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Back from hiatus!

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Hey there, friendos! Now that I’m not in the manic state that caused me to write a whopping 60,000 words already in December, I can actually focus on all my projects equally again! That’s such a good feeling.

To update everybody on what happened after this post, I received a formal apology from the executive arm of the organization. And I’m not getting fired for not smiling enough! That was honestly one of my biggest fears: someone would somehow make sense of the allegation that I am hostile and threatening due to not smiling constantly and I would be punished for it. I believe that was what the individual intended, but as it turns out, everyone was just as confused as I was. No one knew how to handle things in the moment, and everybody froze.

But it still took a lot of time for me to tell my brain that I wasn’t failing anyone or doing anything wrong (and that I’m allowed to dislike whoever I want), so I’m glad I took time off and just sat down and wrote my little head off to escape everything. Oh, and went to just a shit-ton of hockey games. Go K-Wings!

So, we’re back in full swing. I posted a new The Missus video over on YouTube (see it here!) and Modelland will start posting again this weekend. Which I know will be super convenient for everybody, because absolutely nothing is happening this weekend for anybody at all. But it will still be there when you’re done stuffing your stockings and doing all your ho-ho-hoing. Buffy and Bridgerton vids are next, and while we’re on the subject of YouTube, I’ve got thoughts about HBomberguy’s epic plagiarism documentary.

Coming soon, I’ll be posting some end-of-year stuff, including my favorite reads of 2023 (at least, those I can talk about outside of the St. Martins boycott and some of the unfortunate political opinions authors were discovered to have), as well as my DNFs of 2023, and what Trout Nation is going to be like in the new year.

New year, new me for six weeks, baby!

And get your 2024 calendars ready, because I have some appearances lined up in the midwest. That’s right, I’m finally ready to go out in public again.

Oh, and I’ll have four books out this year, that I know of at the moment. It could be more. Stay tuned.

As always, thanks for sticking with my and my weird brain. I’m always legitimately stunned to know that people care about what I write and make and do.

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Here for the first time because someone recommended my Fifty Shades of Grey recaps? Welcome! Consider checking out my own take on the Billionaire BDSM genre, The Boss. Find it on AmazonB&NSmashwords, iBooks, and Radish!


  1. J

    I’m so glad you got the acknowledgement from the executives that you were in the right! I’ve definitely enjoyed the schadenfreude of reading the ACOTAR recaps, and I’m about to head over to YT to watch the new video! Welcome back!

    December 21, 2023
  2. Natasja Rose
    Natasja Rose

    Nice! I managed three books this year, though one was an anthology of short stories that just needed polishing

    December 21, 2023
  3. Tez Miller
    Tez Miller

    St Martin’s boycott? Guess I better research…

    December 22, 2023
  4. Lena

    I was worried about whether you’d have support from the organization, so yay for reasonable people!

    December 22, 2023
  5. Bookjunk

    Good to hear the organisation has got your back! My sister in law has one colleague who basically makes life horrible for everyone on a daily basis and her organisation is doing jackshit to protect the other workers, so I’m glad you’ve got better bosses.

    December 22, 2023
  6. Tina

    Welcome back! Sounds like you at least came out dancing on the other side and I’m glad for it.
    FOUR new books?! Ma’am, are you an AI now? LOL I’m looking forward to it.
    Everybody have happy holidays! (whether you celebrate or not.)

    December 22, 2023
  7. Nonnie Musse
    Nonnie Musse

    Of course we care what you write and make and do – we love you! (That em-dash was just for you, too!). But seriously, you are an amazing person that has touched more lives than you’ll ever know. You are open and honest and real in worlds where it’s sadly rare. You help us be better readers, better writers, and better people. Of course we care. Even you never posted here again, or wrote another single word ever, we would still care. And we would always wish and hope for nothing but the best for you.

    December 24, 2023
  8. It’s so nice to hear that you’re better now and your colleagues acknowledged you were in the right. Also, I’m eager to hear your thoughts on the plagiarism debacle. And I want to emphasise: I am in awe that you can put out as many as four books in a year. *insert pompom throwing cheerleader emoji*

    December 26, 2023
  9. Rebecca

    Yay, you’re back!!

    December 29, 2023

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