraphs about her beauty.

But to be honest, maybe that really is all it takes to trick the High Lords? Since they kept coming back over and over to get imprisoned or have their magic taken away or their eye plucked out. They just keep going back like, okay, this time she says it’s in good faith. This time, we believe her.

Feyre won’t speak, so Rhysand gets called in. Amarantha asks Rhysand if Feyre is the girl he saw at Tamlin’s manor.

“But did you or did you not tell me that girl,” Amarantha said, her tone sharpening as she pointed to Clare, “was the one you saw?”

He stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Humans all look alike to me.”

Okay but like, what about timelines, Rhysand? Because we’ve already established that there was no conceivable way for Clare Beddor to be at the manor at lunchtime and at the Beddor house later that night.

Amarantha gave him a saccharine smile. “And what about faeries?”

I read that line and I was like, you’ve got to be shitting me. Feyre is a fairy, isn’t she? And then the next line happened:

Rhysand bowed again—so smooth it looked like a dance. “Among a sea of mundane faces, yours is a work of art.”

and for a second I was like, oh, okay, it’s just a setup to show how good Rhysand is at playing this role for Amarantha. And then I was like, no. There’s no way we don’t somehow find out that Feyre is a fairy. I’m guessing that by the end of this series, she’ll not only be a fairy, but like, a super special, once-in-an-eternity, prophecies fairy who ends up ruling over all Prythian for reasons that don’t approach continuity for even a second.

I’m not going to read any further in this series to find out. I have more self-esteem than that. But I’m guessing that’s how it shakes out. ed.—I hate how good am I at guessing.

Humans all look alike … I didn’t believe him for a second. Rhysand knew exactly how I looked—he’d recognized me that day at the manor.

This might have been a good point if he had recognized her out of several other humans, but he just recognized her as being the human at Tamlin’s manor. Maybe he really couldn’t pick Feyre out from a line-up.

But he damn sure knew Clare Beddor wasn’t Feyre because the timeline makes it impossible.

Amarantha asks Rhysand what Feyre’s name is and Rhysand says:

“How would I know? She lied to me.”

As I pointed out before, he could have gotten the name from her when he went digging around in her mind. The only reason he didn’t was because it would have ruined the whole tragic mistaken identity thing the author was going for, as well as the opportunity to write vague sex stuff that makes this book “spicy.”

The weird thing is, Amarantha doesn’t call Rhysand on that. She’s not like, uh, you could have used your mind-reading powers, duh. And it’s not like she doesn’t know that he has these powers because she orders him to use them on Lucien.

I mean, Tamlin is right there, too, but sure.

The Attor drags Lucien out of the crowd, and his four brothers are there to watch and enjoy seeing their brother tortured. I assume all this stuff about the side character’s family history comes up in a later book, and I’m not just reading it for no reason. But I did appreciate this description:

Behind them, pressing to the front of the crowd, came four tall, red-haired High Fae. Toned and muscled, some of them looking like warriors about to set foot on a battlefield, some like pretty courtiers, they all stared at Lucien—and grinned. The four remaining sons of the High Lord of the Autumn Court.

I like that she mentions that there are four of them, twice. Four, four sons, ah ah ah. And the choice of “some of them” when you’re talking about four people. Like, you can’t easily divide that up? Maybe one of them looks like a warrior and the other three look like courtiers? Maybe two of them are courtiers and the other two are warriors? The use of “some” here really tickles me because it implies that Feyre can’t count higher than two.

Ready—he was ready for Rhysand to wipe out everything he was, to turn his mind, his self, into dust.

This book—this book is going to wipe out everything I am, to turn my mind, my self, into dust.

Amarantha asks Tamlin what Feyre’s name is, and with Lucien right there with Rhysand about to claw up his brain, Tamlin doesn’t say anything. Amarantha asks Lucien’s brothers if they know Feyre’s name and they’re like, no but we’d totally tell you if we did.

Here’s a description of one brother:

He was lean, well dressed, every inch of him a court-trained bastard.

How much time has Feyre spent at royal courts that she can empirically state this? 

Probably the eldest, given the way even the ones who looked like born warriors stared at him with deference and calculation—and fear.

Again, it sounds like we’re talking about way more than four people here, but sure, let’s groove with it.

Rhysand starts to shred into Lucien’s mind, and Feyre has no choice but to reveal her name to save him.

“An old name—from our earlier dialects. […]”

God damn it. She’s a fucking fairy, isn’t she?

Remember in the last chapter when Amarantha said she’d give Feyre a riddle to solve?

“Solve this, Feyre, and you and your High Lord, and all his court, may immediately leave with my blessing. Let’s see if you are indeed clever enough to deserve one of our kind.”

She’s not.

Here it is, folks. This is the moment when this book scattered my marbles—scattered all of them.

There are those who seek me a lifetime but we never meet,
and those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet.

At times I seem to favor the clever and the fair,
But I bless all those who are brave enough to dare.

By large, my ministrations are soft-handed and sweet,
But scorned, I become a difficult beast to defeat.

For though each of my strikes lands a powerful blow,
When I kill, I do it slow …


The answer is LOVE.

You know how I know?


There must be someone you can hire to write good riddles for your books if you’re not smart enough to come up with something decent on your own. And this is written like it’s supposed to be in some kind of poetic rhyme scheme… try to read it out loud. Just try to read it with some sort of rhythm.


8,100 people have highlighted that passage. That’s almost ten thousand people who read that and went, ooh, definitely want to come back and re-read this. This is some top-tier riddling, right here.

There are better riddles on popsicle sticks and Laffy Taffy wrappers.

I’m not even going to look ahead in the story and see if the answer is love. I knew it was love the moment I read the fucking riddle and went, oh, right, because the heroine has to learn how to love and express her love and the whole point of the book so far has been that Feyre’s been falling in love, love, love, love.

It’s love. There’s no other possible answer. It’s love, it’s obvious, and we’re going to have to read what, like ten more chapters of this shit because she won’t be able to figure it out or something.

My mind was void, a blank mass of uselessness.

We were already aware, I assure you.

Could it be some sort of a disease?

No, I think it’s just who you are as a person, Feyre.

Oh, wait, she’s talking about the answer to the riddle.

My mother had died of typhus, and her cousin had died of malaria after going to Bharat … But none of those symptoms seemed to match the riddle. Maybe it was a person?

Remember how this entire book we’ve been told Feyre is so, so clever? Just incredibly intelligent and clever, clever, clever?


The answer was so close—one little answer and we could all be free. Immediately, she’d said—as opposed to … wait, had the conditions of my trials been different from those of the riddle? She’d emphasized immediately only when talking about solving the riddle.

Editor: You know, you never mentioned if the riddle worked the same way as the trials. When she finishes the trials, are they all immediately free?


No, I coudln’t think about that right now. I had to solve this riddle. We could all abe free. Free.

But the riddle is too gosh darn hard, too diabolically clever.

I’d be better off slitting my own throat and ending my suffering there, before she could rip me to shreds.

I think that every time I sit down to read the next chapter of this book. That I’d be better off if Feyre slit her own damn throat and ended my suffering there.

They take Feyre back to the dungeons, where there’s a section break and she tries to work out how many days she’s been down there (she thinks it’s two), and she spends the whole time thinking about the riddle.

The more I thought about it, the less sense it made.

See also: the world-building, characterization, and continuity of this fucking book.

Not to mention the nagging feeling that she might have wound up tricking me with this bargain when she’d emphasized immediately regarding the riddle. Maybe she meant she would not free us immediately after I finished her trials. That she could take however long she wanted.

I really, really like fairy tales and to be honest, that wording didn’t ping anything for me. Do the tasks over three months, or solve the riddle and not stay for three months. That’s not to say that Feyre shouldn’t have paid better attention when making the deal and explicitly said, like, we walk out of here that exact night. Just that to me, it doesn’t feel like there’s any kind of hole in the deal as written.

I mean, if there’s really a hole in the deal, it’s the concept of “freeing” them. Because remember, Amarantha “freed” her slaves by killing them.

Anyway, Feyre has nightmares about Jurian’s eye and what might happen to her, and THANK. GOD. the full moon happens at the end of the chapter.

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  1. Lena

    I knew she wasn’t going to suffer any actual impairment from getting gang stomped because living with discomfort is unfathomable to the author, but I gasped at just poofing it away without so much as a “Praise fairy Jesus I don’t have to be a useless, lazy cripple like my father!”

    Absolutely nothing would change if her father had died along with her mother. Nesta could have taken over raising her sisters. The change in her role could have strained their relationship. Nesta could have been the one Fayray pouted about not staging a daring rescue because Nesta had to stay home to take care of the other sister. Nesta could have been the one the boogeyman impersonated. Dad adds nothing except a heap of opportunities for ableist bullshit. (Unless one believes Fayray shitting her pants during someone else’s beating is characterization no one could live without. And in that case, missed opportunity to point out how strong she is because she didn’t shit herself during her own beating.)

    November 10, 2023
    • Dove

      So true. The father serves no purpose other than I suspect exploring daddy issues or something (even if unintentionally.) And Wikipedia states that Sarah’s father is Jewish so this could also be anti-Semitic, even though there’s supposedly no religions in this world (though they’re clearly loosely Abarhamic and she doubles down on that for her newer series with angels or whatever the fuck the love interest(s) is/are IDK.) I don’t know if it just never crossed her mind or she thought it was impossible for her to internalize shit like that but there’s so much other garbage accidentally puked onto the pages (able-ism, racism, sexism, and colonialism) that it wouldn’t be out of place by any means.

      And she deviated so much from the source materials and converged multiple stories AS IS. There’s really no reason to keep her father around unless Nesta can’t inherit anything and EVEN THEN this is a different fucking world with a different history supposedly. That could be changed for fuck sake. Nesta could be there to become a merchant while being certain Elain is taken care of. And Clare Beddor could just be hanging out at the house when Feyre returns and is like “I missed you so much!”

      Ya know, because supposedly she might’ve been a friend of all three sisters.

      Wow. That could’ve been pleasant. Something less shitty than what we got. Some sign that humanity is good because Clare is the only one who didn’t turn her fucking back on them when they were poor or something maybe.

      Instead, Feyre is like “oh the evil bitch I kinda wanna be friends with I hate that I feel this way and I wonder why.”

      No shit you do. No shit.

      November 11, 2023
    • Dove

      I forgot to add fat-phobia hahaha. There is of course that too, though that kinda falls under all the stuff I did list already, including classism, which is another one I forgot to add into that mix.

      What a great fantasy for teenagers and up to enjoy.

      November 11, 2023
      • Dove

        I meant to say fat-shaming ugh anyway

        November 11, 2023
        • Al

          Fatphobia is a thing, that term is used correctly! You’re good!

          November 11, 2023
          • Dove

            Oh good! Well, not good but glad I got the idea across. I get words mixed up a lot by accident and luckily that was still correct. 🙂

            November 11, 2023
  2. Akri

    My headcanon is that the point of the riddle is to torture the other faeries, who all know the answer since they have at least 2 braincells to rub together, but are magically barred from telling Feyre.

    November 10, 2023
    • Al

      Yeah XD

      That WOULD be torture for me…

      November 10, 2023
  3. Tina

    I have just one question: Why didn’t Amarantha kill Feyre?!

    I’ll miss coming here nightly (for me) for the recaps, but damn will I be glad when it’s over.

    November 10, 2023
    • Dove

      Clearly Amarantha knows she’s torturing the audience.

      November 11, 2023
      • Al

        Oh she’s REALLY evil…

        November 11, 2023
        • Dove

          Yeah! lol It’d be funny if Amarantha was basically Deadpool only she’s a vicious POS to everyone else and the readers too because she’s so self-aware. She’s only trying to do her job as the villain to the best of her ability!

          And then she could mock Feyre while giving sneaky asides to the readers while Feyre is all huffy and saying,”Excuse me? Who are you talking to?!”

          It might get tiresome quickly but it could also be unique.

          November 11, 2023
  4. Jane Jones
    Jane Jones


    Fey. Re.

    Faaaay reeeeeee

    Goddamnit she’s a fucking fairy and it was there the whole time.

    November 10, 2023
    • Mab

      Yeah, that’s about as cryptic as that riddle, which is to say, not at all. The second the book said what her name was I was all “oh, so she’s secretly a fairy but doesn’t know it, okay”.

      So Fayray was taken and beaten so that Lucien could go all mortal and sneak into her cell to heal her so she’s pretty again, then magic out because…? What was the point of any of that?

      This book that I’m not even reading is doing my head in.

      November 10, 2023
      • Dove

        Did Lucien even lock the door behind him when he left? That just occurred to me lol.

        He left it ajar then we’re told other randos come to fetch Feyre but she doesn’t try to escape after he poofs. What was the point of him doing that either?

        I don’t think Maas remembers what she has characters doing half the time. Maybe this explains the repetition of the shit that doesn’t need it, the missing callbacks, and the lack of repetition for the things we’re expected to remember and go “clever girl!”

        November 11, 2023
        • Mab

          I would love it if he did leave the door unlocked for Fayray to escape, but she’s so far up her own ass she didn’t bother to check.

          November 11, 2023
          • Dove

            Yeah, Lucien reappears in the next chapter to CHEW FEYRE OUT because she didn’t even check and he got mind-mangled or else they threatened it (I can’t remember how far they got in the damn throne room and I don’t wanna scroll up to double-check.) Lucien would be so pissed off this stupid bitch just CAN’T be helped!

            Maybe that’s why Amarantha is just toying with her. She knows there’s no way in hell that Feyre can stop anything without fucking up repeatedly every time. It’d be funny if it weren’t so infuriating.

            November 11, 2023
  5. Rowan

    “we have 73% of the book remaining”

    Please, please, *please* tell me you meant we’re 73% of the way through, because if this was only 27% I am actually going to cry.

    (Jk, I know what you meant.)

    Also, going back to the last chapter for a moment, I can’t explain why but the fact that after all this bullshit Feyre does not end up with Tamlin sends me into an incandescent rage.

    November 10, 2023
    • Milly

      I just came here to say the same thing. How is 35 chapters only 27% of the way through? So many words to tell so little story.

      November 11, 2023
      • Rowan

        It’s 35 out of 46 (?) chapters, so we are actually 73% of the way thru, thank the lord

        November 11, 2023
  6. Dove

    Honestly, Clare’s death is the thing that would absolutely be the straw that broke the camel’s back for me if I was being generous enough to push through this mire on my own. There’s no coming back from that.

    I’m a wuss; I admit it. Jenny’s Creepy Forest Story seems innocuous enough on the face of it, but it actually disturbed me so much (especially after realizing I probably wouldn’t have had the strength to pull through the way she did, completely serious in saying that) that I’ve had sincere trouble sleeping lately. Not like I can’t but I had to shake things up because the white noise app I normally use couldn’t drown out the intrusive anxiety. I had to switch to a calming music channel on YT with really lengthy videos and no ad-rolls. This is how pathetic I am and I’ve been this silly since I was a kid/teen.

    BEFORE THAT thinking about fucking Clare’s death became another intrusive anxiety inducing thought. I realize it wasn’t that well written (although probably better than if she had gotten even more gruesome in the description) and it still bothered me because I just empathize with this kind of shit enough I can’t really watch most horror movies or super intense thrillers at all, let alone by myself. I’ve also seen just enough of any of that in media and art online to get an inkling.

    Add onto this we’re stuck in Feyre’s head, forced to use her as our surrogate, and there’s less of a disconnect between us and her stupid ass. It’s just on the safe side of 2nd person POV which I can’t stand on a good day most of the time (and most people dislike, which is why it isn’t commonly used. It feels unnatural unless you’re willing to immerse yourself that way and I normally can’t.) I’d give up because I’d feel too guilty. Even though I suspect Feyre will forget about her after this book, I would rage quit at this point because I would never get over this. I’m the kind of person who has a guilty conscience for shit like saying the wrong thing and realizing I fucked up little shit like that. Even my bigger fuck-ups haunt me. I don’t need more of that but I also really don’t need Feyre pretending that she fixed things WITHOUT STRAIGHT UP USING MAGIC TO RESURRECT CLARE! Which I strongly suspect no one will do.

    I rage quit a different book called The Knife of Never Letting Go around the point where the intentionally stubborn, stupid, and illiterate ass-hat hero gave into his prejudice and murdered an innocent alien purely because of that prejudice and his frustration with his current bad situation, EVEN THOUGH he knows the truth. I’m sure the point of it was to show how hatred and internalized bigotry creates needless violence but I DIDN’T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN. The hero had a choice, the author had a choice to not include the poor alien appearing at all, and it wasn’t necessary IMHO. I doubt it ever comes up again either in that book series. Also, that book was frustrating in general and had a horrible cliff-hanger for the next book. The dog dies, I think. I started skimming after that to see if anything got better. The villains recapture them for being stupid and easy to find. It’s one of very few books I sincerely put into the trash (would’ve recycled but that apartment complex didn’t have general all purpose recycling.) Don’t get me wrong, it also had dark undercurrents from the very beginning but the alien being murdered is what made me lose it and stop giving what little ounce of a shit I had left. I’m amazed to realize this series got a movie but it seems like it got panned as boring and forgettable lol as it should.

    My point is Clare Beddor’s death is absolutely jumping the shark. The more I think about it, the angrier I get, but only at the author. This is the kind of shit I sincerely see as a betrayal. We’ve had no indication of this sort of thing, not really, because even the horrible, pointless deaths were theoretically inoffensive. I mean, they do piss me off. I’m honestly not kidding when I say the fairy who lost his wings should’ve lived and IDK done anything else during those chapters which he could’ve been included in. TBH having the entire Court demolished or otherwise harmed is just… ugh.

    Look, I was iffy from the beginning with the wolf and Feyre hinting this shit was prolly fae and her only sort of feeling bad and Andras being glossed over as a reasonable sacrifice. I do want nuance and gray morality but this ain’t it. I get that this was gritty lite but I don’t like the Fridged Woman trope, especially this nonsensically handled. And we’ve crossed a very clear line by letting Feyre be at fault for it. I’m not saying it should be sanitized to only be Tamlin or Rhysand’s fault. This never should’ve happened. I mentioned it before but I just had to say all this again and really get it off my chest. Her feeling guilty over some nameless voice being tortured and Lucien sneaking in to repair Feyre’s nose so that she stays pretty boils my fucking piss. The author is trying to have her cake and eat it too. I know Jenny has mentioned all this but I just…

    I had to vent. If I was a fucking teenager I’d be horrified but not in a good way lol. I might not be able to comprehend exactly why it upset me so much but I’m pretty fucking certain that it would. Luckily I don’t think I’d ever get this far but I had more patience when I was younger so it’s possible. Ugh.

    Clare’s corpse is the tomato cherry on a toothpick planted firmly into a fried banana slice on top of a shit sundae masquerading as chocolate.

    November 11, 2023
    • Al

      Oof.. no, not pathetic, I get that. Intrusive thoughts are difficult and A Lot to deal with. And all the Claire gore (Claire Bed-gore?) (okay sorry that was uncalled for XD) was so pointless that I can imagine it would’ve been frustrating! It added absolutely nothing to the story or plot, and never gets touched on after this book. I’m also not a horror fan, but I’ve made exceptions for horror that’s really good, like Get Out. And there’s a difference between horror that serves a purpose in the narrative (in Get Out the horror is the commoditization of black bodies by an entire community, and all the horrifying details serve that) versus horror that’s “all edge and no point”. I… dont actually think the Claire thing is necessarily all edge and no point (though it’s possible it is), but at the very least it could have been handled better. And it sounds like the alien thing was a bit pointless if it never got addressed again.

      November 11, 2023
      • Dove

        Right. Admittedly it wasn’t that much gore (I think? I’m literally only going off what’s in the recaps. I have never read these books.) It’s really more my own brain deciding to fill in the uncomfortable gaps. Because it hates me lol.

        And thanks, I do feel better about that then. They’re not super intrusive but once you’re trying to fall asleep, that’s the time anything unpleasant is most likely to be magnified and slip in when you’re trying not to think about it. The idea isn’t lodged firmly in my brain but it slips quietly into the cracks. And me being angry about it doesn’t help; I’m more likely to mull over how senseless and forced it feels.

        I agree, Clare’s death could’ve been handled so much better and it’s not utterly pointless but it’s just so easy to revise that out and change basically nothing. Literally every death could’ve been served just as well by having those characters remain alive if one were inclined to keep them. The murders could’ve been swapped out for more “harmless” vandalism, sabotage, and theft. The impact would lessen considerably, but you can use this with literally everything, from Andras to the wingless fairy to the Naga to the Bogge to the Attor to the severed head to Clare Beddor and her entire family plus servants. None of them needed to die. Shit, the deer didn’t even need to die! Tamlin PROMPTLY took Feyre away and used his magic (lol we think) to give Feyre’s family a windfall or however that broke down. Point is they were fine. Selling the wolf skin? Meant nothing. Clare dying? Meant nothing.

        Feyre isn’t even having nightmares about Clare… she’s having nightmares about ending up like Jurian which is a gruesome state to be in but him and Amarantha’s sister didn’t have to die either. We could literally rewrite it so they’re both addicted to tickle torture which is actually horrible when it isn’t consensual, but there’s absolutely nothing in this entire fucking book that couldn’t be replaced with one of the still kinky but more family-oriented cartoon options and give us basically the same result. Even Feyre’s broken nose could’ve been written out and we’d lose nothing of value. Her dad could just be straight up removed lol but he also doesn’t need to be disabled or, here’s a wild thought, he could’ve been born that way!

        So, yes, these elements have a point but… just barely and it’s not enough of a point for me to forgive Maas. In Get Out, I’m relatively certain that you can’t completely revise those horror elements away because that’s the entire theme of the movie BUT even if you did, I guess make a parody of it in that way, it wouldn’t suddenly improve the love story significantly which is the major disconnect that we have here. Even now knowing for certain that Tamlin isn’t the one, it just… ugh. We could have a better fake-out over loving him and then a better surprise reveal when it comes to Rhysand because we don’t have to jump through those hoops. It also means we don’t have to decide how much we like Feyre. This has to be one of those sticking points where you either forgave her for this lone fuck-up that stuck or you didn’t and having a deal-breaker in a YA romance adjacent fantasy doesn’t sound like a good time to me.

        Does any of that make sense? I fear it doesn’t.

        I’m willing to be wrong but this is what I believe.

        And yeah, I’m pretty sure the alien thing isn’t addressed in the first book at all. I can’t confirm it doesn’t make an impact in subsequent books but I really can’t see how. The villains were using the aliens as scapegoats for their own crimes, but it seemed as if the other human colonies on the planet, or where ever they were, knew those guys were actually dangerous extremists. The book had an interesting albeit very cishet gimmick that got me intrigued but quite frankly it also had a lot of lost potential. I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if the first two books could’ve been heavily edited down into one book without having ever read the second and third books. Almost nothing happens in the first one and the cliffhanger could be avoided then. Like if we got a cliffhanger for this book where Feyre was sent away and then immediately ran back and got caught by the Attor and THAT was where the first book ended. At least then it might’ve finally grabbed people but we still wouldn’t have had a single fucking thing happen in this damn book lol.

        November 11, 2023
      • Dove

        lol shit I meant that to be “afflicted with tickle torture” although sure, Jurian and Amarantha could be addicts and only get off on that. It truly doesn’t change a damn thing. Tamlin, Jurian, the sister, and Feyre don’t like being tied up and tickled. Done. I don’t even know if Jurian is technically dead come to think of it. But yeah!

        November 11, 2023
    • Heather

      You’re right about The Knife Of Never Letting Go. The murder of the alien doesn’t come up again.

      Not only does it not come up, but the villain (maybe he was already doing this in the part you read to) is all about wanting to be the hero’s mentor and turn him into a killer, and a big deal is made about how the hero mustn’t kill or he’ll be doing what the villain wants, etc, how he has to remain *someone who hasn’t killed.* (I forget if that’s said in so many words but it’s very clear. It’s presented like a threshold he hasn’t crossed & mustn’t.) He’s never killed a human. That much is true.

      It’s honestly like the author just forgot.

      November 12, 2023
      • Dove

        Ahhh! I knew it! YEAH the villain is trying to mold him and murdering the innocent alien plays RIGHT into his plans but then it gets forgotten and ignored.

        It’s literally the author wanting to have their cake and eat it too but I wouldn’t be surprised if he just fucking forgot because it’s a completely senseless act. The hero is this ignorant, hormonal, frustrated teenager so it makes sense for depicting that but it ruins the entire premise, it makes him completely unlikable, and it treats the alien as being even less of a sentient being than the damned dog whose internal thoughts we can hear. Plus it makes NO SENSE in that I think he can’t quite hear the alien’s thoughts but it’s presented as masculine if memory serves me right (simply because that’s the default in any cishet world) and it just contains so much baggage and presumably unintended very horrible messages. It’s on the same level as depicting all the rainbow-skinned fairies as savages, that level of blind racism.

        The MC had already gotten on my last nerve before then because he’s also illiterate and doesn’t learn how to read for some reason. I was already irritated by the fucking long ass and boring travel scenes which become COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS because they all got caught in the cliffhanger ending but him being on his own for a short time, for some reason, JUST so that he could murder the poor alien (WHO WASN’T ATTACKING AND WAS LITERALLY BEGGING FOR MERCY IN AN ALIEN LANGUAGE BUT THE BODY LANGUAGE WAS CLEAR TO HIM) crossed so many lines and I never fucking forgave the author for that.

        I’ll never forget that fucking scene for being the biggest betrayal on top of a shit pile of lost potential (to be fair it was probably a failed premise to begin with but maybe a better author could’ve pulled a short story out of it by actually exploring gender study.) I tried to give it so many chances because I was suckered in by the Font Gimmick and the title is pretty unique and I guess the cover looked cool. I really don’t know why I picked it up but I hated that little shit of an MC more than I hated Harry Potter by the end of that series.

        And Feyre is like the Knife MC having a bastard incest sister. They’re cut from the same sexism, racism, able-ism, classism, fascism, colonialism, patriarchal internalized cloth. I only remember so much and I’m 100% certain that’s true.

        November 13, 2023
  7. Dove

    |But back to the curse. Tamlin already lost. What does Amarantha need to get his consent for? The entire deal was that she was basically gonna take him Under the Mountain and force him into sexual slavery or something.

    Because the author sincerely believes men can’t be raped and they can only get boners when they want to have them. No woman can truly force a man to do something he doesn’t want to do which is why Lucien is helping Feyre now and Alis has left this book behind her. I also suspect Maas has no idea what a dominatrix is or that some people of any gender enjoy that concept, alongside having no idea any masculine presenting people could want a masculine dom.

    I don’t know if Maas knows about anal sex at all for that matter but considering how often Feyre shits herself this is probably for the best.

    |And I’m like, IDK, whoever the fuck wrote that review comparing her to George R.R. Martin?

    Wait, maybe they’re onto something. Maybe everyone gave Martin too much credit regardless of how the TV show ended badly. Perhaps his books are too fucking long because they’re full of just as much stupid meaningless shit but he’s capable of writing asshole characters better so people are more accepting of this fact. IDK. I like playing Devil’s Advocate but I agree with you, Jenny.

    |Hey, another cool, totally not misogynist thing to note: Feyre is a hunter, but Amarantha is a huntress, the girl version and therefore the more evil kind.

    Clearly Amarantha should’ve skinned Clare and turned her hide into a leather leotard. That’s why Feyre is allowed to hate her for being so girly and displaying the dead body like a piece of modern art.

    Is Feyre capable of painting Clare’s dead body? I forget.

    |The rage and despair and horror Jurian must endure every day, for eternity … Deserved, perhaps, but worse than anything I could imagine.

    Dude, she sympathizes with this man over Amarantha lol. I hate to break this to you, Feyre, but I’m sure he tricked and murdered more women than just her fae sister. I don’t need to hear about Amarantha’s backstory to guess as much.

    Yeah, it’s gruesome. He’s doubtless no better than Amarantha and I wouldn’t be surprised if that evil fucking shithead is enjoying the torturing she commits on a daily basis. That’s presumably his relief, watching others get abused; he revels in the suffering of others. Consider that for a moment, Feyre. Really let that sink into your thick fucking skull. The cursed jewelry isn’t your friend.

    (And I say all this as someone who loves a great many villains and enjoys writing about them. I tend to favor the truly sympathetic ones though. The ones who actually make a heel-face turn or you wish they could because it feels plausible even if it never happens canonically.)

    |What the shit is this even about? What cave?

    Maybe there’s a secret exit inside Amarantha’s mossy vagina. About as plausible as anything else in this book. *shrug emoji*

    Btw I guess we should tack onto the high lords having to give consent meaning that only the high lord’s consent even matters in this book. All the faeries who aren’t white? Their consent doesn’t matter. This is why the stupid high lords keep agreeing to go to these shitty balls and whatever happens will be considered a trick even if it was just an RSVP letter. Hell, side-eyeing that Clare is the only dead body on that wall again. Where are Huntress Amarantha’s other trophies? You don’t just torture one person to death and display them for fun. It makes the decor seem odd.

    Oh yeah, Clare was rich and presumably a white woman. I guess.

    |The thing that pisses me off is that I know in my heart there’s a map in this book. I didn’t look for it, but there’s no fucking way there isn’t a map.

    The map is on her official website. It tells us nothing other than “yup that’s Great Britain all right!”

    |Not a damn thought about Lucien and what will happen to him.

    I don’t even understand why she’s thinking about escape. She has to do the stupid things she agreed to do first. Also, why isn’t she assuming they grab Lucien and ask him to poof them? Yeah it’s shitty but FFS that’s the obvious answer if you’re gonna be this much of a garbage human being. *sighs*

    |If I were a member of the Spring Court and Tamlin had doomed me to living in a hole as a prisoner for the rest of my immortal life to save Feyre, and Feyre came back and was like, no, I can fix this, I’m your only hope? I wouldn’t be her ally. I would sock her so hard in the tit.


    Uuuuggh this book.

    |“I couldn’t sleep last night, and I realized why this morning.” She ran an eye over me. “I don’t know your name. If you and I are going to be such close friends for the next three months, I should know your name, shouldn’t I?”

    See, this shit could work if she hadn’t killed Clare. Get Amarantha to pretend it was all a simple misunderstanding. Lay it on thick about her own backstory or something and really portray herself as a faux hero. Give us Disney’s Ursula, for fuck sake. You can’t just have her show that she kills and tortures for fun and then turn around with “hey, bestie!” Even as a joke. Even trying to imply all the high fae are gullible idiots. I know Feyre doesn’t speak now but this would be more tolerable then.

    And yeah, not surprised she’s gonna be a faerie. Not at all. That just makes Clare dying and Feyre living even more gross. Yeah, Amarantha kills other faeries but apparently not high fae which is of course what Feyre will become or always have been or whatever. I don’t actually care. It doesn’t matter how it happens or that she is following one version of Beauty and the Beast very loosely (where she’s like the niece of the fairy who curses him, creepy as that whole thing ends up being.)

    gods the riddle. I’m not great at riddles. I’m not. And I can get if you’re panicked even easy shit can become hard. She’s theoretically stressed over Lucien, as she should be.

    This is why Clare and all this fucking guilt and depression shouldn’t have been introduced. Feyre has to enjoy her stupid martyr complex and prove she has failings so we can’t end this shit right away. Also, Tamlin has to be a false lover because of fucking Rhysand. You know how you can resolve that? End it now, free everyone, really piss off Amarantha, make her explode, and then DEAL WITH THE IMPACT OF THOSE TWO LOVE INTERESTS.

    But no. This book is literally about suffering as much as possible in the most insipid way possible while never truly letting the MC be in danger. I wouldn’t mind it as much if it was better written, had a goddamn point that intrigued me, and didn’t rely on shock value to jolt the reader awake from all the mundane shit the author can’t seem to make remotely interesting because she either hasn’t tried or she mistakenly thought setting a bland routine was the best way to depict depression. I don’t know, other than I hate this book so much.

    |I mean, if there’s really a hole in the deal, it’s the concept of “freeing” them. Because remember, Amarantha “freed” her slaves by killing them.

    A very good point. If only she’d deign to “free” Feyre right now like the Sphinx.

    |Anyway, Feyre has nightmares about Jurian’s eye and what might happen to her, and THANK. GOD. the full moon happens at the end of the chapter.

    … THAT’S YOUR FEAR, FEYRE?! Not the fucking naked wall-pinning like a gruesome butterfly? WHY THE FUCK DID CLARE EVEN DIE?!?!?! Feyre is all “hurr hurr I don’t want to end up like that abusive asshole human who tricked some innocent person!” AND she feels like befriending Amarantha who is a Huntress. I understand that fawning is another response to aid self-preservation, along with freezing, fighting, or taking flight. But what the actual fuck are you doing?!?! GAJFFOEMLSLFGMMFMGMGG


    I hate internalized misogyny so much. yet I keep reading these recaps. lord.

    I really hope I’ve internalized enough of Jenny’s lessons during this month or two to make the suffering worth it fuck. I really hope. Also, just realizing we won’t finish this nightmare before December unless we’re super lucky which I doubt. I know they’re already written but Thanksgiving and all that. anyway…

    November 11, 2023
    • Al

      You know how Maas doesn’t understand how poverty works because the poor people still have servants and hire mercenaries and have spice markets and an ‘upper class’s.

      Maas also doesn’t understand how slavery works 😛 she thinks it just means there are evil people being mean to you and ordering you around; not that they can violate your bodily autonomy and ignore your consent.

      November 13, 2023
    • ShifterCat

      “Where are Huntress Amarantha’s other trophies? You don’t just torture one person to death and display them for fun. It makes the decor seem odd.”

      Now picturing an evil queen whose throne room looks like a shrike’s larder.

      November 14, 2023
      • Dove

        Yes! IT WOULD BE FITTING and also more creepy and sensible hahaha. Maybe she also eats bits off the bodies as snacks and offers a bite to Feyre? This is where IRL can inspire so much fun, weird, scary stuff. Like come on!

        I’d actually accept Clare dying more if this was just something Amarantha ALWAYS does but it’s presented as this almost random one-off thing and I know it’s for “theming” regarding her sister but COME ON. It doesn’t make it a lot better, I’d still rather it not be there at all, but at least then it feels like fucking lore instead of some half-baked thing that sounded clever in the moment. And it’s both very animal and human and gruesome if there’s a bunch of trophies on the walls.

        November 14, 2023
        • Mab

          I think it would have been far more chilling to see a line of bodies with Clare just one among them to hammer home that this woman is EVILLLLLL!!!!!! Instead it comes across as this woman is JEALLLOUUSSSSSS and wouldn’t have flayed someone only Fayray is her Twu Luvs girlfriend so she had to lash out.

          I am impressed that Maas managed to make something as brutal as torturing and murdering an innocent come off as so lame. I think it was meant to up the ante, make things more dire, but Faytedtopissmeoff didn’t really seem any more scared than she was, she just seemed a bit annoyed, like it inconvenienced her that she has to feel bad about what happened to an innocent person.

          November 15, 2023
          • Dove

            YES EXACTLY! ALL OF THAT! If only Clare was just one of so many broken and mutilated corpses, some of them fucking ancient and picked clean, faeries and humans alike, because that’s how it has been presented but then Maas doesn’t do that! We have this one off in the distant scream while Feyre is in her cell and then that’s it!

            I don’t want Amarantha to be this way but the Wingless Wonder and the Severed Head and fucking Jurian all indicate she just does this casually on top of being pissed off about Twu Wuv. Clare dying no matter what and her ENTIRE FAMILY AND THEIR SERVANTS being murdered in a fire indicates this bitch gets off on torture and death. FUCKING SHOW THE REMAINS. MAKE THIS PLACE A PIT OF BONES. Give her a Throne of Bones! It’s not that hard to really lean into this fucking shit once you’ve decided to go Edgy.

            Amarantha is just living in a fucking Hot Topic/Spencer’s/Halloween Chimera store right now. And Feyre is here to use up her Reward Points.

            November 16, 2023
  8. A

    Every time the curse or masks are mentioned, ever since the first mention, the missed opportunities have pissed me off. Masks being permanently welded to your face with no other consequences than obscuring it are, like, a teenage prank or a spell gone wrong. I know this could never happen in this book, but if we want a real mask-welding curse, make the masks solid chunks of metal that are not only extremely heavy (painful, distort the skin/hair, cause bleeding… whatever) but make it impossible for fairies to see, speak, smell, eat or drink, breathe. (In this scenario, they don’t have to eat/drink/breathe to live. They’re magic. Whatever.) We now have fairies that have been able to hear but not speak for forty-whatsit years; they will have invented new languages! New ways of doing their jobs! New ways of enjoying life! Where are the servant fairies communicating in tactile language to keep secrets? Where are the high fairies spending hours listening to the leaves rustling in the beautiful garden? Why didn’t we get that! Arrrggghhhh!!!!

    November 11, 2023
    • Dove

      Yeah, the masks aren’t even a true inconvenience. I’m personally on the fence with regards to the pain and such since that’ll be harder to get across without speech (muffled grunts and cries would work but Feyre won’t know why they’re doing that for a time) but sign language would’ve been really cool! It would actually keep anyone from telling Feyre about the damned curse too, until she learned their language, and provide a better barrier than “yo, you killed my friend. Also secretly I’m using you because I have no other options.” It would’ve been super complex to unravel (especially if Feyre remained illiterate) but so simple in theory, so satisfying if handled well, and much better than what we got. It would make the faeries afflicted much easier to sympathize with.

      November 11, 2023
      • Al

        Yeah this is all super clever! (Both Dove and A comments)

        November 13, 2023
  9. ShifterCat

    “Sorry, he can poof out of dungeons, he has to get the guards drunk and do this whole elaborate sneakery to enter the dungeons.”

    To be fair: the way Teleport spells tend to work in D&D is that you need to be able to picture the target location in order to teleport there. So you have to be able to see it or have been there. So it actually does make sense that Lucien would need to find a way *in* to the proper dungeon cell, but be able to teleport back to whatever room he’s been assigned.

    Not that Maas shows any signs of having thought through her setting’s magic system, but maybe she’s played D&D once.

    “…he was ready for Rhysand to wipe out everything he was, to turn his mind, his self, into dust.”

    Sorry, all that’s been established is that Rhysand can read surface thoughts. Now suddenly he’s capable of a full mind-wipe?

    Right, it’s Sarah J. Maas. What was I thinking?

    November 13, 2023
    • Dove

      Maybe Lucien simply took pity on the guards having to listen to Feyre’s internal monologue all day long so he went there and got them shit-faced out of pity.

      lol wut? No one said the guards couldn’t read minds!

      As for the incident with Rhysand, maybe Lucien was getting ready for a hardcore BDSM scene, he already negotiated it with Rhysand first, and he was eager to enter subspace? I mean… the way Rhysand was acting the LAST time he was with these three hoo hoo hoo! 😉

      November 13, 2023
      • ShifterCat

        There we go, it was like a dom(me) saying “I will destroy you”. All just mood-setting for a consensual BDSM exhibition scene. I like this version much better.

        November 14, 2023
        • Dove

          YEAH! Literally so much of this would be a million times better if it was just a consensual BDSM scene at a safe BDSM event. 😀

          I understand why Maas didn’t, I’ve only RECENTLY learned more about that stuff myself thanks to Jenny’s 50 Shade recaps years ago, and other stuff since including some research on my own. But so much horrible fiction could be fixed if it was catering to kink and presented in a healthy way (or even unhealthy IF that is the point of it, to expose abusive actions hiding in plain sight for example.) It doesn’t even have to be full-on kink like you can vanilla this stuff up easily so long as it’s obviously consensual and caring and playful and relatively knowledgeable. 🙁

          November 14, 2023

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