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DON’T DO THIS EVER (an advice column for writers): “On Wednesdays, we wear pink” edition

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You guys know that I have absolutely no love for anti-blogger authors who treat the entire publishing world like their own personal version of high school, right? So just wipe out everything in that sentence after “for” and replace it with, “Jamie McGuire.”

Jamie McGuire. How do I even begin to explain Jamie McGuire?

Jamie McGuire is a #1 New York Times Bestseller of contemporary romance. Or YA, if that’s the award she’s trying to win. She believes that if you don’t like her books, you’ve never lived a hard life. And that reviewers should focus only on the parts of a book they enjoyed, and that negative reviews attack the readers who enjoyed the book. (Screencaps from She writes books that sound even more horrifying than 50 Shades of Grey. She’s also been known to whip her devoted readers into a frenzy to attack people who have criticized her, and it truly doesn’t seem to matter how many or how few followers these reviewers and bloggers have on social media. You got 300,000 readers? McGuire will go after you. You got 30? She’ll still be at your door.

It’s no secret in the romance publishing world that McGuire and Jane Litte from Dear Author are never going to sit at the same lunch table. McGuire has accused Litte of being an opportunistic stalker, and Litte appears to get a kick out of poking McGuire. You get those stories from the links further up. So when news broke this week that publisher Ellora’s Cave was suing Litte and Dear Author,  readers saw through one of McGuire’s tweets:

mcguire tweet 1

In fact, she was so happy about the law suit, she tweeted again, hours later:

mcguire tweet 2

and again:

mcguire tweet 3

It turns out that her shade was about as obvious as a backfiring glitter canon, because everyone on twitter knew what she was talking about. The Mean Girls vibe continued on Facebook, where she and author Theresa Mummert celebrated with macros:

mcguire fb
“feeling amused”

So, they’re childishly celebrating the misfortune of their enemies. No harm there, right?

Well… not really. Litte is being sued over her post, “The Curious Case of Ellora’s Cave,” in which Litte writes that while a number of authors and editors have not been paid (some for as long as six months), the company owner has publicly bragged of shopping sprees and started up several side ventures, and that while the company posted $15 million in revenues last year, tax liens and salaries are going unpaid. Ellora’s Cave responded to these concerns by slapping Litte with a lawsuit. Litte stands by the allegations made in her post on behalf of her anonymous sources.

McGuire’s tweet opened a floodgate of responses from authors, readers, and bloggers who immediately knew exactly what she and Mummert were talking about:

As it turns out, when you celebrate a blogger getting sued for exposing business practices that are harming authors, and you, yourself are an author, you come across as kind of a traitor. To McGuire and her sycophants, they’d  just won a karmic victory. But many saw it differently.

Like, well. Me, for example. I’m an Ellora’s Cave author. I only have one book there, and it has never been a bestseller, but I love it and I would be heartbroken if it were to end up as part of a bankruptcy settlement. So, I asked for a reversion of my rights last week, after a summer of rumblings from other authors who weren’t happy with their experience with the company. I myself have never had any payment issues with Ellora’s Cave, but having been in the business for almost a decade, I’ve learned that when authors are saying that they aren’t getting paid, other things aren’t getting paid, either. As Litte points out in her post, if a company goes bankrupt, authors can lose their rights permanently, so some Ellora’s Cave authors are faced with a difficult, possibly bridge-burning choice right now. I’ve never met an Ellora’s Cave staff member about whom I could say a bad word, and it pains me to cut ties with a publisher that I feel has treated me well, but in business you have to make hard decisions to protect your interests. For authors who have been with them for twenty or more books, whose careers have begun and flourished there, who have good working and professional relationships with people in the company, the hard decisions are stacking up.

And this is what McGuire is celebrating? That she has been personally vindicated in her ego-fueled spat with Litte through the actions of a company that has recently gained attention for treating its authors badly? You’ll note that when Litte discovered and widely publicized the fact McGuire and other authors had been plagiarized, McGuire called her “courageous” for going public with important information. Litte did something to help authors, and it benefitted McGuire, so she’s courageous; when Litte does something to help authors and McGuire doesn’t benefit in any way, she’ll go ahead and cheer for whoever will tear Dear Author down, even if it means siding against fellow authors.

According to McGuire, we’re all misinterpreting her tweet:

mcguire tweet 4

But if that were the case… why not go into more detail? Why not clarify what her posts were actually about? McGuire is aware that we all know she was talking about the Ellora’s Cave suit, but she’s not interested in actually defending herself here. One of her social media talents is convincing others that she’s being victimized, thus causing a bigger stir.

Remind you of anyone?


But McGuire isn’t Regina George, publishing isn’t high school, and the social media Burn Book schtick she’s going for is just as destructive as the one assembled by the Plastics. McGuire’s lack of empathy for her peers and her inability to see past her own interests in order to celebrate some petty revenge seems at odds with the rah-rah supportive attitude she’s shown authors in her clique.

Jamie McGuire: this Ellora’s Cave situation? It isn’t about you. It’s not some cosmic gift crafted especially for you to gloat about. If it was, why would you want it, if it means other writers are facing hardship? Authors out there who just want to keep working and who don’t like the head this situation has come to? Bloggers are viewing this as a clear, serious warning that protecting authors from companies with exploitative business practices is going to result in a messy legal ordeal. So who’ll help you out if a publisher you write for starts to go under? If this plays out the way you clearly want it to in order to serve your petty vengeance, you could one day find that your rights and your royalties go away, and there will be no one willing to stand up for you.

If that happens, well, enjoy the lacrosse team, Jamie.

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  1. Victoria

    Jamie just reminds me a lot of a literary version of Ree Drummond. Redheaded Oklahoman good-ol’-girls who furtively stab people in the back while maintaining that toothy, 4H-best-in-show grin the whole time.

    September 27, 2014
    • Megan M.
      Megan M.

      Wait, what did Ree Drummond do? I like her. :/

      September 28, 2014
      • Victoria

        Primarily, lifting recipes from other sources (like church cookbooks) without crediting them. (This site has a pretty comprehensive rundown but is now members-only.)

        I kind of liked her back when she was just a blogger and I didn’t know about some of the shit she’d pulled. Then I watched her show and it’s just so awkwardly staged and about peddling this idyllic small-town country lifestyle while highlighting her lack of cooking skills. But people love that kind of thing.

        September 29, 2014
  2. Why am I not surprised that this crap is coming from the twi-hard published fan-fic people?

    September 27, 2014
    • @Laura deLuna…I suppose it shouldn’t surprise any of us, should it? Anyone who’s read 50 Shades, or should I say tried to read it, because I couldn’t get past the first three chapters before I winged it across the room, off the wall and into the trash can for a 3 pointer. Without a doubt, 50 Shades is the single most poorly written and edited book I’ve ever had the displeasure to attempt reading, and I read all the Twilight books because I got them for a buck a piece at the Goodwill. I recall full well how twi-hard fans foamed at the mouth at those who dared to post less than glowing reviews. Well, guess what kidos? They’re books. Love them or hate them, they’re things. What Dear Author was writing about in The Curious Case of Ellora’s Cave was people’s lives. My life, actually, as I’m one of the people who hasn’t been paid in a while. I’ve gotten my share of less than glowing reviews in the past 7 or 8 years but do you hear me whining? No. I used them as an opportunity to learn and grow as an author, which is what we’re supposed to do. And it worked, because my latest Keira Cole book garnered 4 and 5 star reviews. That’s the purpose of reviews…learning tools. And whipping up your feckless cabal of mindless groupies is not learning from your mistakes, it’s justifying them by attacking people who have just as much right t their opinions as do you, you spoiled, ignorant, little turds. Here’s an idea…grow up, broaden your horizons, and learn a little empathy, because that Karma you’re crowing about? It’s an effing bitch.

      September 28, 2014
      • what the fuck are you talking about? Teressa Mummert is a twi-hard published fanfic author… her book white trash damaged? yeah thats twilight fan fiction… you need to get your head out of your ass before you go off half cocked replying to people.

        what I am talking about is the general immaturity of these self published authors and how most of this crap nowadays is coming from the ones who self published twilight fan fiction.

        September 28, 2014
        • Ummm

          Do you regularly attack people who agree with you? It may have gotten lost in the rambling prose, but she was expanding on what you said. Hateful much?

          September 29, 2014
          • if she was agreeing with me i dont see any evidence of it anywhere in her comment. maybe instead of going straight to rambling prose she should have made an affirmative statement… but if you start blabbing on about something that barely has anything to do with my comment and then end with what basically amounts to a threat all the while addressing a person whom i can only assume to be myself because of the fact that the comment is a “reply”, i am of course going to be pretty ticked off.

            September 29, 2014
        • Tio

          The way you responded to here here honestly made me think you were responding to a deleted comment before I realized you were going at that girl for agreeing… She says Twilight and it’s ilk is crap, as you implied in your post, and if you read the part at the end, I find it to be directed at Jamie and her group, the groupies she sends out to attack people who review… You really went off there…

          October 3, 2014
          • i think you might want to read the comment that i left directly above yours.

            and once again: if a person agrees with you, it is typical to say “i agree” and then start discussing behavioural issues. not go directly into said issues and leave the question of who is being discussed up in the air.

            October 3, 2014
        • Karin

          I think when several people tell you that you’ve totally misread the intent of a comment, you need to check your reading comprehension. It was obvious to me that India was agreeing with you, so your slam was misplaced.

          October 5, 2014
          • the comments above address this. check your reading comprehension.

            October 5, 2014
  3. Carolina West
    Carolina West

    Guess there’s no end to the selfish idiot line-up in publishing. This Jamie woman sounds like a real f*cking peach.

    September 27, 2014
    • Courtney

      It makes me upset that she is this way because I REALLY enjoyed Beautiful Disaster, and I went out and bought the whole series, but now I have no idea if I will be reading them anymore. Its hard, because I know I shouldn’t judge art based on the artist, but this particular artist is basically being a traitor to others.

      October 5, 2014
      • Laina

        Why shouldn’t you judge art based on the artist??? Especially art that you intend to financially support. I don’t, for example, want any money of mine to be going to the things Orson Scott Card supports.

        October 7, 2014
  4. SpazP

    noooooooooo shit

    September 27, 2014
  5. Maybe if McGuire is lucky the karma will come right back at her and burn her right in the butt. 😉

    September 28, 2014
  6. *facepalm* This is exactly how not to react to criticism. Disagreeing or defending your work is okay, though sometimes defense isn’t the wisest course but is understandable. Attacking those who are critical, delighting in their troubles, that reflects really badly on her.

    September 28, 2014
  7. Thanks for the handy summary of events! I’m seeing scattered spooge all over my tline and have been trying to put the wankery together. The main problem I can see with the rise of self-publishing is that some of these authors really need PR training (not that some traditionally published authors don’t, but it seems especially egregious among the ex-fanficcer lot). I wonder if any of this unprofessional behavior will ever have repercussions beyond annoying people. I haven’t heard of this Jamie McGuire person beyond her unending fount of wankery, which pretty much guarantees I will never buy anything she writes (though to be fair, the reviews I’ve read of Beautiful Disaster aren’t particularly tempting), but I’m probably not typical.

    I’m just wondering how long it will take before one of these authors really gets themselves in deep excrement, so to speak

    September 28, 2014
  8. Dorota

    Great article. Thanx for posting it and for bringing ALL the issues to our, readers, attention. And there are quite a few.
    First – Ms McG and her inflated ego – well – I also hope Karma will bite her and her minions in their ass.

    But there is much bigger issue at hand.
    In the past I have purchased quite a few books published under Ellora’s Cave umbrella. It was responsible for me discovering some really great authors whose books I enjoyed very much, for which, as a reader, I will always be grateful.
    However – I have always hoped my money went as much to support the Publishing house as to support the authors who write for our enjoyment. Now – I am not so sure. Such pity!

    September 28, 2014
  9. Flo

    What a mess the whole way around. And I agree with the previous poster that said perhaps some PR training for a few of these people might be in order. Seems to me that she is missing the bigger issue completely in her “search” for self-vindication. Yeah, Karma is a Bitch alright…and I love the last line of your post, epic!

    September 28, 2014
  10. Areyoujoking

    Aren’t you doing just the same as Jamie? Why can’t she delight that someone that has bullied her is finally getting their fate? She obviously isn’t delighting in the fact that authors aren’t getting paid. Maybe you are the one that has an issue with her. This post reeks of jealousy. Jane Litte is a bully and has bullied many authors. Why can’t Jamie be happy that karma has hit Jane and Dearauthor. Maybe, if you weren’t so eager to bring her down, you’d see that Jamie’s posts have nothing to do with Ellora’s Cave and what they are doing to their authors. Her comments are just about DA. Maybe it’s you that should get over yourself.

    September 28, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      Well, I hope that made you feel better, because it bored the hell out of me.

      Any other Jamie stans, don’t bother me. You’re all about as thrilling as a box of pencils and I’ve done this dance with you before.

      September 28, 2014
      • Miss Knowitall
        Miss Knowitall

        ugh that comment above has fucking MacPack written all over it. MacPack is Jamie’s super secret facebook group. The group she uses to go out and do her bidding. To them everyone is a fucking bully and it’s because everyone is jealous of her. GET A FUCKING CLUE MACPACK! You “boss lady” is ridiculous and Atria needs to drop her ass or take her social media away.

        September 28, 2014
        • Lauren

          This isn’t a MacPack thing, it’s just a thing if this community. Jamie isn’t the first author that was bullied, and she won’t be the last. She also isn’t the first author to respond to this type of situation inappropriately, and she obviously won’t be the last. In the few years I have been a part of this community, I have seen nothing but people ripping each other apart. There is no right in this situation. Period. There is only wrong.

          September 29, 2014
          • JennyTrout

            Jamie McGuire isn’t being bullied. Jamie McGuire is not a victim. She victimizes plenty of people herself, though.

            September 29, 2014
    • KG

      100% agree with this comment. I used to read “Dear Author” and “Smart Bitches” in the early years…but then I noticed something, both sites encouraged bullying of the worst behavior on their blogs and in the comments section. They have their own rabid fans (nutty followers) who will shout down any opposing opinion. It turned me off so much that I stopped reading either site in 2009.

      I have been published with several e-publishers who were targets on these sites–usually for the same stuff: rumors of financial problems. None of them went bankrupt (as predicted whenever a complaining author showed up to air his/her ‘problems’ with a publisher) and ALL of them are still paying me on time as promised.

      This is not the first time Dear Author has crowed about ‘problems’ with Ellora’s Cave. And, yet, all these years later, they are still in business. Wondering why so many blog readers are interested in helping out a bully continue her practices online.

      September 29, 2014
      • JennyTrout

        I’m being paid on time as promised, as well. But others aren’t, so I know that my experience there is not indicative of everyone else’s experience. Dear Author and Smart Bitches are not “bully” sites. Even if they were engaging in the kind of behavior you’re alleging, authors still shouldn’t be celebrating a publisher trying to silence critics (and former authors) by threatening litigation. Use some common sense. If they’re willing to do this to Dear Author, they’re willing to do it to anyone who has a blog that voices criticism.

        And not getting paid isn’t a “problem;” this isn’t something people are exaggerating. Not getting paid for six or more months is a problem.

        September 29, 2014
        • KG

          EC is not trying to silence authors, but a website that has been spreading rumors coming from unknown sources that undermines their ability to do business. I’m not a lawyer, but reading the Dear Author post I don’t think it was smart of them to publish it and not expect some move from EC.

          Criticism is different than fabricating ideas about what is going on at a business and publishing it as ‘truth.’ Re-read the DA post, and you will see what I mean. The DA post is speculation at best…then you read the comments section and see the crazy comments fly. The DA site has been like this for a long time…they are quite mean-spirited there.

          You don’t have to believe me, but I stopped reading their site due to gang activity in the comments section and DA encouraging the behavior. They laugh at certain authors as if it is middle school all over again. Just not worth my time. Not surprised EC (or someone) finally got around to suing them.

          September 29, 2014
          • JennyTrout

            You know what’s funny? You’re not a lawyer, but Jane Litte is. So I think she would know better than to post something libelous. And the DA post is not “speculation.” If you visit the Author Exodus page I posted a link to today, you’ll see EC authors and editors, some using their real names, who are saying, “This is happening to me.” Dislike Dear Author all you want, but the lawsuit is utterly without merit, authors and editors really are going unpaid, and it’s silly of you to insist that this is all just some unfounded vendetta when there are people willing to stand up and possibly imperil their careers for speaking out against their publisher.

            September 29, 2014
          • Diane

            Yes, the defendant being big mean poopy-pants is always a good reason to support a shady publisher who has not paid their employees and is attempting to stifle free speech.

            Seriously, a little perspective would be nice. Jane reported what actual editors, authors, and cover artists have been reporting for months. This is bigger than your idiotic petty vendetta.

            Damn, even Jamie McGuire has shown the good sense to shut her piehole and pretend ignorance. It’s too bad her fans can’t do the same.

            September 29, 2014
          • AK

            FYI Jane Litte is a lawyer and I am sure she knew what she was doing when she wrote her blog. Not only did she know but I am sure she realized that if they aren’t paying their lien which is over $100,000 now then their liquid assets are depleted. Who knows what is really going on with them? Time will tell.

            October 10, 2014
          • JennyTrout

            An attorney correcting someone who isn’t an attorney but who insists on dispensing incorrect legal advice is not “mean.” I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree re: whether or not Jane is a bully and get back to the original point that you abandoned by the wayside: Jane is not being sued for being mean. Jane is being sued for making true statements against a publisher who is not conducting business ethically.

            September 29, 2014
          • Diane

            I read the link and have no idea what you are talking about. The only thing I read was a lawyer clarifying the law.

            Seriously? Is this what passes for “mean” these days? Goddess save us.

            September 29, 2014
          • Seriously?

            Nowhere in the comments section was Jane being mean to anyone. She fairly calmly explained her position and why the other party was incorrect, and the truth is that she was in the right. So if you’re looking for the “irony” of Jane going after someone….try again. This ain’t it.

            September 29, 2014
          • “Just FYI, here is a good example of “Jane” on DA going after people in the comments section. ”

            Oh you mean Jane and Courtney Milan schooling eternal wank machine, Jamaica Layne, over spreading nonsense and misinformation about the law? Jane, who is an attorney, and Milan, ditto? While Layne is a pisspoor author and self-labelled journalist who like to rearrange reality to suit her?

            God, I thought we’d seen the last of you Ravenous Romance tosspots. I guess the rotting corpse still has enough life in it to rejoice at the misfortune of an enemy. But not enough humanity left to realise the actual issues at state.

            September 29, 2014
          • AK

            you’re right KG the conversation was upsetting to me to read; I certainly didn’t like it.

            October 10, 2014
      • Julia

        I’m not a fan of either SBTB or DA for the same reason — I think some of their regular “fans” are truly hateful and narrow-minded, even to the point of outright bigotry, and I think the blog authors and their most slavish followers have certainly created a chilling effect of their own at those sites.

        The lawsuit is frivolous and will come back to hurt EC bigtime in the end (frankly, given the tax liens and the attention this is getting, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an IRS audit in EC’s future), but I’m not shedding any tears over Ms. Litte’s predicament.

        September 30, 2014
        • ” I’m not shedding any tears over Ms. Litte’s predicament.”

          Then you’re a fucking idiot. Because anyone who blogs or reviews or offers an opinion, or signs a contract with a company who screws them over and talks about it in public, is a potential target.

          And since EC is suing someone telling the truth rather than putting their house in order, Jane isn’t going to be the only victim.

          I really, truly hope something horrible happens to you and your enemies rejoice about it. Because that’s what people like you deserve.

          September 30, 2014
          • Julia

            Yeah, well I’m not worried. You’re the most hateful, bigoted old drab of the bunch. No one cares what you think.

            September 30, 2014
          • Julia

            Yeah, well I’m not worried. You’re the most hateful, bigoted old drab of the bunch. No one cares what you think.

            September 30, 2014
          • Susan

            Wow! Wishing something horrible happens to someone? That is the lowest of the low. Talk about giving yourself bad Karma.

            Why don’t you all let the Bully vs Bully lawsuit be settled where it belongs, in the courts not on social media or blogs. I also find it disgusting that DA is asking for money to help with her expenses. There are a lot more worthy causes go give money to, and it is disheartening to read that authors with a lot of money are adding to this fund. I don’t know who is right or wrong and neither do any of you. It’s all speculation. Since “Jane” likes to strut her stuff about being a lawyer, and a know it all when it comes to literature, the law, publishing practices, how an author should market, how an author should write, feminism, then I would think she is confident enough to win this case.

            If EC is not paying their staff, shame on them and I hope justice is served and they cough up what is owing their authors and staff.

            I’m not saying Jane or DA deserves this complication and stress, but I know from talking to a lot of non-DA groupies that a lot of people feel they are surprised it hasn’t happened before. That whole site is negative, and they do act like Mean Girls. But even at that, they don’t deserve to go through a lawsuit, but it is what it is. It’s one Big Bully suing another Big Bully. Good luck to them both. The real losers in all this are the authors and the staff that got screwed over, if what is posted is actually true. We don’t know that, we don’t have all the information, do we?

            I think it’s time for blogs like DA to take a hard look at how irresponsible they are when they themselves act like Jamie McGuire and get their minions to go out and harass other blogs and authors.

            Same goes for Smart Bitches. Not so smart. As many of us have seen how rude and aggressive they are towards certain authors. Even so far as we have seen them suggest they one star bomb a certain author, even if they didn’t read a book. I could go on and on with examples of how these two blogs have been nothing but a negative force, but still, I don’t wish them any harm nor do I wish them hardship with lawsuits.

            It’s not all that surprising. I think that’s what some people are trying to say. This is a wake up call for all the bloggers who feel invincible with their mean girl attitudes.

            October 4, 2014
    • Anon

      Comes late to the party; waves at obvious STGRB drone.

      May 27, 2020
  11. Nina

    I hope Karma bites her. Ugh I HATE people like that. This is just so…UGH. Not everything revolves around you Ms. McGuire. And that company does deserve what it gets. They’re stealing from people. It reminds me of a comic publishing company in Italy that has kept secret from people who worked on certain comic that they won’t publish it. Those people finished one issue and started working on the other, and in the middle they found out the previous issue was canceled and so is the one they were still working on. They found by themselves because nobody was kind enough to tell them they’re working for nothing. Oh and not getting paid because the series have been canceled. I hate it when people are treated like that. Authors work hard, and they put themselves out, and all that and then they get such shit back. And it’s horrible when a self-centered prissy misses like the one mentioned add salt to the wound by making a feast out of it

    September 28, 2014
  12. Krista

    Thank you so, so much for this post!! I don’t know how long it is going to take sheeples to see what a horrible person Jamie is. This is just one of 3 public incidents of bullying she has partaken in this year. Where the hell is Atria’s PR department?

    September 28, 2014
  13. Not a fan
    Not a fan

    I would like to add my two cents to this. Teresa Mummert was referenced. I used to be very close with her, this friendship ended when she joined the cool kids and started bullying. She is just as bad as Jamie. Also a big “likes” buyer.

    September 28, 2014
  14. anon

    While I agree with your post that authors should never do what this one did in public, I do think you’re underestimating the extent to which this topic goes. In other words, I don’t think you have any idea how many people saw that EC is suing DA and celebrated it in private. We won’t go there in public, but behind the scenes there have been celebrations you’ll never hear about.

    September 28, 2014
    • Diane

      I’m sure your fellow authors who aren’t being paid and have been abused by EC appreciate your glee.

      You may not like DA, but what Jane reported was factual and brought to light how EC has been treating authors, editors, and cover artists. There have been complaints about non-payment for a long time, all the while Engler constantly posts about her lavish lifestyle.

      Get your priorities straight and grow the fuck up. This isn’t high school.

      September 28, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      You’re right, I’m sure there are TONS of authors who are insensitive morons, and I’m glad I won’t hear about their “celebrations.”

      September 29, 2014
      • Deer Editor
        Deer Editor

        Jenny I applaud you and others who are trying to help the “sheeple” focus on the real issues, like writers and editors not being paid, authors losing future publication rights and the obvious 1st Amendment violations. More concerning is to read the comments of some of these self-proclaimed writers who are also self-published. Being a Bully is bad but the lack of subject-verb agreement is unforgivable. Some of those screaming Mimi’s should stop worrying about PR, social media glitter and their “brand” and work on character development, plot structure and dialogue. If they take more time to work on their craft they would have less time to tweet and post so much BS. Owning a laptop doesn’t make you a writer… Just like posting a video on YouTube doesn’t make you a filmmaker.

        January 3, 2015
  15. Shannon

    I for one Love Jamie, and that rambling bunch of crap you just posted, sounds to me like jealously rearing its ugly head. You know what they say Karma is a bitch and seems to me that Litte whom is a bully got what was deserved. So you continue to do, exactly what you’re picking on Jamie about being a bully, you are no better with what you just posted.

    September 28, 2014
    • Miss Knowitall
      Miss Knowitall

      Blah blah blah everyone’s jealous of Jamie. Why don’t you fucking MacPackers think of some other excuse? The jealousy shit is overused like her constant whinning of always being bullied.

      September 28, 2014
    • ginmar

      Dear God, I think that comment in all its “jus’ jellus” glory made me reverse backward through puberty.

      September 28, 2014
    • shellypaints

      Dear lord!! do these idiots not understand what book critics do? They critique books. Good ones take books apart and evaluate important things like; plot lines for consistency and logical sense, characterizations – is the character an idiot or someone you can admire, description – is it pertinent and well done?, grammar, spelling, etc. Too many books lack these basic items. It doesn’t matter how wonderful a story may be; if it is unreadable because of any of these issues I want a critic letting me know so I can make an informed choice on what book is worthy of my $$

      FWIW I love being able to download a free sample I can easily decide if a book is something I might buy – Ms Macguire’s failed that test. Add to that her classless behavior and I will never buy nor read her books.

      September 29, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      I’m not jealous of Jamie McGuire, I side-eye grown-ups who use “karma” as a threat, and commenters who make false equivalencies are boring.

      September 29, 2014
    • merc

      Shannon, I’m afraid it’s worse than jealousy. We’re all viciously attacking and bullying Jamie because


      because of our big, LESBIAN CRUSHES on her

      September 29, 2014
  16. Flo

    Has anyone here read “Beautiful Disaster”? Reason I ask is I haven’t, but I was just read the plot synopsis on Amazon and it sounds an awful lot like another book we’ve discussed here on the blog…perhaps Karma has already gotten to her?! Hmmm…

    September 28, 2014
    • Jen

      I have and I was really turned off by the relationship between the h and the so called H. I thought it glorified that type of borderline abuse relationship.

      September 30, 2014
  17. Candy Apple
    Candy Apple

    Did she steal her book title from Kelly Clarkson’s song? Because “Beautiful Disaster” debuted in 2003, well before the 2012 publishing date given by Amazon for her book of the same name.

    Whatever. She sounds like a piece of work. I’m happy to have never read one word she’s written.

    September 28, 2014
    • She also announced the name for Beautiful Oblivion what felt like weeks after Beautiful Oblivion by Addison Moore was released.

      September 28, 2014
      • May

        And you know what the so-called MacPack planed to attack Ms. Moore for daring to use the same name.

        It did not happen when someone mention that she checked the copyright and found it happened first.

        Why i know? Someway somehow they accept me in the group. I get in without knowing what they are (think it info group). I left the group when realize it is a cult. There is an assignment given (to pre order The leader’s or her daughter’s book or go to bookstore and shuffle the book to bring the Leader books up front and hide other authors that they identify as enemy so shopper cannot buy. You have to show video for points)

        They are truly disgusting.

        September 30, 2014
        • Brittany

          Haha actually I’m a member too! I originally joined because Ive enjoyed several of Jamie’s books and hadn’t witnessed the sketchiness or bullying yet. Now I stay a member because I like to go into the group and laugh at how crazy they are. I actually commented on the thread about how ms Moore’s book is really good and then no one else said anything haha. Sometimes I give in to the temptation to troll, just waiting for them to kick me out. 😛

          September 30, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      Titles aren’t copyright, though, so that’s fair game. Lots of books are named after songs. In fact, my first series was originally going to be all David Bowie song titles, at the suggestion of the editor. Instead of The Turning, Possession, Ashes to Ashes, and All Soul’s Night, it was going to be Absolute Beginners, Changes, Ashes to Ashes, and As The World Falls Down

      September 29, 2014
      • Victoria

        That’s awesome, by the way.

        September 29, 2014
      • All excellent songs. But As the World Falls Down is still my favorite 🙂

        September 29, 2014
  18. book whore
    book whore

    Thank you for posting the truth. I haven’t followed Little much, but I do know and have seen how ugly Jamie and her fans get… I’ve seen them throw authors and bloggers under the proverbial bus more than once. Very sick of the mean girl mentality. We can actually all have fans, readers, reviewers, and author friends without being ugly to each other.

    September 28, 2014
  19. This one girl!
    This one girl!

    KUDOS TO YOU FOR SPEAKING UP!!!! Anyone who would step out of their fangirl bubble for 2.5 seconds would see her for who she really is. Sadly, she never will.

    September 28, 2014
  20. anony

    Her drapes don’t match the carpet. This should be your first clue that she’s a lying psychopath.

    September 28, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      Coloring your hair isn’t exactly the mark of a psychopath.

      September 28, 2014
  21. You know, I had a run in with her last year. She had been invited by someone I was working with to the event was running, New Adult Sleepover Weekend, and emailed me to “change the name” because it sounded too sexual for her “readers” and she would not be privy to something that was that blatant.
    When I assured her that the name didn’t mean that at all, and all the events I run are 18+ anyway, she got rather bitchy because I wouldn’t be bullied into changing the name ( especially by someone who has not one clue how the industry or events are run), assuring me that she wasn’t the ONLY one that thought this.
    I don’t know where she gets off saying anything about EC or anyone, shes new in this industry and just because shes got a few titles under her belt doesn’t mean she knows thing one about how ANYTHING is run or works in the publishing industry. Personally she’s toxic and I have officially banned her from any event I am involved with. Dealing with the diva bullshit just isn’t on my docket, ever. All shes done in talking shit on twitter is show her ass and how uneducated about this industry she really is.

    September 28, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      I’m gonna write a song about you, and it’s going to include the lyric, “She got a ban list a thousand miles long,” lol. Thanks for being an industry person who doesn’t put up with BS.

      September 28, 2014
  22. Interesting post, thanks for filling us in! I already had a think against McGuire, based on her not so lovely writing in one of her books. I did write/post a bad review of it on my blog, but I’m so small that it’s stayed under the radar I guess 🙂

    September 29, 2014
  23. This One Girl
    This One Girl

    I love Stella Price … SERIOUSLY. One day McGuire will get knocked off that horse and understand that in order to sustain any level of success, you must have an adequate team you trust and treat with respect. Since she seems to not treat anyone with respect unless there is something in it for her. She’ll eventually burn every one of her bridges and no one will want to work with her, making that success dissipate to dust. She’s a trendy writer. She’s no Ernest Hemingway. I’d really like to ask her street team to put a halt on promoting her work every five minutes and see if she STILL loves them as much as they claim she does. I promise. She wont.

    September 29, 2014
  24. Well, well, well….karma huh? I’m an author. I have one book with EC and 20+ with 2 other small publishers. My EC experience was not good and I’m taking the ole “one-finger salute” I got on Facebook from Ms. Engler as a “here ya go LIz, your rights back to a book we ruined anyway” so I am good and right in my soul with my personal break up with them.

    This whole thing though smacks of …well…Ok so I’m a writer and I Officially Have No Words. I steer 100% clear of backbiting, flaming BS amongst authors and bloggers and have been the victim of a couple bizarre falling outs with former fans (I still don’t understand why) but someone pointed this out to me and so as a good little researcher (read: avoiding my massive editing job on a new manuscript) I dug a little deeper. I am happy to say that I knew nothing of this before and now that I do I’m sickened by it and feel like I need a bacterial shower.

    thanks for the post.
    (I say, let’s have a few beers and talk it over but I’m guessing some folks will order Budweisers with apples and strawberries and I’ll be forced to …. oh, never mind)

    September 29, 2014
  25. Ravyne

    I’ve never heard of Jamie McGuire or Teresa Mummert and am glad I haven’t ever read them if this is the type of people they are. Now, if I happen to come across a book of theirs or a recommendation from someone I won’t be tempted to try it. No one should ever make fun off or bully anyone; Dear God we teach our children NOT to bully and here are grown women who are doing it!
    As for EC, I hope Tina/Jaid gets what she deserves and that justice prevails.

    September 29, 2014
  26. ” You’re the most hateful, bigoted old drab of the bunch. ”

    Aw, did I strike a nerve, Jules?

    The fact you think I’m a DA regular shows how much you know. The fact you think it matters reflects on your lack of compassion as much as your intelligence.

    Now fuck off.

    September 30, 2014
  27. Julia

    No. What are you? 12? Get over yourself, you sad old woman. It’s 2014. No one’s impressed or intimidated by your constant use of the word “fuck”.

    September 30, 2014
  28. Diane

    Can I just say that the authors who are published by EC seem to be in overwhelming support of DA.

    Julia, sweetie, old woman is not an insult. As you said, it is 2014. Scratch that, it is fucking 2014.

    I am curious about the bigotry claim, however. I am sure you can back that up. Wouldn’t want to sue you for defamation….

    September 30, 2014
  29. Julia

    Good for them. As I said, it’s a stupid lawsuit and it won’t end well for EC.

    It is possible to dislike both parties in this suit, you know.

    Go ahead and sue. It’s your money. Feel free to waste it any way you like.

    September 30, 2014
    • John

      It’s not about who you like or don’t. It’s about recognizing that one party is dead wrong. And based on the mounting evidence, regardless of what anyone feels about Dear Author and Jane Litte, Ellora’s Cave/Jaid Black is gonna have a lot to answer for when the dust settles.

      All you so-called adults might want to stay focused on what’s really happening here and leave off all the sandbox silliness.

      September 30, 2014
      • “It’s not about who you like or don’t. It’s about recognizing that one party is dead wrong. ”

        Well said.

        “All you so-called adults might want to stay focused on what’s really happening here and leave off all the sandbox silliness.”

        Sigh. Can we just leave off the age related cracks of any kind? Age doesn’t bring wisdom, and being older doesn’t mean any marbles have been lost. What’s missing in some people is a basic sense of empathy, which is the point of Ms Trout’s post. Some people never acquire it, even if they live to be 90.

        September 30, 2014
  30. LG

    Liking an author should NEVER mean you check your brain at the door. I can enjoy well done art without supporting the artist being an idiot. In the immortal words of Will Smith: “Don’t start nothin’ won’t be nothin'”

    September 30, 2014
  31. anon

    Interesting how no one mentions that the attorney JL hired has a history that many feminists aren’t too thrilled with. And I thought most people who came here were feminists. This link is just one of many. I guess when it comes to winning all that talk about victimization takes a backseat. Sigh. Did anyone bother to even look at this? And this history? Women are all victims these days. And This guy slammed woman a blogger for free speech…against his law firm. I think Jane slammed this case in a blog post once a while back.

    Have fun now. Go ahead and attack me for pointing this out. I am not defending EC in any way. I’m just concerned about women bloggers and free speech. And the ethics here are very questionable.

    September 30, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      This comment comes off as incredibly condescending. No one here is failing at feminism by not vetting a stranger’s legal counsel to your standards. This post was about an author celebrating a petty vendetta by siding against fellow authors, and how shitty it is. If you have a problem with who Litte hires, then by all means, have your concerns. But don’t act like there’s equal harm being caused by Litte for hiring this laywer, or that I and other commenters here are causing equal harm by talking about a related, but separate incident. I’m not paying him, it’s not my business, and Litte isn’t the one being unethical here.

      September 30, 2014
      • I admit I don’t like the sound of Randazza as a person from his Twitter feed, but (a) the important thing here is that he’s a free speech warrior, and this is about free speech; (b) there is no feminist aspect to what Black is doing or Jane’s defence, although a lot of Black defenders are pretty damn quick with the sexist insults; and (c) Randazza did this:

        And if you’re a woman or a feminist and you think revenge porn is a scourge designed to shut women up, then Randazza should be feted for his fight against it.

        He’s got disgruntled ex-clients, so what? Name a lawyer who doesn’t. People have been throwing around accusations of Jane and DA persecuting and hounding poor, poor innocent authors, and I know that to be bullshit.

        I’ve been told Free Speech absolutists tend to be wankers in public to push the margins of what is acceptable free speech. A lot of people like Ken White/Pope Hat and I personally think he’s a sexist toss pot. But Ken White has *also* helped bloggers/journos under attack.

        You don’t get perfect heroes except in fantasy. This ain’t fantasy.

        September 30, 2014
        • anon

          “You don’t get perfect heroes except in fantasy. This ain’t fantasy.”

          Thank you, Ann. I’m the anon who commented on Randazza. I agree with everything you said. You put it into the right perspective for me in a very brilliant way. I appreciate that 🙂

          October 2, 2014
    • MaryK

      I bothered to look at it. Did you read the stuff at that second link? Just the number of “consumer comments” from the same person makes me skeptical. Further down the page is a rebuttal, not by Randazza, which links to a judge saying the blogger has a history of making allegations and requesting payment in exchange for retraction.

      I really hope this isn’t an example of the kind of “victims” feminists are concerned about. Women aren’t honest and reliable just because they’re women. You still have to weigh their claims and see if they’re true.

      October 1, 2014
    • Have fun now. Go ahead and attack me for pointing this out.

      Is there a name for this crap? I’ve seen many comments over the years from cross-bearing people with a martyr complex who love to lead off with “I know I’m going to get flamed for this…” (or some variation, as seen in the above post). It almost always comes off as “I know what I’m about to say may not be reasonable, and I know it’s likely to stir up anger, resentment, or even controversy, but I’m going to say it anyways”. If there isn’t a name for it, I’m gonna start calling it the Martyr Meme.

      October 2, 2014
  32. Kelly Anne
    Kelly Anne

    I’m sorry…….did I miss something??? I couldn’t give a fuck if Marc Randanzza sets women’s lib back 100 years….as long as Jane wins this most important suit then that’s all that matters. Maybe later we can grab our skillets and hit Marc over the head…but not now….

    October 1, 2014
  33. Tony

    That Tweet: ‘Holy pitchforks’!!!!!!
    Hulk Smash!
    I’m so sick and tired of people throwing out the hyperbolic witch hunt whines when they are criticized online. Criticism =/= witch hunts. For one thing, witch hunts killed people. You’re being criticized. Yes, some of that criticism might seem harsh to you. Some of it might even be invective laden (if it comes from me, it’s likely to be, bc I love me some harsh/coarse/swear/profane words). That doesn’t make it anything *other* than criticism. People aren’t coming after you with false accusations and trying to bring physical harm to you, so get a grip and quit trying to make yourself out to be a victim.

    October 2, 2014
    • Flo

      I’ve always said that if you can’t handle criticism, you shouldn’t try and work in a creative field. I had to deal with criticism when I worked/competed as a photographer and it’s the same no matter what the creative field-art, acting, music, etc (I speak from experience because I’ve been active in all and not even on a professional level). It’s all part of it and if the heat gets to you, get out of the fucking kitchen. For some reason there is this new “uprising” that seems to think that any criticism is bullying. I don’t get it. It scares me too because eventually, everyone will be afraid to critique things and we will be left with mediocre, sub-standard crap because of it. 50 Shades of Grey is only the beginning. More of that “everyone gets a trophy” bullshit.

      October 2, 2014
      • JennyTrout

        Exactly. The differences between a witch hunt of any definition and what’s happening to McGuire is that A) in witch hunts, hysteria drives the cascade of accusations, and B) they involve accusing many victims, with little or no evidence. The people calling her out aren’t making irrational accusations. We have proof that she acts this way. She doesn’t hide it. And everyone is accusing specifically her. We’re not all out there finding other people perpetrating her behavior. She serves it up like a goddamn buffet.

        October 2, 2014
  34. “Bully vs Bully lawsuit”

    Susan doesn’t understand what the word bully means. Poor kid.

    “I also find it disgusting that DA is asking for money to help with her expenses. There are a lot more worthy causes go give money to”

    Yes. Which is why I gave $7000 to MSf this year, and $200 to DA/Jane. But I’ll gladly give more to DA/Jane if they need it.

    “I’m not saying Jane or DA deserves this complication and stress”

    Actually, yes you are. Very loudly.

    “get their minions to go out and harass other blogs and authors.”

    [citation needed] [whines don’t count]

    “This is a wake up call for all the bloggers who feel invincible with their mean girl attitudes.”

    Sure is. Jane’s friends set up a fund for her, and raised $44,000 in less than two days. That means the ‘mean girl’ blogs enjoyed wide and deep support.

    Meanwhile, as a counter example, STGRB’s pathetic little paypal appeal would seem to have attracked $0, since Melissa Douthithas not launched her oft threatened lawsuits, nor given money to anyone to sue. That’s because *real* mean girls don’t get support.

    Back under your bridge, you idjit.

    October 4, 2014
    • Susan

      Such a class act you are Ann. You sure are living up to your reputation. First you wish bad things happen to another person and now you are calling names. But you’re such a philanthropist having to publicly state how much you give to charity, because that’s not at all tacky or self-serving.

      I know exactly what bully means, thank you very much. Nice to see so many people doling out their hard earned money using GoFundMe . An organization with a horrible reputation. But that’s okay, it’s all for a good cause. Thanks for playing, and before you tell someone to go back under a bridge and call someone an idiot, maybe you should take a long hard look at yourself. You think readers and bloggers don’t spread the word about writers like you and how you behave? News flash. They do. Good luck with that.

      October 4, 2014
      • JennyTrout

        Well, we picked one organization with a horrible reputation to defend Jane from another. Lesser of the two evils.

        Readers and bloggers definitely spread the word about writers and their bad behavior. You’re commenting on a post about it.

        Down with EC, Down with McGuire, and down with supporters of both.

        October 4, 2014
      • ” You think readers and bloggers don’t spread the word about writers like you and how you behave?”

        You think I don’t know about the bitchy gossip engine?

        “But you’re such a philanthropist having to publicly state how much you give to charity, because that’s not at all tacky or self-serving.”

        You’re the one telling us we’re wasting money on DA when there are starving children in China – I was just pointing out we know, dear, we know. But god forbid I should prove my point or anything with actual evidence.

        “First you wish bad things happen to another person and now you are calling names.”

        Here’s another one – fuck off, you malicious little toerag. Back to your friends where you shred people in private and pat each other on the back for giving those g-dd-mned bullies what for.

        As for wishing bad things – I hope you get piles, and your doctor treated them with menthol.

        October 4, 2014
        • Susan

          Your family must be so proud of your foul mouth online.

          “As for wishing bad things – I hope you get piles, and your doctor treated them with menthol.”

          Keep wishing people bad things. Karma will likely bite you right back with all that you wish on other people ten fold.

          By the way, you make Jamie McGuire look like Polly Anna. I think her tweets sound pretty good and she still has more fans than you do Ann and a much more successful career. So all your bad wishes aren’t going to harm her or anyone else. You just don’t have that kind of power.



          October 4, 2014
          • “Your family must be so proud of your foul mouth online. ”

            My family are largely dead. And they don’t give a fuck.

            “Keep wishing people bad things.”

            Okay. I hope you get a really big boil on your nose, and a blister on your labia.

            “I think her tweets sound pretty good”

            Yes, you probably do, you stupid person.

            “she still has more fans than you do Ann and a much more successful career. ”

            She probably does. She’s still a cunt though.


            Foad, pet!

            October 4, 2014
      • “An organization with a horrible reputation.”

        People can use Paypal too. Which is also not unproblematic. Hey, *you* pick a perfect funding engine. Set up a donation drive for you and your butthurt grudges.

        Then you can buy some wood, build a ladder, and get over yourself.

        October 4, 2014
      • Kat

        ‘It’s not all that surprising. I think that’s what some people are trying to say. This is a wake up call for all the bloggers who feel invincible with their mean girl attitudes.’

        I’m a blogger. No, it didn’t surprise me. I basically blog DESPITE the fear that something like this can happen. I doubt most bloggers feel invincible and anyone who does probably just hasn’t really thought about the many ways their lives can be screwed up by legal problems. Most of us don’t have $20K to even use as a retainer for a solicitor. Most of us aren’t even incorporated.

        I’m not saying I agree with everything Jane has ever posted or done. I’m saying there is no ‘she deserves this because she’s mean’ defence for a lawsuit against DA publishing a summary of concerns authors have raised against a publisher.

        And on the subject of ‘mean’ bloggers: Sure, we can blog about nothing but sunshine and daisies, but how does that serve readers? Certainly, it would serve authors and publishers, and many blogs already do this. The fact is that blogs who are willing to say the bad with the good are few and far between in romance fiction. Most authors would never call out an OMG-CANNOT-WAIT-FIVE-STARS reviewer for inciting their ‘minions’ to buy a book. Why are attempts to balance this such a problem? I’ll bet there are authors who benefit from the sale of their books through DA/SBTB’s most critical reviews who can’t get over the butthurt of their precious books being torn to shreds to even acknowledge that, well, it’s actually working in their favour.

        So before you start going on about mean bloggers, and how we feel invincible, how about thinking of the many ways we try to act like adults in the face of petulance, butthurt, and a broad range of what I would consider unprofessional behaviour because: 1) we’re blogging for readers; 2) we deserve to read books that don’t insult our intelligence; and 3) we think there are important conversations to be had around books and we refuse to be derailed. And most of us aren’t even doing this for a living.

        October 5, 2014
  35. MaryK

    Mean Girls again? Really? You’d think there were enough cheerleader blogs that a few “negative” ones would be considered good for balance.


    October 4, 2014
  36. @Susan. I review at Dear Author. Most of my reviews are in the B range, with some above and some below. Same at my own blog Kaetrin’s Musings where I also review. At both sites, my policy is to give my honest reaction to books. As far as I know, that’s what my co-bloggers at Dear Author do and what other bloggers such as Kat from BookThingo do. Do we say that we don’t like a book sometimes? Yes. Do we say that we loved a book sometimes? Yes. And just about everything in between. Since when has “telling the truth” become a synonym for “mean”?

    In any event, there are plenty of blogs on the internet and if you don’t like DA, you don’t have to go there. If you don’t like DA you don’t have to donate to the defense fund. You don’t even have to pick between EC and DA if you don’t want to. I don’t understand all the vitriol about something you don’t even care about.

    And, what I do with my money is my business. It’s got nothing to do with you. I don’t have to justify my spending on ANYTHING to you.

    Seriously, if you want to talk about “mean girls” try looking in a mirror.

    October 5, 2014
  37. Julia

    Susan, don’t waste your time on this crew. They thrive on negativity, they deal in filthy-minded and filthy-mouthed rhetoric, they delight in the misfortune and physical suffering of others (to the point where they openly wish harm and pain on anyone who doesn’t march in lockstep with their narrow, closed-minded worldview), and they live in thrall of their particular mob rule.

    How does the Buddhist koan go? There’s an old warrior who is met with nothing by insults and taunts from some wannabe who thinks he can take him down. The warrior’s students urge him to respond. The old warrior calmly asks them “if someone comes to you with a gift and you do not accept it, who is in possession of that gift?”

    So let ‘me fling their insults and spew their filth. If you refuse to accept it, it’s still all theirs. Why should you allow their toxicity to touch your life?

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and wake up on Monday with a renewed and refreshed approach to your work. This stuff? Totally doesn’t matter. 🙂

    October 5, 2014
  38. ginmar

    I love it how McGuire’s fans act like they’re vestal virgins whose temple has gradually gotten surrounded by whorehouses.

    October 5, 2014
    • JennyTrout

      This entire post was worth it just for this comment.

      October 5, 2014
  39. ginmar

    I find that the word “whorehouse” generally livens up lots of subjects. Especially if the subject was something like, I dunno, electrical engineering. Try it at your next party.

    October 5, 2014
  40. jb

    I’m so sick of this lard ass, ginger knob and her sophomoric bullshit. Nice to know that the pain and suffering of hundreds of authors is just chum in the water for her ego driven feeding frenzy. That chick needs some serious psychotherapy…but that’s just my opinion.

    October 11, 2014
  41. […] Nor is authors behaving badly limited to young adult authors. Anne Rice is a prime example of authors engaging negatively with their readers, and who can forget the instances where authors comment and comment and comment and just won’t give in? And there’s author Jamie McGuire, who not-so-subtly celebrated the lawsuit between Ellora’s Cave and Dear Author. […]

    January 20, 2015
  42. Shawna

    And what do we think of Jane Litte now? Author Behaving Badly doesn’t even come close to describing her.

    April 7, 2015
  43. […] everyone knows I have a super big personal problem with this author after she publically celebrated a blogger getting slapped with a chilled speech lawsuit. I probably won’t be able to approach this book objectively, and I’m pretty sure […]

    November 12, 2018

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