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The Boss and The Girlfriend get new wrapping, just in time for the holidays!

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You guys, I am so excited. The Boss and The Girlfriend have brand new covers!


gf front cover

Both covers have been uploaded through the proper channels, but give it a few days for them to show on retailers’ pages. Paperback versions will also be available starting this week, and I’ll be posting links as they become available.

As for me, I’m exhausted! I just came back from my writing group’s retreat, which was amazing as always, but a whole weekend of rest and relaxation has thoroughly wiped me out. This week, I’ll be hard at work putting finishing touches on my February 2014 release from Entangled Teen, Such Sweet Sorrow, and finishing up the first draft of The Hook-Up. So, just stuff and things going on here, I guess.

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Here for the first time because someone recommended my Fifty Shades of Grey recaps? Welcome! Consider checking out my own take on the Billionaire BDSM genre, The Boss. Find it on AmazonB&NSmashwords, iBooks, and Radish!


  1. Reenie

    They look fantastic!!

    November 4, 2013
  2. I love them! I liked the old ones too, but these are great.

    November 4, 2013
  3. Wait. Wait, wait, wait! Is “the hook up” a prequel to The Boss?? Please tell me it is!

    November 4, 2013
    • Nope! There will be a prequel to The Boss, but when I was working on it before, I lost about 10,000 words of it in a computer mishap. Now I have to wait until I go back and write it, rather than try to recreate what I had written before. The Hook-Up is going to be a free Christmas story from Neil’s POV, featuring Emir from The Girlfriend.

      November 4, 2013
      • Oh yeah! I totally remember that this was mentioned already lol.

        November 5, 2013
  4. Okay, so … I loved The Boss’ original cover. Absolutely loved it. It was simple, sleek, elegant, beautiful. But, to be honest, I wasn’t so fond of The Girlfriend – so on that score, I was a little pleased that The Girlfriend was getting a new cover. And it is certainly a very good cover, and I love it on its own merits. What I was surprised by (and I wish to detail a little here) was that I love the new cover of The Boss. I adore it – it’s just so good, the monochrome (always a good choice) fits with the dinner jacket, and even the dress is the right choice. It’s stylistically wonderful, showing her work in and love of fashion, yet not too gaudy so it could be either her own or a well-thought of gift. Okay, there is a minor gripe, in that Neil is a little aloof. I would have liked it if he had a more assertive stance, to symbolise the Dom/sub relationship – but that’s a small gripe, and doesn’t really take anything away.

    One thing that I wondered at – the lettering, the change in the colour. Was that a simple matter of the background being white, and so the lettering of The Girlfriend must be black, or is there some deeper meaning?

    November 4, 2013
    • Because the background of photo was darker, the cover needed lighter text, and vice versa. No symbolism, LOL.

      OMG, let me tell you about “aloof Neil” and the stock photo this came from. I’m absolutely convinced that the male model in the photo was like, twenty years old. And, he was ginger. I saw that, and I was like, “I don’t know how this is going to shake out…” but artful cropping does wonders!

      November 4, 2013
      • Bahaha! 20 year old ginger Neil would have been … more than a little weird. Yeah, I think I prefer this aloof Neil 🙂 .

        November 5, 2013
  5. Great job on the new covers, especially The Boss. Classy! 🙂

    November 4, 2013
  6. Kelsey

    Beautiful! I can’t wait to order my copies – everyone on here seems to be raving about how great The Girlfriend is, and I have yet to read it!

    November 4, 2013
  7. Lindsay

    The way the model’s hair looks on The Boss looks almost exactly how I pictured Sophie’s hair.

    November 5, 2013
  8. Hane

    Nice covers– but am I alone in preferring not to see pics of the characters? I prefer to cast my own leads in the funtimes romancy novels I read. (I won’t mention who my Sophie, Holli, and Neil are, lest I be attacked.)

    And a big THANK YOU for dissecting 50 Shades, and also doing kink rite! I ripped through The Boss, The Girlfriend, The Bride, and the kinky Emir thing in the first two days of my vacation! And there’s no wifi here. 🙁

    August 13, 2014

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