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Everything is actually about the same size in Texas as it is everywhere else.

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I’ve returned from the Montgomery County Book Fest alive and well! Everyone was super nice there and I met some really great authors and readers who are now Facebook friends with me, and who I hope I will see again in the future. I delivered the opening key note and talked about the privilege of literacy, which I’ll turn into an essay and post here soon, and I think it went really well.

Also, some of you amazing Trout Nation citizens showed up and I was SO TOUCHED! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Every time someone said, “I read your blog,” or “We’re friends on Facebook,” I got all choked up.

I feel really badly, because one of you who did come out gave me two amazing presents, but it was right after my key note address and I was still so nervous and shaky, I totally forgot your name and I feel like suuuuuuuuch and a-hole. I swear I wasn’t trying to be an a-hole, but I was coming down from an anxiety high and I was totally overwhelmed by the kindness of everybody, you included. I STILL LOVE YOU!

But look, here are the cool presents, which I absolutely love, so thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, they are amazing!

Photo on 2-17-14 at 11.25 AM


And these came from the Etsy store of Robin S. Silvers who I will be bookmarking and buying stuff from in the future, for sure.

I also met a really cool lady named Aileen Kirkham. She is an author, educator, and storyteller who runs a literacy program in Texas and serves as a volunteer librarian at a foster home. She accepts donations, so if you’re inclined to donate to literacy programs, here’s her website where she wears a pirate hat.

Despite my best intentions, I never got to meet Marissa Meyer or get my book signed, but I did meet another author, Dax Varley, and her book totally intrigued me, so I bought it. I haven’t read it yet, but it’s called Severed, and it’s a Sleepy Hollow YA. So like, how do you not get it? It’s 99 cents on Amazon.

I got to meet so many great authors and volunteers and readers at this thing, it was a blast and I hope I get to go again someday!

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Here for the first time because you’re in quarantine and someone on Reddit recommended my Fifty Shades of Grey recaps? Welcome! Consider checking out my own take on the Billionaire BDSM genre, The Boss. Find it on AmazonB&NSmashwords, iBooks, and Radish!


  1. Lieke

    I have the embarrassing tendency to forget people’s names too. (I actually have trouble remembering my own name when I’m in a new people/new place situation). Not usually after giving key note addresses, though, so I’m sure you’ll be forgiven.

    Also, those are the coolest gifts ever.

    February 17, 2014
  2. Serenity

    I’m so happy that your trip went well, but I’m also super happy that you’re home safely!

    February 17, 2014
  3. Reenie

    You can eliminate me from your generous gift giver search. Aint no way I’d have given up a TARDIS anything, let alone a pendant. Lucky girl!

    February 18, 2014
  4. Tracey

    When did you dye your hair blue? It looks wicked!

    P.S. I miss Roadhouse, but I know you, and I hope D-Rock, are busy working and being awesome.

    February 21, 2014
  5. KG

    Dude, don’t give Texas a bad reputation. Stuff is totally bigger here, because, when you’re here, you’re closer to aforementioned stuff and by scale, it is bigger…or something 😉

    March 8, 2014

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