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State of The Trout: Yet Another Whirl-Wind Travel Adventure

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Hey everybody! This is a head’s up to tell you that I’ll be gone from Tuesday until next Monday at the Author’s After Dark conference in Charlotte, NC. In the meantime, comments that go into moderation will probably not get moderated, because I’ll be hob-nobbing with all the reader elite, and desperately hoping someone buys my books.

• Are you in the Charlotte, NC, area? I’ll be signing books at a huge, multi-author book fair at the Westin Charlotte (601 S College St) on Saturday, August 9th, from 2-4pm. The signing is free, and there are going to be a lot of authors. I think like, well over a hundred.

• The  Afflicted chapter four is now available on Wattpad.

• If Ever I Would Leave You is on sale for $0.99 at Amazon and Smashwords. It’s still not available at other retailers, but you can get every format you could possibly need at Smashwords. It will eventually be available in broader distribution.

And… well, I guess that’s about it. Huh. I thought for sure I had more news this week. Guess I didn’t.

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Here for the first time because someone recommended my Fifty Shades of Grey recaps? Welcome! Consider checking out my own take on the Billionaire BDSM genre, The Boss. Find it on AmazonB&NSmashwords, iBooks, and Radish!


  1. I live in North Carolina. Nothing ever happens there. I’m out of the state until August 15th and now something is happening that I would actually like to participate in. Life is dumb. I hope the rest of you have fun!

    August 4, 2014
  2. Claire

    Hey Jenny, will you put the Afflicted on Amazon when it is done?! I’d rather wait and buy it and get to read it all at once but if Wattpad is my only choice I will do it. Love your writing! x

    August 6, 2014
  3. Stephanie

    Holy crap, seriously? First-time commenter, after reading your books. I live in Charlotte! This was yesterday! Why did I not come here sooner?!

    August 10, 2014
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    August 14, 2014

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