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As promised, I’m importing the A Court of Thorns and Roses recaps here from Patreon. These were originally written beginning in August of 2020, so there will be references to upcoming or seasonal events that won’t fit with our current timeline. I am not a time traveler and you’ll never be able to prove that I am. I will also include editors notes like this every now and then as we go, mostly to amuse myself but to give re-read value to those who’ve already been on this awful, awful journey with me.
This chapter opens at the ball in Feyre’s honor, which she isn’t enjoying because she keeps thinking about Tamlin.
I’d known something was wrong. I’d known he was in trouble––not just with the blight on Prythian, but also that the forces gathering to destroy him were deadly, and yet … and yet I’d stopped looking for answers, stopped fighting it, glad––so selfishly glad––to be able to set down that savage, wild part of me that had only survived hour to hour.
I’m not sure Feyre is living in the same book we’re all reading, because I don’t remember the part in Prythian where Feyre was “savage” or “wild” or surviving “hour to hour.” I remember her making a lot of bad choices and then just wearing pretty dresses and painting. There was never once, even with all the mentions of how the blight is going to get there soon, really soon, this is super scary, Maas promises it’s super scary, oooh, get ready for your pulse to pound, a time when Feyre’s mortality hung suspended on the whims of the moment.
And let’s discuss that sentence up above. Yes. It’s a single sentence. Go check. Writing Tip: stating something, then making an em dash, then stating the same thing again but in italics, and putting in a ellipses of suspense isn’t a substitute for paying attention to the shit you already wrote. ed.—And yet, it is now the prevailing style in the Romantasy genre.
I’d let him send me home. I hadn’t tried harder to piece together the information I’d gathered about the blight or Amarantha; I hadn’t tried to save him.
What information?! The entire time she was in Prythian we kept getting these excuses about how, well, the plot is happening over here but Feyre can’t get any answers about it, ho hum, let’s go to the magical lake of liquid mercury or whatever. Oh, now it’s time for a party. And another party. But damn, nothing about the plot because Feyre just can’t get any information on it.
And Lucien … Lucien had known it, too––and shown it in his bitter words on my last day, his disappointment in me.
Which I also do not understand. Lucien hasn’t been present for most of the book. He’s mentioned a lot, but usually in excuses as to why he’s not in a scene. There’s never really been an interaction between Feyre and Lucien that made me think he somehow believed in her or had faith that she would save them.
There’s a paragraph about how late the party goes and what time Feyre and Nesta and Elain leave and that’s a wrap on the ball. Seriously, the ball happens for no reason. There’s no dialogue there, no plot events happen, it’s just Feyre saying, this was what the ball was like, anyway, the next day…
What was the point of talking about the ball for like a whole chapter prior to this?
But whatever. It’s the next day and Feyre and her family are at lunch when her father says:
“I’m thinking of buying the Beddor land,” my father was saying to Elain, who was the only one of us listening to him. “I heard a rumor it’ll go up for sale soon, since none of the family survived, and it would be a good investment property. Perhaps one of you girls might build a house on it when you’re ready.”
But what a fucking gruesome thing to say to your daughters. Yeah, you know your friend whose family burned to death? One day, you could build your home on the ashes of the place where they perished horribly.
Thanks, dad.
Feyre is like, oh no, what happened to them and like, put two-and-two together, please. You know someone’s house burned down, your dad is like hey, I’m gonna buy this specific family’s land because everyone is dead, and you can’t figure it out?
“Their house burned down, and everybody died. Well, they couldn’t find Clare’s body, but …” She looked down at her plate. “It happened in the dead of night––the family, their servants, everyone. The day before you came home to us, actually.”
“Clare Beddor,” I said slowly.
Yeah, boo, you did that.
“Our friend, remember?” Elain said.
Thanks for the reminder, Elain.
No––no, it couldn’t be possible. It had to be a coincidence––had to be a coincidence, because the alternative…
I feel like having a conversation with Sarah J. Maas would be like:
SJM: So, then I had to go stop by the bank––the bank, where money is kept––because…
You: Because… what?
SJM: Because, if I didn’t…
You: If you didn’t, what would happen?
SJM: I wouldn’t have any cash––wouldn’t have anything to pay for all these Girl Scout cookies with… Girl Scout cookies I want to buy…
You: So. Are we like, done here? Or is there more? You keep trailing off and staring into the distance.
I’ve never had a conversation with her, though, so this is all speculation. ed.—It is my deepest hope for my life that I never have to speak to her, either. Because I would not have nice things to say.
I had given that name to Rhysand.
You sure did.
And he had not forgotten it.
Well, considering he showed up and you left the next day, it sounds like he didn’t have much time to forget. It kinda sounds like he went directly from Tamlin’s house to Clare Beddor’s house and killed her whole family.
Except for Clare, who wasn’t found.
So, did they assume Clare, in the human world, was Feyre, whom Rhysand had just seen in Prythian? Remember, it takes two days to get from Prythian to where Feyre lives. Let’s say, for the sake of keeping shit straight, Rhysand was at Tamlin’s house on a Monday. Feyre then leaves on Tuesday morning and arrives at home on Thursday. That would mean the Beddors died on Wednesday…so Rhysand would have, what, departed Tamlin’s manor immediately after finding Feyre and run off to the human world to…find Feyre? This doesn’t make any sense at all.
Oh, Jenny. Stop trying to make sense of this steaming pile. You are sorting through sewage looking for diamonds. There won’t be diamonds. There won’t even be cubic zirconia. There’s just gonna be more turds.
I pushed back against the guilt, the disgust and terror.
Must be nice to just “push back” those bad feelings after getting an innocent family killed. Which, by the way, I’m not giving her any leeway like, “but she panicked and just said a name!” or anything like that. She had time to think around for a name and she deliberately chose that one. She could have said “Val Gina” or “Dick Johnson,” literally anything but a real person’s name. To me, her inability to grasp the possible consequences of the situation is proof that Feyre is just not as clever and resourceful as the author wants us to think Feyre is.
I had to get answers––had to know if it had been a coincidence, or if I might yet be able to save Clare.
Feyre comes to the conclusion that something terrible must have happened with the blight in Prythian because:
Faeries. They had come over the wall and left no trace behind.
They burned down a house and the entire town is talking about it. What the fuck do you mean, they left no trace? And this isn’t the first time. Andras was across the wall when Feyre shot him. Tamlin crossed the wall to find Feyre and drag her back to Prythian. And if we’re talking about leaving no trace, he did it and made everyone in the village forget where she went or that her family was ever poor.
Feyre tells Nesta that everything they’ve talked about with regards to Prythian has to stay secret, and of course Elain and their dad are like, come again? Because they’re still under the glamour.
I’d never learned what warning signs Tamlin had instilled in their glamours to prod my family to run, but I wasn’t going to risk relying solely on them. Not when Clare had been taken, her family murdered…because of me.
Did we even know that these flight triggers were installed in the glamour in the first place?
Feyre instructs Nesta to force the family to run away the second they hear of anything happening at the wall. Like, even if they just get a weird feeling, they’re supposed to get on a ship and go wherever it is that fairies wouldn’t want to go.
My father and Elain began blinking, as if clearing some fog from their minds––as if emerging from a deep sleep.
In other news, I used an em dash in my own writing yesterday and physically gagged. ed.—I wrote a particularly ellipses-heavy scene the other day and wanted to die, but there was no other way.
Nesta wants to know if there’s going to be an invasion, and Feyre tells her all about the blight, which I guess she omitted when she told her everything in the previous chapter? I was under the impression that Nesta had heard “everything,” since those were the words that the author used. I’m starting to get the sense that with hugely popular books like this, thinking too hard about the actual words on the page will ruin the experience.
Feyre goes to her room and changes into practical tactical man clothes, and Nesta tells her:
“Father once told you to never come back,” Nesta said, “and I’m telling you now. We can take care of ourselves.”
Shockingly, Feyre doesn’t find this insulting and we don’t have to hear about how awful Nesta is. Feyre gets her weapons and tells her sister:
“They can lie,” I said, giving her information I hoped she would never need. “Faeries can lie, and iron doesn’t bother them one bit. But ash wood––that seems to work. Take my money and buy a damned grove of it for Elain to tend.”
Remember at the beginning of the book, when Feyre said the faeries burned all the ash trees and she’s never seen one? Pepperidge Farm might remember, but Sarah J. Maas does not.
Nesta asks Feyre what she thinks she can do if the faeries can’t even fight off the blight themselves, and Feyre is like, good question, idk, but I’m still gonna go. She encourages Nesta to go out and find a better life. Then there’s a section break for no reason whatsoever and Feyre is walking out of the house. Elain tells her that the glamour is gone and she can now remember what really happened, and their father doesn’t come out to say goodbye to Feyre because he’s probably too busy being greedy and crippled.
That’s not in the book, I’m just being mean.
Then, Feyre leaves.
I had to go back––had to see what had happened, had to tell Tamlin everything that was in my heart before it was too late.
Oh, see, I thought she was riding off to help. She’s just riding off to save her relationship or whatever.
Let’s talk about horses in fantasy novels. Feyre says she “rode all day and stopped only when it was too dark for me to see.” Then:
I rode all of the second day, slept fitfully, and was off before first light.
While I am still skeptical that the author did not have a pony as a child, this is a common thing that happens with fantasy novels. People act like horses are just cars and they can keep going and going as much as you need them to. But they’re like…animals? And they have to rest? And eat? And drink water? After about eight hours with a rider on its back, on really uneven forest ground, a horse is going to be exhausted and at higher risk for injury.
I’m not saying I need to hear every little detail about Feyre watering her horse or feeding it or whatever. And I’m not saying Maas is the only person who ever did this in a fantasy novel. This is a problem across the board in most books with medieval-lite settings. Just because your main character needs to get somewhere and is willing to travel for twenty hours straight, that doesn’t mean their horse can or will do so.
And yes, horses will refuse to keep going if they’re tired. And people are not big enough or strong enough to argue with a stubborn horse. If you get a horse that will do this kind of nonstop, strenuous travel? It’s gonna work itself to death and you’ll have no horse.
In conclusion, Horses: they’re not cars
Feyre reaches the wall and it’s this invisible force, not an actual physical barrier that you can see.
But the faeries came and went through it––through holes, rumor claimed.
Not to be picky here but is it really a rumor if it’s something you have literally experienced? Or is it just what the fuck happens?
Feyre walks for two whole days testing the damn wall like she’s a velociraptor and finally, clever girl, she finds a gate formed by two stones with symbols carved into them. But what I’m thinking is, okay, once she gets into Prythian, how is she going to find the Spring Court? She doesn’t know where she––
Magic stung my nostrils, zapping until my horse bucked again, but we were through.
I knew these trees.
Oh. Well. That’s convenient. The gate leads right into the woods around Tamlin’s manor. What are the odds?
I rode in silence, an arrow nocked and ready, the threats lurking in the forest far greater than those in the woods I’d just left.
At some point, I’m going to have to stop pointing out the number of times we’ve heard that mortal weapons won’t do shit against faeries but that day…is not today.
Tamlin might be furious––he might command me to turn around and go home. But I would tell him that I was going to help, tell him that I loved him and would fight for him however I could, even if I had to tie him down and make him listen.
Tied up and forced to listen to Feyre talk? Worst. BDSM. Ever.
I became so intent on contemplating how I might convince him not to start roaring that I didn’t immediately notice the quiet––how the birds didn’t sing, even as I drew closer to the manor itself, how the hedges of the estate looked in need of a trim.
The forest is always quiet. Like, that was one of the things that was pointed out to make it scarier.
The manor is a mess, bro. The gates are all torn open and the doors are off the hinges.
I dismounted, arrow still at the ready. But there was no need. Empty––it was utterly empty here. Like a tomb.
Tombs aren’t empty. They have dead people and cool skeletons in them.
It looked as if an army had marched through. Tapestries hung in shreds, the marble banister was fractured, and the chandeliers lay broken on the ground, reduced to mounds of shattered crystal.
So, did the blight hit, or what? Feyre doesn’t even have that thought, like, oh no, is it the blight? Which was my first thought, as a reader. I skimmed the next chapter and it doesn’t look like she ever even questions whether or not it could have been the blight (but like I said, I skimmed).
Feyre calls out for Tamlin and Lucien but nobody comes.
Alone in the wreckage of the manor, I sank to my knees.
He was gone.
Hopefully for good, but whatever.
If this seems like another really short chapter, don’t worry; the next one is like twenty pages of pure info dump. No joke. It’s literally twenty pages of Alis of just telling Feyre (and the reader) every single detail that could have been slowly doled out over the rest of the god damn book when nothing was happening otherwise. You are going to be infuriated, probably. I know I am, just thinking about having to slog through it. ed.—Honestly, it’s so painful that just thinking about reposting that chapter is making tired. I’m reliving the mental hell that was navigating that chapter, so…buckle the fuck up.
Going to be very curious to see how some people in the comments would’ve redone the next chapter to incorporate things sooner and make it less of an infodump.
LOL That’s one of the things about this book that I love!
Not sure why but I was mildly interested in the ball and it’s annoying she just breezed past it after setting it up. And wow, Feyre got that whole family killed and is basically like “whoopsie” about it it. How is the reader expected to like her?? Why didn’t she just make a fucking name up?? After thinking about it, gives a real name, and then just blithely moves on until confronted with the consequences. What a cool heroine!!
If she’d answered “Mary Whatever” and then found out that, shit, the fake name she’d given turned out to be an actual person’s and now the Whatevers were dead totally by accident, the story would have stayed the same without making Feyre a callous murderer.
It was an odd writing choice to have her actually name a person she knows. I assume there is going to be some payoff to this. I would like it to be Fayray finally realizing what a selfish little shit she is and that her actions have consequences, but based on the writing so far, I don’t see that happening.
I would not blame you if you just posted the next chapter sans new commentary and called it a day.
Hold it, Jenny might have skipped some parts, but Feyre didn’t even inspect the burned site? She could’ve found clues there that would confirm if it was caused by fae or not, and she could have discovered herself if Clare was taken. And wouldn’t it be cooler if upon getting there, Rhysand left a note only she can decipher saying something like, “I know this was not you,” as a way to punish her lying? That way though we know Feyre’s stupid, we also learn how casually cruel Rhysand is and there’s not much she can do about it. Why does everything have to be explained to her, and she just accept it as is, and that’s the plot?
And damn, I feel bad enough for Clare Beddor already, but even her servants?! People who were just working to survive got burned down because of Feyre’s lapse in judgement?! There should be justice for them, and Feyre feeling guilty about it is not enough.
Also, that comment by the father about buying the land, that was callous as hell. Was that on purpose? Is Maas just writing story of what a fantasy world is like if apathetic people live on it?
I missed the mention of the servants while reading the recap. So Feyre’s extremely impoverished sisters, shunned by all the acquaintances from their previous life of riches, had a friend in the extremely impoverished village who *checks notes* employed servants, plural.
Everyone except the indifferent lords was poor… so poor—so very, very poor— … so poor they had to let go the palanquin bearers and get by with only a butler, housekeeper, upstairs maid, downstairs maid, lady’s maid, valet, cook, gardener, driver, footmen, stable master, and grooms. Woe, cruel poverty!
Shit, I bet Clara Beddor is one of the reasons they were getting by. I mean, yes, you’re pointing out some obvious inconsistencies in the writing that for other writers would be a mistake or else purposeful but like… I think the ONLY reason Feyre remembered this bitch’s name is because she was HELPING them. And she didn’t even try to backtrack or say “wait, that’s a lie… I forgot you can read my mind” and then say a DIFFERENT but actually made up name! Because if she mentions she made a mistake, I’m pretty sure Rhys would BUY that… he’d be suspicious that she admitted to it but he could chalk it up to panic and never interacting with a mind-reader before. It’s workable!
So, yeah. Not just Nesta and possibly Elain’s friend but SOMEONE WHO GAVE THEM HANDOUTS THE WAY FEYRE DID IN TOWN. I refuse to believe otherwise.
Even in Prythian, a magical place, I don’t know how one gets to be elite and one gets to be a servant, or why is there a hierarchy to begin with. Maas is bad in depicting class systems in her story. If what Jenny and the others said about Maas’s background is true, that she is very privileged, she might have a hard time laying out what true economic struggle is. I mean, there might be privileged people who can develop some perspective, but it will take conscious effort, and that doesn’t seem to be Maas’s priority for this one.
I absolutely believe she was writing about extreme apathy. Maybe that’s what actually makes this an alternate Earth. Because it’s not just a few people, it’s pretty much every last fucker alive. They just kinda pretend with Andras and Wingless Wonder for some reason. Oh and Egg Boy. She acted like she was happy for him but we know she didn’t give a single shit; she didn’t even speak to him or his wife when his wife look jealous. And it wasn’t because she felt awkward noticing or something, Feyre literally made a point of not caring that he was married. I get that he didn’t mean anything to her to begin with, which is fine, it’s just… ugh. We KNOW she isn’t shy and perhaps she’s introverted but I feel mixed over that interpretation. There’s isn’t a world where this bitch is shy though. She just did not want to speak to them, which is valid, but if she had one iota of care, maybe she would’ve or at least mentioned wanting to and deciding it was better not to.
She was probably just happy someone else too Egg Boy off her hands, so she didn’t have to break his heart, because of course he’d still be in love with her, who isn’t, but she’s moved on and he’s just so disgustingly mortal and human and all, that she is relieved she won’t have him begging her to come back.
Even Fayray’s handing out money like it was candy stinks of doing something for other people to make yourself feel like a good person, rather than because she wants them to have the money. If she really cared, she’d stick around and try to help the village improve. Instead she just tosses someone else’s money at them to make them go away.
In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve developed an intense hatred for the protagonist of this book. In other words, she sucks big hairy balls! But only big hairy fairy balls, because they are so beautiful she couldn’t paint them, so she had to suck them.
I don’t know Maas well, nor how old she was when she wrote this, but this is a poor reflection to the author if what I get from her fantasy story is a world view where lives are not treated equally valuable, and some are just fodder to the plot. I can never root for a heroine who thinks this way. When humans are harmed the first thing that came to Feyre’s mind is something’s wrong in Prythian and finally she can return to Tamlin to confess her feelings. Like, why the hell does that matter now, girl. You’re human, protect *your* side, the fae come to you anyway. Not just your family, rally all the villagers to stay away from the border, use the Beddor family as an example (while hiding it was your fault, of course).
It’s funny because I think Maas thought that of all things that needed to be covered, Egg Boy deserved some neat conclusion. Did anyone seriously worry about Egg Boy in terms of the romance? Were there readers following the Tamlin-Feyre story and wondered, “*gasp* But what about Egg Boy?”
And this bit Jenny does between Editor and Maas, I honestly believe that’s close to true because some parts here feel like plot holes were brought to Maas’s attention and she fixed them like putting a bandaid on a dam crack.
*Feyre decides to return to Prythian*
Ed: Won’t her family be worried about her? They were so happy she’s back that they held a party…And she knows the most about handling fae…
Maas, probably: Nesta said, “Go. We don’t need you here.”
Ed: Wonderful. Here’s your massive advance, we look forward to your next series.
Not to be picky here but is it really a rumor if it’s something you have literally experienced? Or is it just what the fuck happens?
This was my laughing out loud moment in this installment!!! GOD, this book. I knew nothing about it prior to your recaps and ……. it’s so much worse than anything I could have ever imagined. Like, I don’t think I could even manage to write YA fantasy this bad as a joke?? It’s beyond parody.
(Also, if the spooky forest story is still a possibility, I’m very interested!)
From where I’m standing it looks like the implication is that Clare was eaten or something.
Or maybe she was adopted by this Rysevil guy the way Fayray was adopted by Tam Tam and and some point when the fairy men get bored with their little human pets they will trade them off and Fayray will fall madly in love with her new captor because that’s how she rolls.
Meanwhile Claire will do what a normal person would, assess her situation, realize Fayray fucked her and her family over royally and become the true heroine of the story by killing the blight, which turns out to have been Fayray all along.
Damn that’d work really well too. Haha. I mean the entire story has unintentionally been building her as special and wonderful and evil.
If only Tamlin had eaten Feyre at the beginning and then glamoured her family because the price was her life and her life alone. If only.
If only, but I’ve listened to another readthrough and she doesn’t appear ever again as far as I remember.
But, ding ding ding on something else. xD
I only just got the Urkel joke dammit. haha
| “Their house burned down, and everybody died. Well, they couldn’t find Clare’s body, but …” She looked down at her plate. “It happened in the dead of night––the family, their servants, everyone. The day before you came home to us, actually.”
| “Clare Beddor,” I said slowly.
| Yeah, boo, you did that.
| “Our friend, remember?” Elain said.
Maybe this is why the entire book is so repetitive. Feyre can’t remember shit so people are just having to constantly remind her of stuff. Or they hear her trail off and speak slowly and have this VACANT look on her face, but they don’t realize she’s being melodramatic with her internal dialog, and they all just think that she’s stupid as hell. Nothing wrong with a stupid MC btw! I honestly believe she’d be more interesting if the narrative acknowledged that she’s a stupid, stubborn bitch who gets high on her own ego, without flattering her or only flattering her to also gently tease her. Then again, it’d also help if she stopped committing LITERAL war crimes. She killed Andras, she killed some of the Nagas, she was down bad to murder more faeries for a long time, and she got Clare killed. Rumor has it that she got a few more fae killed but that’s in the next chapter probably.
And I mean, she IS stupid as hell, but Feyre obviously doesn’t know that. Other factor might be all the trauma giving her piss poor memory which does happen. It’s realistic. Still not an excuse for all of this awfulness but for the character it would at least make sense if executed better (and provide some fantastic jokes with a snarky narrator.)
Maas on the other hand is probably infuriating to interact with so I don’t wish her on anyone but she could use some outside input if she didn’t just wave them all away as haters and nothing more which I suspect she does but I’ve never met her and I don’t know her, I’m just going off the fact her editors can barely keep her in line which tends to be a sign of that? I think. I could be wrong!
I kinda wish Jenny would review her newer series for a comparison but she doesn’t need any more money and from what I understand it’s the same shit with maybe ever so slightly more world building, acknowledging religion finally because it’s Abrahamic, overuse of swearing, and the character collecting knock-off MLP toys for whatever reason. (And I love MLP I’m just sayin’ it’s probably random.) It’s also long as fuck and packed with boring filler so she learned nothing, she just makes it very clear that every man wants to fuck her MC. I haven’t read it; just some more entertaining reviews on Good Reads.
From what I’ve heard, even her longtime fans thought the first half of the first Crescent City book was a slog.
I have watched book reviews of Crescent City, and I’m just laughing at that one *revelation* at the end of one of the books. I do wish Jenny would get to that herself because I will surely enjoy her reactions, but she deserves to not lose her love of reading. Though if she does decide to review, she should be generously compensated.
Are we sure Maas didn’t have a pony as a child, that she rode to death, then simply bought another? Cause I’ll be honest, those are the vibes she gives off.
Hold up. Why doesn’t anyone know what killed the Beddors? Faeries are supposed to be terrifying oppressors, so why wouldn’t everyone be saying, “The Fae murdered the Beddors for some unknown crime, then burned the entire estate to the ground. Don’t go there, the area’s probably cursed”?
I’m imagining this scene playing out between Amarantha and Rhysand:
Amarantha: “And no sooner had the mortal chit told you her name than you whisked off to the mortal realm on wings of night? And you found her in the village beyond the wall?”
Rhysand: “Yes, my Queen!”
Amarantha: “How did you get there before her?”
Rhysand: (pulling map with convoluted paths out of nowhere) “I don’t know. By all accounts it doesn’t make any sense.”