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Month: January 2007


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Wow, check out this GLOWING effing mention I got from

“Blood Fires: The Turning, Jennifer Armintrout (2006) – This debut by a fairly young author (she’s 26) of the first in a violent vampire fiction series isn’t a major disappointment, and it isn’t boring. It’s downright awful. My conclusion is that this is post-9/11 fiction for nihilists. Though the author created a couple of interesting characters and a difficult and intriguing tentative relationship for them, any interest I had was destroyed by one intimate scene that is the stuff of a true sadist’s dream. I’ve no problem with gore in general; indeed, an oddly favorite moment in one of Anne Rice’s vampire books features a couple of vampires literally breaking people’s bones and devouring their bodies, yet a similar moment in this book nearly brought up my lunch. This was, for me, the worst book of the year. “

Okay, wow. It’s somehow doubly harsh when someone calls your book “post-9/11 fiction for nihilists,” “downright awful,” “a true sadists dream” and “the worst book of the year,” but can’t even hate it enough to get the title right.

Blood Ties Book Two: Possession

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Okay, the good news is, book two will be out and about sometime around February. I don’t quite understand when books come out. It’s a February release (February 6th, to be technical), but it could be on shelves as early as the 29th.

Something about all that seems weird to me. Books seem to be the only entertainment things that could release earlier/later than their intended date. When they say a DVD is coming out tuesday, it doesn’t go on the shelf until tuesday. When a new video game system comes out, it doesn’t go onsale until 12:00am the day it’s supposed to be released. But with books, you could be really super excited to read one that comes out in May, run down to the bookstore May 12th, and they might not have it yet.

I wonder why that is? Of course, maybe this seems like such a huge, fascinating mystery because I’m trying to avoid getting any real work done.