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Unexpected Book Release Day!

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Hey there everybody! Today was the day that the Bad Boy Next Door boxed set was supposed to come out. Unfortunately, due to a big name author taking up a crusade against me, an author in the set was uncomfortable having her story sold alongside mine. Other authors were given the choice to either release the anthology without me, delay the release of the boxed set indefinitely, or release the set with my story included, in which case the author who objected would withdraw from the project and her publishing company would withdraw promotional support. The majority decided that they would pull their stories from the boxed set rather than kick me out, and that was, sadly, the end of the Bad Boy Next Door boxed set.

It was a really great project, and a lot of people worked really hard on it, so I’m saddened to see this happen to them. But I’m happy to report that the authors in the set plan to publish their stories independently, and when they do, I’ll be featuring their work here.

In the meantime, I have published my novella from the boxed set, Bad Boy Good Man. It’s available now on Amazon and Smashwords.

bad boy good man cover


Newly independent real-life adult Ellie McCormack loves everything about her first apartment…except her neighbor. His bi-weekly sex fests keep her up at night in more ways than one as she wonders about the man who’s making all the noise—and what he’s doing to make his women so damn loud.

 But even her wildest fantasies couldn’t conjure up a man like Antony DeLuca. When she works up the nerve to confront him, she’s expecting a player, but there’s more to Antony than his carefree sexual escapades. One hot night with him helps Ellie see through the man who drives women wild, to the good guy beneath it all. A guy that she just might be able to fall for…

Amazon • Smashwords

Thank you to everyone who sent emails or supported me on social media over the weekend. I appreciate that.

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Here for the first time because you’re in quarantine and someone on Reddit recommended my Fifty Shades of Grey recaps? Welcome! Consider checking out my own take on the Billionaire BDSM genre, The Boss. Find it on AmazonB&NSmashwords, iBooks, and Radish!


  1. This has gotten completely out of hand. So sorry you’re paying the price for having the nerve to voice an opinion.

    I think it’s clear who the bully is.

    March 16, 2015
  2. Jemmy

    So sorry to see how bad things have gotten. I find you inspirational and funny and fantastic.

    I’ll buy your new story once we work out where my daughter left my kindle…

    March 16, 2015
  3. Claire

    Purchased! Can’t wait to start reading. I’ve been watching in horror as all this played out. Thank you for being brave and standing up to those massive losers. X

    March 16, 2015
    • ginmar

      Bought it!

      March 16, 2015
  4. Lieke

    That sucks. I was glad to read, however, that most of the other authors decided to support you. Still, it’s a shame that it had to come to this.

    March 16, 2015
  5. Megan M.
    Megan M.

    Bummer. 🙁 But your story sounds great! Just bought it!

    March 16, 2015
  6. Nicole

    I’m so very excited for this and will be purchasing as soon as I get home! I’m so sorry for all of the ridiculous hate you’ve been receiving, especially when you’re being attacked for something you’re not even doing. It’s particularly telling that people are ignoring the real crux of your argument (the eroticism of the real life rape of a human being). They either don’t have a defense for it (because it’s indefensible) or they are lacking reading comprehension skills. I assume it’s the latter but either way, it’s hard to take them seriously. I started reading the Sophie Scaife series in November and have cycled through all the books about 4 times now. I love them and I’ll definitely keep supporting your work (as well as the work of the other authors who got caught up in this). You’re entitles to your opinion and entitled to encourage the boycott of offensive work. That doesn’t make you a bully or a horrible person.

    March 16, 2015
  7. Suze

    This has gone past ridiculous to absurd. I’m so sorry that the collection has been cancelled, but I’m looking forward to reading all the stories independently! I’ll be buying this evening. 🙂

    March 16, 2015
  8. BooksChatter

    Very sad and unfair situation.
    Well done for publishing your novella.
    I am correcting my blog ( and reposting (I hope that is OK).

    Stay strong.

    March 16, 2015
  9. I’m sorry things got so out of hand, Jenny. I still appreciate the fact that you decided to speak out and hope all goes well with this new novella of yours 😀

    March 16, 2015
  10. I loved your novella. I’m looking forward to seeing the links to the other authors’ stories!

    March 16, 2015
  11. Napalmnacey

    I can’t believe it turned out like this, but you did the right thing in this situation. Hopefully the numbers of authors on your side will outweigh the crap being slung at you from other big name sources.

    Bought your story, and this will probably not be my last purchase of your writing. I love your wit. You have my support. *fistbump*

    March 16, 2015
  12. Louise

    Soon as my money comes in this week, I’m buying a copy of this. Sorry to hear about the bullshit surrounding it’s publication, I’ve banished the books I owned by that particular writer to some surrounding charity shops.

    March 16, 2015
    • IfYouEverComeBack

      Okay, I have read all of Jenny’s post about the situation, but I still don’t know who the big name author is. I have been off of Social media for a bit though.

      March 17, 2015
  13. Bought! It’ll be nice after the crazy day I’ve had.

    I hope the other authors release their novellas as well as they all sounded swell. :/ Sigh some people..

    March 16, 2015
  14. Pete Morin
    Pete Morin

    Bought in solidarity.

    March 16, 2015
  15. CC Denham
    CC Denham


    You know, I’m so happy to hear the other authors are going to publish theirs independently as well. I look forward to buy links! As for the one author who objected and pulled promotion from it, what a disappointment. I will not be purchasing any more of her books. Pathetic.

    March 16, 2015
    • IfYouEverComeBack

      Can someone tell me who both authors are(big name author and I pulled my book author). I am so lost.

      March 17, 2015
  16. Rosa H
    Rosa H

    Sorry to hear that all this turned into such a shitstorm. It’s so hypocritical for these people to criticize someone of financially hurting an author’s career and then do it themselves for spite.

    I’m so glad that you are brave enough to stand up for what’s right. No matter what anyone says, you did the right thing.

    I’m so buying this, it’s the only story in the set I was super excited about anyway. Though I may consider buying the works of the authors who stood by you because that kind of support is awesome.

    Anyway, stay strong. Your babbling sycophants love you!

    March 16, 2015
  17. I got it for mg Kindle. So sorry you can’t express an opinion without having backlash. But then again I would say that since I’m one of your brain washed followers.

    March 16, 2015
  18. Candy Apple
    Candy Apple

    Well. I’m studying Spanish and reading Gabriel García Márquez’s Cien Años de Soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude) in the original Spanish right now. I’ve got a stack of literature a mile high to read after that, none of it erotica. When I do read for fun, it’s almost always historical fiction (Diana Gabaldon is my guilty pleasure). The truth is, I’ve never read any of Jenny’s books. (cringe) I love her blog for other reasons.

    Well, guess what, Jenny haters? I JUST BOUGHT THIS BOOK. I’m putting down the Márquez and picking up the Trout, bitches. Thanks, Jenny, for taking a stand against trash that glorifies rape and thanks for your funny posts and thanks for all of the Buffy, which is the reason I stuck around in the first place. I’m looking forward to reading your book and I’ll be sure to post a review on Amazon.

    Also, does this now make me a mindless slave? Cool.

    March 16, 2015
    • grr! arrgh!
      grr! arrgh!

      Samsies. I don’t read contemporary romance or BDSM (I love you Jenny, but that’s just not my thing). But I bought this novella. And I will buy every other novella in the set now as they are published because jaw-droppingly racist rape appologia =/= calling for a boycott on reprehensible works. I can’t belive so many people don’t get that. I’ll gladly pay for those novels so the authors who wrote them don’t have to pay for certain authors hyperbolic vendettas.

      March 16, 2015
  19. I don’t read a lot of romance because I have a hard time finding books in the genre that I don’t want to throw against the wall for romanticizing stalking and abuse, but after reading your blog for the past six months, I know your work will be a safe space to avoid all that crap. As such, I’ve shared this book on my author page. I hope the novella will be a huge success.

    March 16, 2015
  20. Suzanne


    And I am sorry, Jenny, that you have had to deal with Bedlamites. Keep being YOU and the voice of reason!

    March 16, 2015
  21. I posted a notice on my blog that BBGM was for sale and bought a copy. When the other authors release their stories I will do the same for them.

    March 16, 2015
  22. Lucy

    I can’t believe this, what utter crap. I feel like Mr. Darcy about that “Big Nam Author”, my good opinion once lost is lost forever. I can’t believe someone I respected has turned out to be such an awful person. I hope all her sycophants will realise their stupidity eventually, but I doubt it. Keep strong Jenny and remember that people who stand up to bad things almost always have a hard time. Even if there are less people on the right side of the fence, it’s still better than being on the wrong side.

    March 16, 2015
  23. Rachael

    Even though I don’t usually read novellas (I get committed to characters, only for it to end D:) I have just purchased this, and I will purchase the novellas from the other authors too when they release them! This whole thing has become ridiculous, and I don’t see how it isn’t bullying. I hope you continue to speak your mind knowing your fans are behind you!

    March 16, 2015
  24. Rebecca

    I’ve bought your novella as well. I think it’s horrific that this has happened. I’ve never read your books before but I’m looking forward to giving them a go. I love your blog and I really admire you for standing your ground in the face of so much crap.

    March 16, 2015
  25. KCScout

    Bought it just to spite the name-calling witch.

    March 16, 2015
  26. Susan Riggle
    Susan Riggle

    Also bought in solidarity. Good job. I also thought the others pulling their stuff in support was fantastic! 🙂

    March 16, 2015
  27. It’s not the genre I read but I bought it to support you, Jenny. It’s absolutely ridiculous how out of control this whole thing has gotten. People really need to grow the fuck up.

    March 16, 2015
  28. Jessica

    I would have bought the novella anyways because I love your writing, but I’ve made a point not to procrastinate and buy it right away to show my support for you. Hang in there. I have to believe that rational thought will eventually win out, and this whole nonsense will go away.

    March 16, 2015
  29. Gwen

    Jenny, I play World of Warcraft on-line, and we were talking a few weeks ago about FSoG (p-tooey!), and I begged them all to not waste their money on it (as did a few others, I was glad to note). I pointed everyone to your website, and recommended your Boss series. And not just ’cause I think you are freaking awesome, although that was at least 75% of the reason. I’m so angry on your behalf, and you have handled this with so much grace and restraint. I wish I could give you a big ol’ hug! Chin up, beautiful!

    March 16, 2015
  30. Other Jen
    Other Jen

    I’m really sorry this happened. I read your blog all the time. I don’t normally read novels at all, but I definitely went and bought this novella and Such Sweet Sorrow, and I’ll make a point to read both.

    March 16, 2015
  31. Tonya

    I have not had the pleasure of reading any of your books yet but I plan to. I was a fan of the onr who shall remain nameless until a friend told me about this situation. I read your blog. I went to her page and the things I read there changed my opinion of her forever. She is a coward, a hypocrite, and a liar. I cannot respect or continue to support someone like that. Good luck to you and I plan to get your novella, it sounds right up my alley.

    March 16, 2015
    • Lucy

      I’m sure I replied to one of your comments on FB saying I agreed with you and why. I basically said that if STGRB had an issue with the piracy comment they could’ve worded it differently and made it a opinionated piece rather than one attacking an author. I said everyone has a right to an opinion but if you end up displaying the same behaviour you’re trying to call others out for you end up shooting yourself in the foot (ie writing against bullying whilst bullying yourself). I never used profanity or any hostility, and my post was deleted. Just goes to show, she is a huge hypocrite. Sad times.

      March 17, 2015
      • Tonya

        Lucy: not sure if your post was a response to mine. I did post to her page, pointing out some key points they she very artfully ignored when she responded. My post was not deleted, though she did threaten when I said her actions, to me, was a sign of cowardice. I did not use profanity, I do not believe I was hostile, but she threw a tantrum anyway. I was ver disappointed.

        March 17, 2015
        • Lucy

          If you posted a screenshot of an earlier comment then I responded to you. I posted it just before I went to bed and when I checked in the morning it was gone. I didn’t post anything horrible, just questioned it like you did. Also she says she has an issue with bullying and abuse but when people actually verbally abuse Jenny ‘Really makes me want to see Lestat take her out haha’ and ‘so full of excrement’ she says thanks for the comments. Absolutely vile!

          March 17, 2015
  32. LaurieF

    Chin up and stay strong. Just bought your books at Smashwords. The series and your new novella sound great.

    March 17, 2015
  33. AlohaPancakes

    Hi Jenny! Found your blog sometime last month, before the FSOG movie opened. Amid the smattering of awful posts that were genuinely excited for this movie to come out, one enlightened friend urged the likeminded to boycott the abusive, non-sexy, non-actual-BDSM piece of crap and instead donate to a DV shelter or anti-DV program. She also posted a link FB to your Jealous Haters’ Book Club, in which she literally said that you “eviscerated” the series, chapter by chapter. Well, “Geez Holy Crap” she was right, and it was hilariously glorious.

    Even though I only came for the FSOG-smackdown, I have been compelled to binge-read the rest of your amazing blog. (Which is crazy because I REALLY dont have a lot of spare time – this is the busiest part of the year for my position in a nonprofit! I’m basically just sacrificing sleeping this month!) I stayed for the body acceptance real-talk and victories (I actually remember reading your bikini and Jlaw articles in HuffPo before I knew you were you – so starstruck!) , laughed through the Buffy and Merlin recaps (and Jess and Bron’s Merlin recaps too), worried about you through the poo brain times, giggled through Samantha’s entrance into your life (and through her continuing “interesting” activities), and – of course – fell in love with Sophie and Neal through the first four books. I’ve even read all the blog comments, because sometimes that’s where the story is continuing and I don’t want to miss anything. The Troutlanders are amazing. I have grown so fond of your writing, your passion and excitement and exasperation and your quirkiness, your extreme attention to detail and your uncanny ability to cut straight through the bs. You inspire me with your resilience, dealing with all that life has thrown at you, fighting with physical and mental issues while taking care of your family and STILL having time to fight for humankind and our collective humanity in spite of clueless racists, hypocritical bullies, and (ugh) redditors. You are awesome, and I can’t wait to see what you do next! (And while im waiting, I’m going to read your new release because I just bought it!)

    “You are so freakin awesome and even though this stupid drama is crappy right now, you will ALWAYS be awesome! TROUT ON!”

    March 17, 2015
  34. Sarah

    It’s such a shame that you’ve had such a horrible backlash for expressing your opinion. As far as I’m concerned you were right on the mark, just like you usually are. I hope that you’re ok.

    March 17, 2015
  35. Theresa

    I am, like everyone else here, so sorry about everything that’s gone on. I snatched up the novella yesterday and finished it in record time. Loved it, love you. Keep writing.

    March 17, 2015
  36. Read it all last night! My Goodreads goal this year is 36 books and I keep picking up 1,200-plus page books, so I need these little ones to get me through. lol Perfect!

    March 17, 2015
  37. rheather

    Instead of continuing to put off buying all your books, now I have. I’ve read The Boss and loved your way of writing people I can get involved with and miss when I finish reading.
    So thanks, interwebs crapfest, for getting me to give Jenny money!
    (New favorite quote-“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” -Herm Albright.

    March 17, 2015
  38. Buying it as soon as I get home! (Because I somehow doubt that IT would appreciate me buying this on the work computer. . . )

    March 17, 2015
  39. Tessany

    This is sad that another writer has decided to become Queen of the Douche Canoe, but I am also glad that you have means at your disposal to circumvent her rather large reach. I haven’t read romance/erotica in about 10 years, but as soon as I get some money on Friday, I will be purchasing your book.

    I know it’s not much, but you have my respect. Good luck.

    March 17, 2015
  40. Tonya

    Yeah that was me and I didn’t get to see your post. I gave up trying to have a conversation with anyone there. Those people are like a cult! No matter how logical or reasonable your tone may be or how valid your point, they come out of the woodwork to defend her and to protect her and to prove how right she was. Mindless drones.

    March 17, 2015
  41. IfYouEverComeBack

    That sucks so much balls. I can figure out who the big name author is, but it doesn’t matter. It sucks that these people have so much sway. However it’s cool that the authors wanted to support you. I am not a big erotica/romance fan( i will read contemporary romance though) . However since I seem to have no problem reading gay romance/erotica(mainly fanfic/contemporary), I can give other types of erotica a chance. Plus I want to support you. Long story short, I will totes be buying the book(soon as I put some money in my bank account)m to show support.

    Don’t let the haters get you down Jen.

    March 17, 2015
    • Candy Apple
      Candy Apple

      Pretty sure that author is Anne Rice.

      March 17, 2015
  42. Grimlock

    Not the type of story I normally read, but purchased this to put my money where my mouth was, and show more support.

    This was just horrific to watch from beginning to end. I’m so sorry for you and all the other authors.

    March 17, 2015
  43. Amber

    There’s always one whiner ruining it for everyone else. :/

    I hope that you’re taking some time for self-care and not getting too down about this. You have done NOTHING wrong. All of us, your fans, love you and stand by you. Though I was looking forward to this, i’m more crushed about how terrible you’re being treated than anything else. You deserve so much better than that.

    All the hugs.

    March 17, 2015
  44. Alisha

    Anne Rice was the first author whose work really got in to my head; she was my first literary love, so to speak. I was saddened by her support of 50 Shades, and I’m angry at her lashing out at you this way. I’m not sure if I’ll continue to support her work – but I just bought Bad Boy Good Man from Amazon, because I know I support you!

    March 18, 2015
  45. Crystal

    I just got your book. I can’t wait to check it out. I have to say I find it funny that Kevin Weinberg is still talking trash about you on his Facebook. He stated on the 14th that your book got taken down, but I see it is still there. He really is a sad little man.

    March 18, 2015
    • JennyTrout

      I need to figure out where he lives, because if it’s anywhere near me, I’m getting a restraining order. There is something deeply wrong with him.

      March 18, 2015
      • Lucy

        I checked it out. The guy has issues (which is ok, everyone does) but he seems to be taking them out on others. There is no reasoning with that unfortunately.

        March 18, 2015
  46. Pam

    The only problem with the book is that it was way too short.

    March 18, 2015
  47. I’m so sorry you’re being targeted like this just for taking a (completely justified) moral stand. It’s disgusting and completely hypocritical of your attackers to engage in behavior like this. I’m sorry for the other authors in this box set too, and I hope your sales and theirs are phenomenal.

    March 18, 2015
  48. Belladonna

    Bought! Although I would have anyway, I like to support authors who aren’t afraid to stand up for the right things.

    Keep going strong, Jenny!

    March 19, 2015
  49. PersonMcPerson

    So I like how apparently pointing out that a slave can’t consent to their owner, and is therefore rape, is so controversial that other people don’t want their name next to yours. The next time some idiot suggests that rape/misogyny has been eradicated in America, this will be one of the first things that I think of. Oy vey.

    March 31, 2015
    • PersonMcPerson

      Supposed to say racism/misogyny. Ooops.

      March 31, 2015

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