Apparently, someone explained to Charlie Hunnam exactly what he agreed to, and when the icy fingers of reality speared through his brain, he left the project with nothing but a cloud of dust and a body-shaped hole in the wall.
Since this will almost certainly delay the movie’s release (filming was set to begin in November), I hereby decree that October 11 be recognized as a Troutnation national holiday. St. Hunnam’s Day, known in medieval times as “Hunnamsmas,” shall be commemorated each year with a dinner of anything a controlling psychopath didn’t force you to eat, and a village wide spanking contest.
So, weigh in, all ye citizens of Troutland. Is this a bad move on Hunnam’s part? Do you believe that “scheduling” issues took him away from the project? Who should they cast now? And does anyone know Ian Somerhalder’s whereabouts?
omg i dont even know what to say but i want be going to see that movie without him in it wtf why did he drop out this would hve mad his career big real big please come back
Maybe he didn’t want to be associated with this crap.
I’m wondering if Ashley is a fan and has stumbled upon the wrong site…
It’s funny when that happens 😉
I think what Ashley was saying was that he was the only reason she would have gone to see it. I might be getting my Ashley’s mixed up, but I thought she was the same person who made a similar statement on another post, that he would be the only reason she’d see it.
Maybe he read the script and thought, “You know, this makes me sound a lot like an abusive rapist who uses his money as a weapon. I thought this was supposed to be about two people having kinky fun together?”
I truly hope you’re kidding, especially posting on this blog! LOL
Well, it’s probably a good move. Ian Somerhalder won’t be playing Christian either, he is busy with TVD. I just hope they don’t get Matt Bomer – I like him too much. 😀
Let me clarify: It’s a good move, because I suspect he may have become a joke like poor Robert.
Oh, I think the denizens of Troutnation get what you mean. Thea. Personally, I like Charlie Hunnam and I’m glad that he won’t be appearing in these no doubt horrible films. Good for him. That kind of fame is perhaps best avoided (like the ridiculously nicknamed RPatz can testify).
Matt is gay. Big deal, right? An insider posted on Twitter that that’s why Matt won’t be cast.
Matt has also said that he has zero interest whatsoever in Fifty Shades. He did that “well, I’m flattered, I’m glad you like me so much but no stop asking me” thing.
Yup. But what’s awful is why they wouldn’t even consider him. I actually like him more because he wouldn’t consider it, and an disappointed in Ian for wanting it.
…why you such a dick, Bret Easton Ellis? “It’s too big a game”. Yes, because he’s not 100% convincing as Neal Caffrey when Neal makes googly eyes at every woman in the vicinity. 50 Shades’ game is just TOO BIG.
Wow, Ellis is a dick. But yay, Matt Bomer won’t be doing this. I heartily approve of his decision.
Holy shit! Brent Easton Ellis (did I get that name right? Because I sure hadn’t ever heard of him before he was hired as the director of this shit show…), if you aren’t a giant homophobe, you sure are doing a convincing job playing one. Oh, and an arrogant asshole, too. Let’s add that to the list of things you are. You are a penis.
BEE isnt even the director, Meredith! He’s just a dickhead who feels entitled to weigh in with his stupid homophobic idiocy. Sam Taylor Johnson, the artist, is set to direct.
God I hope poor Somerhalder won’t let them drag him into this mess. I like his eyebrows too much. What do we know, maybe this whole bullshit of a film won’t even happen after all.
I don’t watch Sons, but I know it’s very popular and was surprised a member of the cast would make such a terrible career move!
Maybe they should get Greg Sestero. He’s got prior experience with trainwrecky film projects, after all.
He did not hit her. He did naaaht.
holy balls, this is the most perfect idea ever. (can we get janis peebles, of noted film masterpiece a talking cat!?!, for ana?)
That’s awesome! Don’t know what made him change his mind (maybe he actually looked at one of the books and had a moment of OH HELL NO), but the longer it keeps this crapfest from hitting screens, the better. I wonder what poor sucker they’ll get to replace him.
Haha that’s what I thought: he started preparing for the role by reading the source material and went all *record scratch,* *tire break squeal,* *subconscious shaking his head disapprovingly.*
maybe he met ELJ!!
I’m sure it was a combo of reading portions of the script/books, meeting Erika and googling for info about the trilogy. Because Charlie Hunnam is too good goddamned looking to have been familiar with ANY of the source material and still want to have anything to do with the project. I mean, Sons of Anarchy is amazing! Who wants to go from amazing television to sub sun sub sub sub par film work? Not my Charlie.
There aren’t even rumblings yet of pushing the release date back. I think they’re too stubborn about that date and would rather sacrifice film qual-
What the hell am I taking about? We all know quality doesn’t exist with Fifty Shades.
Maybe the pages they sent for trial reads weren’t so bad (on a comparison scale) and then he got the full script and realised just what the fuck he’d agreed to.
I think that must have a LOT to do with it. They weren’t allowed tor ead the whole thing, just a few pages to test their “chemistry”. So basically a lot of flirting, without realizing that poor dialog and annoying words they keep using is basically THE WHOLE BOOK…..
In reality scheduling is worked out ahead of signing. “Scheduling conflicts” is Hollywood diplomacy for “someone made a mistake and we all need to save face.” I think he saved his career and relationship. His girlfriend was known to be highly uncomfortable with the explicit sex scenes.
With fewer than 11 months until release and no male lead, this train wreck will be even more rushed.
Considering he was already faaaaaaaaar from the first choice (I call bull on them claiming, after a long public string of No’s from other actors, that he was really the first choice, which I think was claimed to smooth over how often people shot the role down), what on earth will they do now? Ian was interested, but ruled out, and a lot of other A- and B-lobsters have openly scoffed at the role, and anyone who is openly gay is barred, which one of James’s best friends admitted on Twitter. So there goes Matt Bomer, if he even wanted the role. I think they’re going to have to toss the barrel and just start begging.
Also will this mean bye-bye to Dakota who was cast because she and Charlie supposedly had such great chemistry?
“anyone who is openly gay is barred”
What. 😐 Dude. If this is true… I wasn’t sure that my opinion of this project could sink any lower.
Not that I can think of a gay actor I’d wish this doom upon, but. What. Seriously. I guess straight actors who played gay men is ok, if Charlie-As-Folk is any indication.
I always wondered why no one ever mentioned Sean Maher actually, talking of openly gay actors who would kinda suit the metrosexual good looking interpretation of Grey.
Bret and James are practically best friends, or so it seems. She has never disputed this
Why does this surprise you? Why would anyone want to watch a movie all about sex, when they know the man playing the lead is not at all interested in anything he’s doing to that gal? Not that I care either way, since I’m sure it will fall flat on its face no matter who they put in that lead.
‘Cause obviously when actors shoot a love scene they are super into it in real life.
The reason it’s big news when costars hook up is that normally it doesn’t happen. So 90% of the time when you see a movie with a romance plot, the guy really isn’t into that girl anyway.
I assume you meant me, but I have no interest in watching a movie where this is a love scene and knowing that guy would rather stick it in some guy’s butt than where it’s meant to go. Maybe that’s just me though. Doesn’t matter at all whether or not the two actually fuck each other IRL. Guess you just have strange fantasies.
Whoa, Blush. Sometimes, some dude’s butt is where it is meant to go.
Thank you, Jenny
Holy homophobia Batman! I really hope that was just a poor choice of wording but wow…
Also if nothing’s meant to go in there, why is the male G-spot located located there? That has always seemed like an interesting bit of biology to me.
Blush, homophobia is soooooo passé. Catch up to the 2013. Why should every Nan’s penis go in your vagina?
Autocorrect FTL.
Ian Somerhalder was *interested*?!! Too bad, I really like him on TVD. Not so much if he actually wanted to be a part of this mess.
I’d say they should get Hugh Dancy because he’s a terrific actor, but I don’t want him to be associated with trash like this book/movie.
Shhhh, don’t even speak of such things! I think he’s amazing and could probably play anything, but I would never wish this garbage on him. And if he’s in it, I’d actually have to see it, god forbid. Thank christ he’s already busy with Hannibal.
Wouldn’t it be beautiful if at the end of the film he channelled Hannibal and decided to eat Ana? She is supposed to be brown-haired, short, blue-eyed…
Quick! Mads as Christian (he’s really into playing unsettling bastards) and Hugh as Ana.
The show is pretty much homoerotic on purpose anyway
No, Arsene! We have to save Mads for The Boss movie, that exists only in my head, but which I own the rights to and will somehow figure out a way to film in my garage.
Ooh. Who do you have in mind for Sophie?
At first? Amber Heard. Then somebody on Tumblr suggested Naya Rivera, and I can’t see Sophie as anyone else.
I’m still waiting on Nick Cage to be honest..
Oh, THIS^ would be Perfect!
That’s honestly the only way I’d watch these awful films.
Seconded. Seeing Cage smarm his way through these films would almost be worth subjecting myself to this drivel. Almost
I read that as “Nick Cave”
Oh god.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Nick Cage should be Chedward.
I can totally picture Hunnam receiving a call at three in the morning from Robert Pattinson just going: “DON’T DO IT!”
I’m kind of imagining more of a kidnapping scenario that ends with RPattz pulling a hood off Hunnam’s head while Hunnam is shirtless and tied to a chair.
I bet he’d be a real laid back kidnapper. He has that look. Hunnam would be released months alter with new high scores on his Xbox account and an inability to pass a urine test.
Great, now I want to be kidnapped by RPattz.
You don’t need a teenage heartthrob to give you permission to shake and bake. I bet he doesn’t even like DDR.
You can dance if you want to. You can leave RPatz behind.
LOL @ kerlyssa
Yay! I like him and didn’t want him sullied. Just don’t let it be anyone else I like.
Yes!! I knew he’d finally react! It was a shame to put that face on such a jerky character.
I have no doubt it was the best thing he could possibly do, the reasons don’t even matter.
Regarding the next cast, I tried to think, but there is really no actor I hate enough to put him in Grey’s shoes.
Maybe he saw the light. There is this web site called Laters Baby, that anyone who has read Tess of the D’Urbervilles should check out. The two cretins who started this site love fifty shades, and some even talked about ordering charlie tango ear rings to the movie premiere, well, these two self proclaimed “intelligent” women decided to recap Thomas Hardy’s classic.
Jenny I posted about it before, so I apologize for repeating myself but please check this out, these women are so stupid, they keep referring to Thomas Hardy as an asshole, they cannot understand that it was a different time, a different century….. Reading their recaps almost caused me to loose more brain cells then I lost when I read the fifty shades crap.
here is the direct link to the Hardy recaps
Urgh, I immediately regret reading those recaps. I did about four chapters before I couldn’t take it.
it reads like a ninth grade book report. “this guy did a thing. then he met this other guy. the first guy seems like kind of a jerk because he’s all 1800s-y and whatever. he talked to the other guy and then he went home.”
I enjoyed the bio. ‘We are intelligent women!!!’ Yeah, OK then. In much the same way as EJ, you have to tell us that because every single thing you do disproves it.
Oh, that’s priceless. I LOVE how in the review of the first chapter, she goes ‘What a prick! Maybe it’s a British thing…’ Yes, I’m sure it is. A couple of highly intelligent women: bwah.
If you don’t like what I have to say then don’t read it, I would hate for your to lose brain cells at my expense. What are you in high school, going on the internet and calling people names because you disagree with them and they’re not up to you’re standards?
No, I (personally) am reading your site, because I like to snark about stuff.
There’s a lot about this post that doesn’t make any sense. How is someone reading your blog and subsequently losing brain cells in any way at your expense?
And impugning someone’s maturity isn’t exactly the best way to showcase your own.
From Laters, Baby! Blog:
“As everyone in the Fifty Shades Fan Community and the rest of the world knows, Charlie Hunnam has left the role of Christian Grey, leaving it open for someone new to come on in and play our Fifty Shades of Fucked Up, but Oh So Loveable Christian.
Whether or not Charlie was overwhelmed by all the fans out there who were against his casting, he had too many other commitments, or was worried that he would be typecast for the foreseeable future if he played Christian, the bottom line is it wasn’t meant to be.
Everyone has an idea in their head of who they’d like to see play Christian, every leading man from Ian Somerhalder to Chris Pine! I think it’s important to remember that while it is definitely ok to express your preference, not to inundate Team 50! I am pretty sure they have a short list of the men they are considering and in the end they will choose who they want.
Whoever winds up playing Christian, i have no doubt that I will enjoy watching how they bring him to life!
Laters, baby.
Ummm, no, I can’t even go there…
Aaaand Sophie beat me to it. Hmm, should that be a double crap? Or just a regular crap? And for the record, being intelligent is like being powerful: if you must tell people you are; you aren’t.
Double crap! Lol!
I can’t stop laughing because Latersbaby replied, this has made my day. Poor Hardy though, and poor Tess for being used in such a shitty book and then getting such poor recaps. The moment I read AnaBella comparing her story to Tess I was actually stunned. EL has got to be one of the worst writers and stupid people to ever become famous. Anyone liking and defending her writing has must have the IQ of a piece of corn. But at least they entertain us so there you go…
Go Hunman!
Latersbaby, I have to say in all honesty, I think it’s cool as hell you posted here.
You said “I would hate for your to lose brain cells at my expanse.” It is grammatically incorrect. Perhaps the two self proclaimed “intelligent” women could spot the mistake? Your recaps of Thomas Hardy only prove that you have never read any literature in your life. And yeah the snark is awesome.
LMFAO, a blog devoted to loving FSOG and reviewing Hardy. I don’t know what to say…
I read that the first time and convinced myself it was a parody so I could sleep at night. But seriously, never apologize for reposting that. It’s one of the better finds Troutnation has made. 😀
This gives me some good feels.
After finally seeing Pacific Rim I just wept (you know, internally) thinking that Charlie’s latest credits would be Jax -> Raleigh -> Christian. This news made me SO HAPPY. I really hope it’s because Robert Pattinson wrote him a strongly worded letter, which he then read out loud poetry slam style on Charlie’s front lawn. Possibly dressed like a homeless person who hasn’t bathed in a week or two, because that’s how I see Robert in my head.
Or, you know, Charlie figured it out himself and ran for his goddamn life like any sane person would do. When the fans start petitions to get you fired in favor of someone who’s publicly stated that he wants nothing to do with 50 Shades, and the ones who like you start masturbating furiously or something, that’s just a whole parade of red flags right there.
You see Robert that way in your head because that’s how he appears in real life.
I’d love to see Nic Cage and Sally Field. Two equally annoying actors for a totally annoying story.
Oh that would be perfect!
Nic: general smarminess
Sally: You love me! You really love me!
chuckle chuckle….
They should pursue Orlando Bloom, Channing Tatum, or Sam Worthington. The blandly good looks and complete absence of charisma and talent would really work for this role.
How about Alex Pettyfer? He’s handsome enough and gives off a strong douche vibe.
Having seen Alex Pettyfer at a ComicCon panel, I can second the douche vibe. Oy.
I kind of hate Matthew McConaughey, I think he’d also be able to play the role with the requisite creep.
I’d be fine with RPatz. I hate his ugly mug.
Benedict cumberbatch or tom hiddleston or tom mison ( ichabod crane) would be my choices if I had to cast this shitstorm of a movie. I am glad this thing has turned into such a known dud that actors won’t touch it.
But I wouldn’t mind seeing any go those actors with pants hanging off their hips “in that way.”
1) Idris Elba
2) Every single fan + author spontaneously combusts
3) No movie ever.
4) Profit?
I am OK with gifs or even pics.
I just had to Google him since I live halfway under a rock. And I spontaneously combusted when I saw the images. Woo! Turn on the AC!
Yesss …sip that coffee. SIP IT SLOW.
Although to be fair, I meant fans would spontaneously combust from pure rage. Since Idris is sex on wheels but clearly looks nothing like Christian.
Also you need to hear his voice because he is deliciously British as fuck.
I knew what you meant; I just couldn’t resist spinning it into a positive tone for my own reaction. 😉 I’d actually be tempted to see Mr. Elba in a role with plenty of sensuality. Not 50 Shades though. Nothing short of a million bucks would get me into the theater to see that tripe!
He already was stuck with the crapmobile that was Prometheus. He has done his time, let the man be.
I’m torn on this one. I think I would get pretty rage-y if the internet exploded into one big ‘Christian can’t be BLACK!’ whine-fest. I feel about Idris Elba the way Cam from Modern Family feels about Meryl Streep: Elba is never not right for the role, he’s perfection. Jesus, he’s hot.
Lieke, yes, esp because he had to go through that already when he was cast as Heimdall.
Actually, after seeing the new Star Trek, Benedict Cumberbatch (Why hasn’t he changed that name???) would be pretty believable as Christian. He has the same creepy vibe.
Noooooo. I love him so, noooooooo
I love him too, but he does a good job tv being creepy. Let’s be honest though, we need a no name to play Christian so we can laugh at the actor, shake our heads, watch all the fans get silly and then forget about him!!!
He hasn’t changed it because Benedict Cumberbatch is a kickarse name 🙂
If I was directing 50 Shades I would love to cast someone like Cumberbatch or Hiddleston who can play incredibly creepy really well. That’s because I would not be directing it at all romantic, I would play up every single creepy stalkerish moment to it’s full extent. The book already has a Blue Beard vibe to it with the number of subs he’s gone through and at one of them going off the deep end afterwards. Why not just take it to it’s logical conclusion.
In the real world however both of those men are far too talented and have standards and would never touch 50 Shades. BTW, if you want to see Cumberbatch at his best watch Sherlock.
I read another article that suggested that the crazy fandom scared him off. I wouldn’t be surprised. He probably didn’t want to be RPattz 2.0
The fandom IS crazy. I’d be scared like hell.
I did feel very sorry for Pattinson when I read a story about ELJ being in his house. No one deserves that.
Oh the looks of concern I just got at work for laughing at your comment. Not that it’s frown upon to laugh or anything, but I just wasn’t able to pretend it was work related. made my day 🙂
Wouldn’t it be glorious if they couldn’t get anyone to take this role? It could be the movie that was famous for never being made because no actor would touch it.
We can only hope!!
That would be perfect.
It would save them the time of making graveyards for all the DVDs.
Tom Cruise should take it, since he’s already a controlling and stalkery douche. And it would finally kill that annoying little crush I have been denying having since Rock of Ages.
I love this idea–they can write a couch jumping scene in it just for him too. I used to love this guy, but now can’t even stand to listen to him talk. What a fitting end to his career!
I third Tom Douche Cruz.
Charlie read the book at last! And thought, “No way!”
Steven Seagal would be very good as Grey.
I vote for Ron Jeremy. He’s a millionaire, right?
I’m not surprised at the reaction of Bret Easton Ellis. Being a dick is kind of his thing.
Does anyone know if ELJ named her character Christian because of BEE’s Christian in American Psycho? I actually think he’s named more than one character Christian.
I’m hesitant to google it because I’m lazy and I don’t want to read about two of my most hated authors.
The main character in American Psycho is Patrick Bateman. He was played by Christian Bale but I don’t think that’s related.
That movie is the reason I can’t watch Christian Bale in anything now. Euuuughhh.
Looks like they really can’t find anyone for this “much sought after” role, hm?
And what is it with this shit that gay actors can’t play straight roles? I always thought acting is all about pretending to be someone you’re not. Has anyone informed Anthony Hopkins family that he is a psycho cannibal?
I think it might be some bullshit about women wanting to be able to have naughty fantasies about the lead? And apparently they can’t do that if the lead is gay in real life? The lead being married or an asshole or whatever doesn’t matter, of course. I don’t get this at all. I mean, I’m not gonna curtail my imaginary sexy times with Matt Bomer, Neil Patrick Harris, Wentworth Miller and so on any less simply because they’re gay.
Ignore the ‘any less,’ svp.
Yeah my naughty Spock fantasies have just changed slightly since the role passed on. Spock was always the lure of the unattainable anyway.
Yeah, Matt-in-my-head isn’t gay. He’s usually a pirate captain with a penchant for ravishing MILFs tied to the mast.
Yup! As I see it, gay or not those guys wouldn’t be into me, so why not fantasize? Fantasies are usually about who you can’t get anyway.
And apparently they can’t do that if the lead is gay in real life?
So what you’re trying to say, these people never visited tumblr.
Hmmm…someone I dislike enough for this role? Ethan Hawke? Christian Bale (hey the first name matches), Matt Damon (LOL), Ben Affleck. None of them are the right age though, and the rest are way too old.
But way to go, Charlie. You just saved your career!
What about James Deen? He’s got a legion of female fans, and he’s worked with Bret Easton Ellis on The Canyons so I presume he’d get the BEE seal of approval (for all its worth). And he’d bring actual kink experience to the role, which . . . actually, that might be a disadvantage.
But he doesn’t do violent, abusive porn. So there’s that.
If only the screenplay was written so that the lead wasn’t an abusive prick.
We’ll, a girl can dream.
From his stuff, it seems like Deen is actually a pretty considerate Dom (at least to the women he works with on camera). I’d hate to see him take a role that furthers the “total control” myth.
Deen wanted the role before reading the books. He’s stopped filming scenes when he felt his partners get overwhelmed. He refuses to do scene portraying rape or abuse and he won’t do scenes if he senses the actresses really don’t want to do it. He only works with willing consent and people who want to. Fifty Shades is everything he’s openly against.
He actually explicitly said he wouldn’t want to do it? And I thought he couldn’t get hotter. I mean, I’d hope no one in the kink performance community would want to touch this with a ten-foot pole, but it’s nice to have it confirmed.
Aside from his not wanting to do squicky dub-con/non-con boringly-repetitive porn? Intelligence, I would imagine. Go look up some interviews on YouTube. He has that characteristic gifted-kid problem of always having wordswordswords pushing and shoving to come tumbling out of his mouth — he’s wicked bright.
I think dude left because he knew it would be the death knell of his career if he played Chedward.
Now David Caruso, on the other hand, he really needs the work and I’m in need of the lulz (yes, I’m the same anon who suggested it before).
But if I were to choose (and the books were better and worthy of these actors) my choices would be:
Henry Cavill, because he’s really hot.
Neil Patrick Harris to stick it to the “gay men can’t play straight characters” people because he’s totally awesome as Barney Stinson and he was also pretty great as Doogie Howser (for all the “old folks” who might remember that show).
Nathan Fillion because…well everything is more awesome with Nathon Fillion *nods*
NPH would turn it into something awesome and completely not what E.L. James wrote. I don’t know what he would do, but it would be outrageous and hilarious, and the only thing that could convince me to see it.
You go Charlie Hunnam! Four for you, Charlie Hunnam!
And none for EJ James. Bye.
They should just get a porn star and be done with it. He doesn’t need to be able to act because his character has no personality to portray anyway.
Ever since I heard he was a software billionaire, I’ve only been able to picture Nolan Ross from Revenge. They should get Gabriel Mann to play him exactly the same way, and do his little headflip eyeroll at every single Christian line.
I cannot being to express how perfect this is. If Gabriel Mann played Christian Grey with the contempt that character deserves… I would die happily. ‘Cause nothing could ever top that. I would be done.
I think a much more important question is who should play Taylor. 🙂
Jason Statham. Obvs.
Don’t make me watch this movie. Jesus.
The could cast Ronald McDonald… he has red hair, is a business tycoon/ monopolizing type… feeds people shit (though literally instead of verbally)… wears his jump suit in ‘that way’… he could use his massive shoes to paddle Ana’s backside. I would watch it. Joint franchise! You could get Happy Slappy meals!! with little plastic lips for the young ones to bite on just like Ana and little plastic handcuffs and… oh the list goes on. 50 McShades. I’m loving it (it a physically and mentally abusive but oh so romantic way)!
You’ve just made my day:-DDD
I’m laughing so hard right now it’s a miracle I can type!
I would pay so much money to watch this. Seriously, you should be in charge, everyone else is going about this the wrong way.
Lmfao, genius!!
I love you for this!!
I was going to say that I’m glad Charlie Hunmam isn’t playing Grey, simply because I cannot say his last name, and didn’t want to stumble over it for the next few years.
Then I realised it’s Hunnam, not Hunmam, and felt like a huge idiot. This is what reading 50 Shades of Shit (and that TotD recap site, apparently) has done to my brain.
Missing episodes of Doctor Who found, Charlie Hunnam drops out of 50SoG. October has truly been a great month for entertainment.
I vote for David Caruso to take the lead now. It would be magnificent.
I was thrilled when I heard this. I love him in SOA and I knew this would be a career killer for him. Maybe it would be best for an unknown to get it so that way they can get the monies and after live a life of solitude. I do feel bad for any actor who does get the role, but I think that any of them who read the script may end up backing out because of the abuse.
You guys are all drunk. The guy who should play Chedward is Trouty Mouth dude from Glee.
I love Trouty Mouth! I know he was a stripper in the show, but I think he’s way too innocent-looking. My Gleek is showing a little now
You know what I just noticed? Everyone keeps talking about who’s going to play Christian Grey and how it’ll ruin his film career, but no one’s really talking about Ana. The same thing kind of happened with Twilight, where Robert Pattinson became this big joke because he starred in the Twilght movies, but no one really commented much on Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. (I mean, people still made fun of Kristen Stewart but for her ‘blank expressions’ not that she ruined her career starring in Twilight.)
I don’t know. I just thought it was weird.
That’s because there was nothing wrong with starring in Twilight. I doubt RPatz would ever get another role that would make him as famous.
I think he just wasn’t prepared for what being the face of the biggest heartthrob in the history of teen literature was going to do to his life.
Wow really? You are a Twiglit film* fan? Actually that makes sense…
* differentiating between the books and the films because even though the books are crap, they are compelling. There is nothing redeemable about the films.
I gotta admit though, at least they fixed the “Jacob stalks Bella home, when she doesn’t want him following and telling her things like, ‘You totally wanted it (ie. pushing her down and kissing her without her repeated consent), you just don’t know it!’, Bella’s dad finds out, tells Jacob congrats instead of realising how fucked up the situation is” scene. The New Moon book could make an assault victim cry, but the movie makers definitely fixed those scenes (right to the point where SMeyer actually stomped out of the set).
Wow really? It makes sense that I’m a twilight film fan? I’m a fan of both the movies and books. And it would seem that Jenny’s “troutnation” is full of a bunch of bitches. Glad I don’t consider myself part of it. No offense intended to you though, Jenny. I’m just here for the 50Shades recaps, since those books ARE trash.
I think that’s probably because KStew and Lautner didn’t publicly and openly deride the films and the fans the way RPattz did.
I kind of love him for that. He read how his character was portrayed in the books and just went ‘LOL, fuck this.’ And then he told everyone exactly how he felt about it. Respect.
He has SO MANY stealth fans because of that, now, tho.
Bless his sasstacular ass for owning what crap those things are. <3
This may sound stupid, but I don’ think the films are irredemable. OK, the last one is STUPID, but Breaking Dawn is a truly terrible book. But the first 4 all have their moments, there’s some decent stuff in them all, just as there is in the first 3 Twilight books.
I liked Pattinson in that Cronenberg film. I think if he can find another couple of decent parts like that, he’ll be fine. He needs to move on, definitely.
also shhh but Lautner is super hot. I dont know if he can actually act though. Hah, how about Taylor Lautner for Chedward.
I think it’s because RPatz had kind of established himself by being in HP, but KStew and Lautner hadn’t previously been in some sort of huge franchise thing? I don’t know their acting history but I think it’s because RPatz had a ‘career’ to ruin while the other two had a career dependent upon the film? Besides I don’t think it was a deal breaker considering how they’ve made their disdain for the franchise quite clear over the years.
I have no idea how much influence the general view of the books and the increasing awareness of just how rotten and shitty and anti-feminist and rape-culture-supporting they are has had on the fact that they can’t find a male lead for the film. I hope, a lot. And I like to think that the work of Jenny and others like her, campaigning sensibly and pointing out the utter awfulness of 50 Shades as a cultural phenomenon in a rational well argued way, has had a real impact on public opinion. And I think that that is evidenced by the struggles they’re obviously having to make the film. So, thank you for everything you’ve done, Jenny, i for one think you’ve contributed to a backlash that’s had a real positive impact on our cultural discourse, and you’ve done it by being consistent and smart and arguing from the text. I think it’s a real achievement. (I know it’s been a task and a half, too)
If they don’t make the film now they’ll never make it – 50 shades has surely already gone off the boil, and they were hoping to rekindle it next year with the film, but leave it any longer and I just don;t think it’ll have any cultural traction – it’ll be just too late. It could be a shitty, made for TV film/series in a couple of years, maybe, but that would be laughable.
I agree with you in praising Jenny and other recappers/critics for spreading awareness. I want to agree with you on the “timing makes money” part, but I think that with the right marketing campaign even a two-years delay would not mean much in terms of audience.
I wish they would cast amazeballs hot gay men to play Chedward and Taylor, that way its easier to imagine some bareback fun when the non-existant plot fails to keep one’s interest. On that same note, Ana and Kate need a tender love scene of their own.
But yeah, imagine Taylor standing in Chedward’s bedroom doorway, holdinf frilly lingerie, giving him that look, and before either could form a coherent thought, their lips met time and again in a torrent of spurting passion. That’d be a flick wirth watching.
And this version of 50 Shades are played by Matt Bomer as Christian and Jason Statham as Taylor.
I’d so totally watch that it a heartbeat. Alas, too bad the book is so damn homophobic
Maybe they should consider the comedian Daniel Tosh to play Christian Grey…
He’s definitely loathsome and misogynist enough, and lame, yet thinks he’s awesome. Oh yeah, he’d be perfect.
Totally agree.
Tommy Wiseau (of The Room fame) should be Christian Grey. And then these stupid ass movies can end like that one did.
I think it should be Christian Bale. There’s the Bret Easton Ellis connection to American Psycho (which I thought was a brilliant book and a decent movie), he’s reasonably attractive, and a spoiled brat douche canoe.
He’s one of the best actors working today and is making one movie after another with A-list directors. He won’t touch this movie with a bargepole.
I’m a bit saddened by the lack of puns about “pulling out” in the main post.
Theaters should have special showings of this movie where you can watch it muted. And then they play circus music, or old timey silent film music. That would be the shit.
Mike Nelson is undoubtedly already writing the RiffTrax.
Oh yes 🙂
I am actually thrilled with this news. First of all, I flove Charlie Hunnam and think he’s made a very wise career decision in walking away from this. Second, I haven’t read the books and had no plans to see the movie. But when CH signed on, I became a teeny tiny bit slightly maybe perhaps possibly interested in someday if I didn’t have anything else at all better to do except clean the bottom of the garbage toter with my toothbrush going to see it. Now? I don’t have to! I can go back to ignoring everything about it. Happyhappyjoyjoy! I should send CH the $9 I would have spent on the movie for saving me the pain.
This is the best response to the news:,104172/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default
I was going to post this one too. I really wasn’t sure what to make of it!!
I was having a bad day so far but this news has dramatically improved my outlook! This is too funny, I sincerely hope they cannot find a replacement! I don’t want to find out an actor I like has taken the role. Hell, I’d feel bad for anyone who did. Nobody deserves to be associated with this garbage EL James calls a romance.
I’d like to nominate Andy Dick to play Chedward.
I am guessing 50 Shades of Grey is the movie but I just stumbled here from a google search and I have no idea what you are talking about. Hey Jenny why dont you put the name of the movie that he is bailing on. Geeze.
Too bad it’s not cleared up in that link to Totes understand your confusion as to what movie they could be talking about.
And now Dakota wants out too!
I just read an article about how she is like Charlie, having a hard time with the ‘fame’ of being the star of 50 Shades. Like Charlie said in the article, there is a certain way that readers portray their characters when they read a book and if he (or she) do not “live up” to their standards, people get pissy. I don’t blame either of them for backing out!
Besides, she’s really an evil!blonde, maybe she was getting hate mail.
HAHAHA it really is because he finally read the script.
L O and indeed L
Ha! I knew if there was any kind of scheduling conflict that would have been worked out *before* he agreed to take the part.
I shouldn’t be as relieved as I am since I’d never even heard of Hunnam until he’d agreed to the part but 1) I’m glad of any hiccup that delays this movie being made (or prevents it making even $1) and 2) in a lot of pictures Hunnam looks eerily like my brother and no. just no. I don’t want to see my-brother-lookalike as the disgusting Christian Grey.
I love that he tried to change the script. I bet EL threw a shitfit over that.
That’s amazing. I can only imagine what it must have been like for Charlie to go from Sons and Pacific Rim, which are fantastically storydriven pieces, to a project that’s nothing but sex scene after sex scene. Good for him for fleeing faster than the wind.
Good for Hunnam. I knew he was a good guy at heart. And as a Matt Bomer fan, I just want him to stay as far away from FSoG as possible.
I think you’ve all missed the obvious. Charlie’s clearly read Jenny’s blog and murmured “Holy double crapola!!”, rewritten the script to include some of Jenny’s more acerbic wit and been shot down by ELJ for daring to suggest that Fifty Shades is anything less than the perfect dreamboat, whereupon he bailed.
I vote claymation or puppets! 🙂
I just read that the movie is slated to opne 08/01/2014. Nooo!!!! I don’t want my birthday to be associated with this crap! I hope it gets delayed into infinity and beyond.
[…] on to the news that I stumbled across on Jenny Trout’s blog. Charlie Hunnam won’t be playing Christian Grey. Rejoice, Sons of Anarchy fans! Jax has come to his senses! I […]
sooo Jamie Dornan is Christian now?
and you guys.
Threatened and overcome with jealousy for all the blonde bitches in the world, Ana bleaches her hair and submits to Christian like she thinks she should. She doesn’t realize that he still needs to inflict pain on lovely young brunettes, and that his desire to do so has driven him to kill.
What is she to do when his new obsession is none other than the beautiful (but OLD! hag. [sarcasm tag]) blonde detective investigating a string of murders in their community?
… obviously it’s terribly oversimplified.
but seriously. Paul Spector is actual Christian Grey. am I a bad person for looking forward to the gymnastics some fans will go to to see Jamie Dornan’s character on “The Fall” as some romantic hero? it’s going to happen, and it’s going to be gross. and maybe a bit hilarious.
(oversimplified and in no way does justice to Bronagh Waugh, who is brilliant and lovely)
I’m gutted. Dear OUAT, if you hadn’t crushed Graham’s heart, THIS WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!!! He’s so pretty and now his career is going to go flying down the shitter. Sigh.
Oh Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, you poor soul!
But… Dornan… I enjoyed your previous contributions to entertainment.
I hope that he backs out too. I hope that actors troll this film and keep agreeing to take on the lead before mysteriously backing out and delaying the movie. I’m going to hope and wish that this is what’s happening.
Oh god, wouldn’t that be perfect? let this happen (so Jamie doesn’t ruin his entire career. the world needs his pretty)
Unfortunately, I think I read an interview with him that said he’s a fan of the book and really excited to be in the film. So, that’s not likely to happen.