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This is not a proper post, just link spamming, but I felt like this link might speak to a large portion of my readership and if any of you had missed it, well. I would feel terrible knowing such a horrible tragedy could have been prevented. So, here’s a link to pictures of Prince Harry looking so hot, the bottoms of your feet will tingle.

That is all.

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  1. Olive

    He is a hottie indeed. Every picture I see of him as an adult, however, makes me wonder if Prince Charles really is his father. There was speculation years ago but I don't remember seeing if the parentage thing was ever resolve (i.e. through DNA testing) or if the questions still remains.

    May 17, 2013
  2. Anonymous

    This might be the best post I've ever seen on your blog. Nothing bad about all the others, but… I didn't know Harry was so… hmm <3

    May 17, 2013
  3. It really did tingle!O_O Crazy scary, since I don't like him even remotely.:D

    May 17, 2013
  4. As I was reading your comment, I thought it was going to end with “since I don't have feet.”

    May 17, 2013
  5. zee

    I read the tweet you did on this. I enjoy a royal spamming 😉

    May 17, 2013
  6. Anonymous

    He's starting to look so much like Wash that I just want to buy him dozens of plastic dinosaurs and secretly film him playing with them…

    May 17, 2013
  7. Nim

    This made me day. Thank you. After two exams in a row- I needed it!

    I kept going from cracking up at the taglines to drooling at the pictures. It wasn't a pretty site… well at least *I* wasn't. My favorite would have to be the one with him kneeling- I imagine it in an entirely different context. Oh dear… I'm off to look at it again.

    May 17, 2013
  8. Anonymous

    Oh my, I saw this yesterday. When did he become such a hunk? *fans self*

    May 17, 2013
  9. Ethyl

    Good grief yes. My goodness. Is it warm in here?

    May 17, 2013
  10. Huh. I had never looked at him like that. Thanks for the post, it has been quite informative.

    May 17, 2013
  11. zee

    He's the double of the other guy, but they won't do a paternity, and take him away from his brother or his title. It's one of the greatest things the royals have ever done IMHO, to give him that. Plus, everyone loves the fun prince 😉

    May 17, 2013
  12. Oh god no, he's hideous!!

    But my view may be tainted by being British and actually having to fund these multi-billionaires lifestyles whilst people ae driven to suicide by the latest benefit cuts. That probably doesn't help.

    May 17, 2013
  13. Anonymous

    Yeah, I don't get the “he's so handsome” thing, but probably because he looks like he could be my brother. He does some sweet stuff though! Wish I had a brother like him!

    May 17, 2013
  14. Anonymous

    My inner cougar just growled then swooned.

    May 17, 2013
  15. Sweet ginger prince be still my heart (and other things).

    May 17, 2013
  16. Omigod! And he's young enough to be my kid but who cares? He's gotten so … luscious! Thank you for sharing this! (Damn he looks good in fatigues ….)

    May 17, 2013
  17. That's odd. The more he grows up, the more I think he looks like Prince Charles.

    May 18, 2013
  18. Neurite

    Yeah, I remember hearing the speculations about James Hewitt and thinking “geez, people just love themselves some gossip, the probably just say that he's the father because it would be such a titillating ~scandal~, it's not like they have any real proof”… and then I saw one of the side-by-side picture comparisons and went “Welp. Guess at this point you don't really even need a DNA test.”

    I mean, there's family resemblance, and then there's “looks like the exact same person”.

    I do think the policy of politely refusing to acknowledge the obvious on the part of the Royals is nice, though I'm not sure if it's “it would be unfair because he'd have things taken away from him for reasons that are 100% not his fault” or “this would be an embarrassment so we'll pretend like we don't notice”.

    May 18, 2013
  19. Neurite

    Between Harry and Alan Tudyk/Wash, I hold out hope that the mainstream media will finally recognize the hotness of redheaded men.

    May 18, 2013
  20. Julie

    I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers. I am a sucker for blue eyes.

    My daughter was in DC at Arlington when he was there. She said it was too hard to take a pic but she did get to see him. She said, “Mommy, he is CUTE!” LOL Like mother like daughter.

    May 18, 2013
  21. Anonymous

    I was thinking the same thing, he doesn't even look like his mom that much, but certainly not his dad.
    I think what makes him adorable is how nice he seems to people.

    May 18, 2013
  22. Anonymous

    Ok switching gears, just got done watching “After the Wedding” with my fav Mads (god that man does it to me)

    Then I check my emails before bed and see THIS.
    How am I going to sleep now.

    Mads is closer to my age than Harry, so I will stick with him. But Harry would be great for my niece. HA

    May 18, 2013
  23. C

    Damn he actually made scatching his head sexy. And one of those polo pics allllmmmmmoooosssst gives you a view of his junk. Nice.

    May 18, 2013
  24. Anonymous

    Do you guys know that The Sun published naked pictures of him?

    May 18, 2013
  25. Olive

    It is amazing how much he looks like Hewitt. The fact that he's a redhead really does it for me regardless of who the baby daddy is. I've got a thing for redheads.

    May 18, 2013
  26. Anonymous

    I'm British, despise most of the Royals and resent the institution. However, I can't see why everyone says Harry (who I think is gross BTW!) is James Hewitt's. He looks EXACTLY like a ginger Charles! And as large numbers of the Spencer family, including Charles Spencer (Diana's brother) are ginger, it is not surprising one of her kids would be, even without Hewitt's genetic input. By all accounts Diana didn't even meet Hewitt til after Harry was born. I couldn't give a toss either way as I'd stick them all on a council estate in Tower Hamlets if I had my way, but Charles and Harry look so alike I just don't understand why anyone would think they aren't related.

    May 18, 2013
  27. Anonymous

    I second. The Americans seem to be enjoying him so why can't they keep him. I found his comments re his service in Afghanistan particularly enraging. Plus, he's super thick. How can anyone come out of Eton with barely an A-level?!!!!

    May 18, 2013
  28. Yeah, I really think he looks a lot like Diana's brother. I don't think he looks all that much like Charles, but I do think his nose is similar to the queen's.

    But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. He's still going to live free on the British taxpayer's dime, because he could have come out half centaur and they'd still claim he was Charles's kid. They have to maintain a very careful air of being better than anyone else, so people will still believe they're entitled to shit.

    May 18, 2013
  29. Years of selective in-breeding?

    However, this is the rare case in which I am not attracted to a dude's mind. There is something very wrong with me, as I'm pretty strongly against the military worship culture in America, but then I'm like “fatigues, wwhhhhaaarrrgggaaarrrrble!”

    The libido, it makes no sense.

    May 18, 2013
  30. Anonymous

    Growing up I had an ENORMOUS crush on Prince William. I always told my mom I wanted to marry him, lol. Definitely over that. IMO, he did not age well. Nowadays, Harry's the handsome prince!

    May 18, 2013
  31. zee

    I was always more of a Harry girl, he's only a few months older than me, I thought as a kid that meant I stood a chance 😉

    May 18, 2013
  32. Anonymous

    I'm afraid I agree with West Art and Glass.

    As Royals go, I suppose he's the best of a bad bunch – but his eyes are too close together.

    The fact I'm anti-Royal probably doesn't help.

    Maybe it's a British thing.

    May 18, 2013
  33. I'm on the Prince Philip train, if you look back at the photos of Philip and Elizabeth from when they got married it's like they threw a ginger wig on Philip and started calling him Harry.

    May 19, 2013
  34. Whether or not his DNA matches Charles, Charles IS his real father. Charles has loved him and raised him. So what if DNA doesn't match? I might, it might not. Those two love each other as father and son. LOVE is what matters, not blood.

    May 19, 2013
  35. Tell you what. We'll take your royals and you can take our GOP and Tea Partiers who don't think even kids should have access to medical care if their parents can't afford it out of pocket. Fair trade?

    May 19, 2013
  36. I like Harry and Will. I really do. They're Royals who actually have jobs even though they could be like Paris Hilton or any of our rich kid brats. And you've got to respect how a royal whose country sends its young men to war zones won't exempt himself from that. Here in America the sons and daughters of our politicians don't go to war. But Harry has been to the front line, and Will, though he hasn't been shot at like that, does real rescue work and saves lives. Both of them could sit posh and just travel non-stop and have fun, but both have taken careers, tough, physically demanding careers.

    May 19, 2013
  37. Neurite

    Excellent point, Alys.

    May 19, 2013
  38. In number 8 is this what EL James means when she says (repeatedly) that his pants hung of his hips in that way?

    May 19, 2013
  39. Anonymous

    Young royals have to go into the military and always have. They would not have the option of hanging around doing nothing like Paris Hilton etc. The only royal who declined to do military service was Edward. It caused some controversy and he only got away with it because he was the youngest and quite far down the line of succession. They may or may not be happy to do it, and I don't doubt they both are, but it's not like they chose it freely.

    May 19, 2013
  40. Anonymous

    I don't think the inbreeding has been that selective tbh. It's definitely the reason they are all so mentally challenged and, with the exception of the queen and Zara Phillips, so odd looking. I totally agree that the libido makes no sense. I have a big thing for gingers, have dated or slept with tonnes of them, but I still don't get the Harry thing at all. As I said above, he looks just like Charles. Look around the eyes and nose. Eyes way too close together. But each to their own.

    And Alys, we have enough right wing nutters of our own thanks. We have a government full of them. They can't be as candid about their intentions because the nature of the political discourse is different here, but they are still pursuing the same agenda. I'll keep Harry thanks, but only because he is constitutionally barred from meddling in politics.

    May 19, 2013
  41. Anonymous

    I still think he looks just like Charles around the eyes and nose. But nobody cares. The only reason we keep them is because some lots of people enjoy them as a kind of living soap opera. If there was no salacious gossip to be had they would cease to have a function. And lets face it, throughout history loads of them have not been of genuine Royal parentage, including, quite possibly, Victoria. It's irrelevant because if you can't choose your head of state, or those in line to the title, it really doesn't matter who the hell they are. And royalty is just an arbitrary designation anyway.

    Still don't get the Harry thing though, and I love me some ginger. Of course everyone's tastes are different but I'd be astonished if so many people would find him attractive were he just your regular bloke down the pub, without the title and status.

    May 19, 2013
  42. Thanks, Neurite.

    Anon, I like the system the UK has. While it seems that having a monarchy is pointless, it does create a desire among the members to keep the country as good as possible since they'll be passing it along to their kids and grandkids. When you've got nothing but a revolving door of politicians, it becomes more about what they an get out of the country while they're in charge. In America we've got big problems with politicians (both sides are guilty) making decisions and passing laws that benefit themselves and their buddied without regard for the rest of us. Once they're out of office, there's no care about pride because their names are likely to be forgotten within a handful of years.

    But with a monarchy in place in addition to the parliament, you've got the democracy of the parliament with the monarchy actually giving a hoot because their direct kids will be literally be the ones dealing with any messes, and they've got a sense of pride and don't want to be known as the monarchs who ruined the country. The parliament and monarchy provide a better checks and balances than the revolving doors of the three branches of the US government.

    I don't think installing a system now would help us though. We've already got “royalty” here, and they're the greedy sort. For the UK, there's a long history and each new generation wants to live up to the generations past.

    I think you've got some good reasons to keep them around, arbitrary or not.

    Also I think the attraction of Harry isn't so much that he's royal, but that he's royal and yet doesn't excuse himself from hard work. There's something to be said for a man who could live a posh life 24/7, and yet chooses to spend it in the military going to war where he not only will be physically uncomfortable, but in serious danger that surpasses daily life. It's not so unlike how an average-looking father playing with his kids is a lot more attractive than someone physically sexy who's ignoring his children.

    May 19, 2013
  43. They didn't have to go to war. Training is the easy part, but actually making a career out of it and going to war they don't have to do. Both of the boys choose to do this when they have other options available to them.

    I wish the kids of American politicians had to at least go to bootcamp. Might make our politicians think twice about the wars the US starts, even if their kids don't actually go to the front lines.

    May 19, 2013
  44. What has been thought can not be unthunk. (I like that not-a-word.)

    But I think you're right. A wealthy, attractive ginger who is known on sight everywhere he goes with experience with military helicopters and pants hanging “that way” in casual pics could describe either Harry or Cheddie.

    May 19, 2013
  45. And oh my god. He has a tragically dead mom. IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER!

    May 19, 2013
  46. Anonymous

    But they do have to go to war. They have to join the military, and it would be very difficult to avoid active service during a time when the country is at war, without it looking bad. If they did, it would look like they were getting special treatment and not fulfilling their end of the bargain, which would fuel resentment, which, seeing as they retain their position and privilege only if they retain the goodwill of their subjects, would be extremely risky. Plus, active service doesn't necessarily say that much about them. Andrew ('Air-miles Andy') saw active service in the Falklands, and ended up being a scrounging freeloader jetting all over the world at taxpayers expense, hanging out with despots and paedophiles and generally being a huge embarrassment. I don't get why you think their careers are born of virtue, when in fact they are doing what is required and expected of them due to the precedent and tradition they rely upon to maintain their position.

    Also, as the royal family have no direct political power they don't provide any kind of checks and balances. They have merely ceremonial functions and constitutionally cannot influence the direction of the country for good or ill. They simply hang around costing money and turning up at charitable projects and hospitals to patronise a few of the plebs. Charles does try to unduly influence politics, from an extremely ill-informed and ignorant position, which the queen has been wise enough to never do, and that is why people see him as a danger to the future of the monarchy, which I very much hope he will turn out to be. People won't tolerate his meddling as king, as he has no mandate whatsoever.

    Sorry, I know this thread was supposed to be purely lecherous, I just get annoyed when Americans fawn over the Royals when your forbears had the good sense to get rid centuries ago, and we still have to pay for and tolerate this absurd anachronistic system. I am no fan of the American political system ( by which I mean as it operates, not as it was designed) but the idea that the monarchy somehow gives us better governance is one I just can't get my head around at all.

    May 19, 2013
  47. If it makes you feel any better, I would think he was hot even if he wasn't a prince, because GINGER and holy cripes the shoulders.

    This post wasn't meant as an endorsement of the monarchy, so much as an endorsement of UNF.

    May 19, 2013
  48. Anonymous

    OMG! E.L. couldn't stop at ripping off Twilight! She wrote a real person fanfic and changed the name! Poor Harry deserves better!

    May 19, 2013
  49. Anonymous

    UNF? Like I said, love a ginger, though I tend to go for hippies with wild untamed auburn hair and big bushy ginger beards. I didn't think the post was an endorsement of the monarchy, I just would like to point out that while it is obviously completely fine and every man or woman's prerogative to ogle him as a sex object in a purely physical way if he's what floats your boat, I would caution against all the 'awww isn't he a sweetheart' talk so common when his name comes up because all the evidence points to him being a bit of a knob who thinks killing brown people is like, really fun, just like playing on the X-box, yah. Or if they are lucky just calls them the p-word, but it's just a joke yah?

    Also Jenny, I obviously only have a very partial knowledge of you and your tastes and desires, and in no way mean to imply that you are are unchoosy or lack excellent powers of discrimination when it comes to objects of lust, but I have kind of formed the impression that you might fancy almost any man if he has an English accent 😉 David Tennant, James May, David Walliams, Prince Harry, Anthony Head. Not much in common other than the accent. Though I should leave Tennant out because not only is his English accent fake (and much less luscious than his natural one) but I simply don't believe there is a straight woman out there who doesn't want to fuck him. Hell, I don't think there is a gay woman who doesn't. Or a straight man. Or an asexual. I have never met anyone who wouldn't, and if I did encounter someone who honestly tried to claim otherwise, I wouldn't trust them.

    May 19, 2013
  50. Anonymous

    I hate to piss on your strawberries but Harry can't be Chedward. He only shags blondes.

    May 19, 2013
  51. LOL, I just feel guilty that my rampant lust caused controversy among commenters. I have a real addiction to dudes. I should seek treatment… but I'd probably just get a crush on the psychiatrist.

    May 19, 2013
  52. Anonymous

    Haha, been there, done that. Literally. I am a recovering sex addict and was in therapy for it and I did kind of want to sleep with the therapist. Although in the end I just stopped seeing him because I couldn't afford him. I even slept with a few US Marines despite my staunch anti-militarist beliefs. The sex was terrible though. Those guys are trained for speed and efficiency, that's my theory.

    I wouldn't feel guilty about controversy-stirring. Nothing wrong with a frank and robust exchange of views.

    May 19, 2013
  53. Anonymous

    Hmm, I'm a blonde.

    May 19, 2013
  54. Anonymous

    Almost all the royals in Europe have real jobs and lots of them do that really well and do something good with the privilege they've been given and I do see some of the merits of a monarchy, but it doesn't take away the fact that hundreds of thousands, millions actually, of euros/pounds of tax payers money goes to them just for being born in the right family. And that is on top of the handsome salaries they make from their jobs that would probably have been very hard to get, hadn't they been royals.
    But I definitely see merit to your idea of your politicians and their kids having to do military service too, to make them think twice about starting wars.

    May 23, 2013

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