Hey there, all of you in Troutnation! I have exciting news!
Remember how some of you were like, “Hey, I want to buy The Girlfriend in paperback, but The Bookpatch wants to charge me thirty dollars in shipping on a fifteen dollar book and that’s fucking insane?” Well, The Girlfriend is moving to CreateSpace, so you should hopefully incur less of a shipping hassle. I know, some you believe Amazon is the devil, so if you fall into the intersection space of a Venn diagram labelled “people who don’t want to pay for that shipping” and “people who hate Amazon,” then I’m sorry, I have failed you. But for the rest of you, this should work better. I’m just waiting on the proof, and I’ll let you know as soon as it’s for sale. The Boss will follow after KDP Select is over in November.
Some of you have also asked when Roadhouse is going to be starting up again. While I don’t have an answer for you at the moment, due to both D-Rock and I being insanely busy lately, here’s a Roadhouse Mini. Watch as we try out my deceased grandfather’s left-behind stash of out-of-date Tic Tacs. For science.
I’m still working on the next Buffy and 50 Shades recaps, but I was under a deadline for revisions on Such Sweet Sorrow and I’ve had some freelance editing projects on my plate, as well as the beginning of the school year for my children, so I thank you for your continued patience and I promise, recaps will be coming soon.
Industrial Welding? I shall expect a Flashdance-esque sequence from D-Rock at some point in the future.
The power thumb was also in the movie “Dave” with Sigourney Weaver. He imitates the President’s speaking at the podium. Glad that those red tic tacs were stuck together cause, they were nasty when they were fresh. Adding those to my Zombie Apocalypse Emergency List.
D-rock, I am impressed! I have 2 college degrees, and the idea of industrial welding makes my overeducated self (I work as an administrative assistant) tremble!
When I was a kid I used to eat the orange Tic Tacs like candy.
LOL Didn’t we all?
Jenny, I love you. Thank you so much for listening to your fans! I can’t wait to check out the CreateSpace link and hopefully order The Girlfriend! 🙂
[Would The Boss be offered that way, too? Or should I look into the e-book?]
Will I be able to get both The Boss and The Girlfriend in paperback from Amazon?
I personally think Amazon is the devil, but my husband doesn’t, so occasionally I have him order books for me if they aren’t available anywhere else. Yes, I know I’m a hypocrite. 😉
I’m glad you discovered Createspace, since not only do they have more reasonable shipping, but the printing costs are lower too. I just checked on what they would charge for a book I just published, and it was over a dollar more at The Book Patch. I certainly won’t be using them.
I have just started The Girlfriend after reading The Boss yesterday and while I hate to be all gushy I have to say: omg I am loving it! Not to be all SPOILERy but the way you handled Sophie’s decision was perfection and total class. These books really are the antidote to the 50 shades crap. She is the first protagonist I have read in forever who is a genuinely strong woman and not just some mouthy caricature I want to punch. Thank you for these books. 🙂
Oh man, some flavors of tictacs are so brutal! Orange is the only flavor that kids can take.
There’s a family story of my two older brothers being found behind a couch eating baby asprins (when kids still took baby asprins) that orange flavor reeled them in. One brother ate way more because he was the oldest and therefore greedy and only let the other one eat like one to his 5. My mom called the doc and he said just watch him, and he was ok, Then I was born 7 years later and they just tried things out on me first.
My kids found some Fanny Mae candies at a garage sale this summer that were way out of date, and they were bad, they had turned whitish and hard. My kids still wanted to eat them.
People will try to sell anything.